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The Israeli Defense Forces on Sunday accused a prominent journalist– who in recent months has reported regularly for Al Jazeera from Gaza – of moonlighting as a senior Hamas commander.

The Israeli Defense Forces have published photos they say were discovered on a laptop in Gaza that show Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Washah engaged in Hamas terrorist activities.

Neither Al Jazeera nor the Qatari government have responded to the Sun’s request for comment.

    334 months ago

    No, they “found” a laptop. If I were guessing, if it exists at all, it was planted by the IDF or Mossad. More likely, the Israeli government are lying through their teeth.

      244 months ago

      Because terrorists take pictures of all their secret activities. Wouldn’t surprise me if the IDF generated them with AI or something.

      • @speaker_hatOP
        14 months ago

        Terrorist use the media as a military tool, so they the do take pictures of their activities. Not all of them, but they do.

        4 months ago

        Just because you’re one doesn’t mean all are.

        Most white people are OK, but 10-20% are idiot racists. Most black people are OK, but 10-20% of them are idiot racists. Most Palestinians are OK, but 10-20% of the are idiot racists. Most Jews are OK, but 10-20% of them are idiot racists.

        See how it doesn’t matter what the color of your skin, or what the name or your God is? You might just be a fucking idiotic racist because it’s pretty consistent that they exist in all cultures and racists will try to paint entire ethncitys as completely homogeneous with everyone thinking the exact same thoughts.

        Lump yourself with idiot racists, not your ethnicity, because you belong with one much more than the other.

      • Kben
        154 months ago

        No,not jews.Zionist facists who have a history of lying through their teeth while commiting horrendous atrocities.

          • Flying Squid
            184 months ago

            Hi, I’m also a Jew. And calling me a Zionist is fucking insulting. I am not an Israeli, I have never been to Israel, I do not support Israel. I’m an American Jew born in Indiana. On my mother’s side, we’ve been in America since the 1800s. On my father’s side, we’ve been in Britain since the 1800s. I have more in common with any American or British person than any Israeli.

            So I’m not a Zionist. Don’t fucking associate me with that shit and don’t call other people antisemitic for hating Zionism because that’s a bullshit lie and it’s people like you who encourage violence against other Jews by associating us all with Israel’s war when most of us, at least in the U.S., have nothing to do with it.

              • Flying Squid
                164 months ago

                You provided a link talking about how anti-Zionism is antisemitism. So yes, yes you are.

          • Kben
            134 months ago

            Was this written before Israel slaughtered 28000 people.

          • Cethin
            4 months ago

            You’re misunderstanding that completely. It can be a cloak to hide anti-semitism, but it doesn’t mean that necessarily. You can’t just assume everyone who points out the horrors of the Israeli state are doing so because they don’t like Jews, just as you can’t assume everyone who points out the horrors of Nazi Germany are doing so because they don’t like Germans. Critiquing the state has next to nothing to do with the people (generally the rulers of a state are using and abusing the people, not a part of them), and besides Israel doesn’t represent Jews, it represents the people of Israel. There are tons of Jews outside of Israel, such as Bernie Sanders in the US who also critiques Israel, and he also worked there for while too when I he younger.

              • Cethin
                84 months ago

                Yet you accuse everyone critiquing Israel of being anti-semitic. It’s far too easy to dismiss all actual criticism with ad hominem attacks. You didn’t give any legitimate criticism, you just told them to stop talking because they’re racist. That’s not a legitimate argument and you don’t deserve to be considered.

                  • Cethin
                    24 months ago


                    Yes, we are all lying, conniving Jews…what an antisemitic trope.

                    This is telling them to stop talking about this because they’re only doing it because they’re racist. You didn’t actually critique the argument, you only implied that they’re only saying what they said because of racism, and because of that they should just stop saying it. It’s implicitly telling them to shut up. You calling me a liar is an anti-[whatever] trope.

                4 months ago

                The problem is you purporting this false notion that being against Zionists means you are against Jews - which couldn’t be farther from the truth, but is a point that REALLY hurts the Zionist movement.

      • HACKthePRISONS
        114 months ago

        supposing a modern nation state with a capable intelligence and military apparatus is capable of and motivated to lie isn’t an antisemetic trope.

          • HACKthePRISONS
            114 months ago

            > claiming a Jew does just because they are a Jew, yes, that is antisemitic.

            no one did that.

              • Cethin
                74 months ago

                You must be reading into something that isn’t there. You might be a little biased dude. Take a step back.

          • HACKthePRISONS
            74 months ago

            >Capability plus motivation does not equal guilt.

            of course not, but it is good reason to be suspicious of any claims and demand evidence.

                  • HACKthePRISONS
                    114 months ago

                    having a policy of disbelieving accusations until proven beyond a reasonable doubt is how i was brought up

                    distrusting the government is as american as apple pie