I don’t quite know the term for the subs yet coming from reddit. But in reddit words what videogame subreddits are you excited to be created over time?

Okay great responses! Try creating a larger cluster of them first like valve games or ttrpgs and go out and make them! Go ahead and link them in the responses!

  • @Satiric_Weasel@beehaw.org
    1511 months ago

    A general TTRPG community would be great I think. A disadvantage of smaller communities can be a Lack of in-depth discussion on a single topic; but conversely a user is far more likely to be exposed to systems they may have otherwise never heard of.

    If Lemmy is going to thrive, very specific communities are going to have to take a back seat to more general ones. This can be a good thing :)

    • @SubArcticTundra@beehaw.org
      811 months ago

      Yes I agree with this. Mixing many subreddits together initially will mean people will see each others’ posts. Also it’s interesting to see this approach on beehaw compared to the plethora of empty communities that’s already on lemmy.ml which allows their creation.

    • @bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
      611 months ago

      Maybe the key is to do a Lemmy instance for the general and then sublemmies for the specific. The folks on lemmygrad seem to have figured it out in the sense that they have the whole instance dedicated to Marxism, and then all of the specific flavours like anarchism are sublemmies of that instance

    • @Inspectigator@beehaw.org
      511 months ago

      Yeah, I’m in for that. I used to be only about Pathfinder 1e. But now I’ve exposed myself to 1e, starfinder, 2e, blades in the dark, Delta green, lancer, traveler, 40k death watch, and probably a few more I’m forgetting. Branching out to ask these other systems has made me a more flexible gm, and only served to expand the tools in my toolbox

    • @Rhabuko@feddit.de
      511 months ago

      a general TTRPG community instead of visiting dndmemes would be great. Just needs a good name that is easy to find.

  • !ozoned@lemmy.world
    1211 months ago

    Everything. I’d love it to get to a point where private companies are hosting their own Fedi servers. Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.

    New game coming out? Spin up a GoToSocial and a Lemmy and host yourself.

    This is all unlikely, but it’d be fun.

  • @YoTcA@feddit.de
    1011 months ago

    I would really like to see a community for all soulsborne games/fromsoft games. There are so many secrets hidden in these games that are nice to discover in posts and I like to read the posts speculating about the lore behind all the item texts etc.

  • SavvyWolf
    1011 months ago

    Second the comment about Paradox games (Stellaris, EU4, etc.) below.

    Maybe a catch all “Indie” category for small games that don’t have the volume to support their own dedicated communities?

    Oh, and Factorio, DnD, Pathfinder, MtG and (non-toxic) LoL if we’re being greedy.

  • @XLRV@lemmy.ml
    811 months ago

    I would love communities for Half-Life CSGO and other Valve games, Halo, Doom, Quake, Cyberpunk, Forza, Sim-Racing games, Retro games and Emulation

  • @estelle@beehaw.org
    11 months ago


    redditors are on reddit, lemmings are on lemmy

    Tales series.

    Go ahead and create the subs of your dreams ppl! If your instance doesn’t allow sub creation (ex beehaw) then make a new acct on midwest.social or lemmy.perthchat.org or whatnot and make the sub there, then mod your beehaw acct.

    • @PercyOP
      511 months ago

      Main reason I’m asking this is because of the API change reddit is making with people talking about moving. Once the API change releases a lot more people are moving. I also moved because of Reddit being greedy

      • @estelle@beehaw.org
        211 months ago

        it is a good idea to ask, readers from other instances will hopefully make some of these subs! :)

    • Pigeon
      411 months ago

      Being a lemming sounds a lot more fun than being a redditor, not gonna lie :)

      I know lemmings-the-rodents don’t actually throw themselves off cliffs - that’s a myth that came from some old Disney(?) documentary where they got pushed off one, iirc - but come to think of it I don’t know much about what they are like.

      P.s. also I’m loving that the Jerboa app has buttons for italics and such. It doesn’t look like there’s a button for spoiler tags though; are those a thing here?

  • @DrQuint@lemmy.ml
    811 months ago

    The most chill game communites have always been Stardew. The most desperate, Hollow Knight.

    • @Rhabuko@feddit.de
      711 months ago

      The most desperate, Hollow Knight.

      Maybe the real Silksong was all the suffering we endured together along the way 🤡

  • @m_talon@beehaw.org
    811 months ago

    Minecraft immediately comes to mind. Would also like to see the No Man’s Sky community come over as well.

  • @Kot_Box@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    Might look into making a general Retro Gaming instance! Don’t have a clue how to make that yet, but I would love to have a place to share game collections, experiences, and general love for older games and systems

    Update: since I’m on the beehaw instance it looks like I can’t create communities as far as I’m aware…

      • @DrQuint@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        These generalist communities are definitely the way to go for the time being. I think that if someone has a retroconsole or emulation setup, then the patientgamers community would appreciate it because we’re just, simply, lacking content right now. Like, Beehaw’s gaming community, meant for literally everything gaming, is currently the largest and even that has a lack of threads.

        If the place grows, then that’s when we splinter things off.

  • @HenryWong327@lemmy.ml
    711 months ago

    I’d love to see a community for VR gaming and a community for tabletop RPGs.

    Even with the recent growth I think there isn’t enough population for individual communities for all but the most popular games, so I think these broader communities would probably work better.