Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

  • Discoslugs
    31 year ago

    Can you be more specific about the type of authoritarianisms you wish to avoid?

    Many centrist are closet transphobes and often use the verbage of authoritarianism as a dog whistle.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      31 year ago

      I’m a centrist with a trans kid and no issues beyond worrying how they’ll be treated by transphobes

      Being a centriphobe is still bigotry

      • Discoslugs
        21 year ago

        “Being a centriphobe is still bigotry”

        Generally it’s not bigotry when your critizes peoples choices. It’s usually reserved for things people can’t change. Like their race.


        “Centrist ideas are usually not well thought out”

        See this isn’t bigotry because you could have better ideas.

        I’m glad your good with your trans kid tho.

      31 year ago

      I definitely get what you mean and I think the idea that you can get away with no censorship is naive. However, they could just as easily be talking about r/conservatives use of conservative only posts and their banning of anyone sharing opposing viewpoints.