How can I backup the list of F-Droid apps I have installed on my phone right now so i can just import that list on another phone and don’t have to install each app manually?

  • @NightOwl
    41 year ago

    Neo Store which can be downloaded from f-droid let’s you favorite apps and export that list.

    • EraNetOP
      11 year ago

      I was able to use Neo Store to export favourite apps as you suggested, but I wasn’t able to import apps back, not sure what am I missing …

      • @NightOwl
        11 year ago

        It should have imported the list of favorite apps but not the apps itself, since it doesn’t do that type of back up. Did you import with the xts file?

        Does hitting the top left ‘favorites’ change up the apps displayed?

        • EraNetOP
          11 year ago

          OK, I see what it’s doing. If an app was removed from the favourite list, the import of the backup file will add the missing app back to the favourite list.

          That actually does not do what I was after.

          I am still looking for an app that will recognise all the installed F-Droid apps, so that I’ll be able to backup the apps to a backup list. Then use the app and the backup list to reinstall the apps on another phone.

  • Andrew 1412
    1 year ago

    I use Obtainium

    I’ts perfect to export your list of foss apps and let you install directly from github and other repository sources. I only use Obtanium + Aurora Store now

  • Lee Duna
    1 year ago

    Use NeoBackup from f-droid to do this, backup your apps and you can copy the backup to another phone or computer. You can restore it later when you need it

    • @NightOwl
      11 year ago

      Does this work with non rooted phones too, and back up app data for F-droid apps still run into the back up limitations of non rooted phones?

  • EraNetOP
    31 year ago

    Thank you for your comments.

    Neo Store, does show you all F-Droid apps and lets you export all favourites apps to an .xts file. I uninstalled few apps from my phone, but I wasn’t able to import the “missing” apps from the list in the .xts file.

    APK Kit lists all instated app on my phone, including Google play store and F-Droid, so this is not very useful (to me).

    As for NeoBackup, I do need an app for a non rooted device

    and Restic, is not that clear how to backup list of F-Droid installed apps and how to use it to restore missing apps.