• @fuser@quex.cc
    121 year ago

    Her husband has a net worth of USD 10M. Why do rich people never seem to know when it’s time to shut up?

    • Because in their minds, they’re the persecuted ones. It’s like that scene in Silicon Valley where Gavin Belson claims that billionaires are the most persecuted people in history.

    • @bdiddy
      31 year ago

      Something tells me he wont be her husband for much longer. Statistically speaking relationships where the spouse has to go to jail for over a decade tend to not work out.

  • @butternut@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    To be fair, the headline is misleading and the request is for $250 or 10% of her wages, whichever is greater. So it would be more than $250/mo if she is making more than $30k/yr