Film about ‘father of the atomic bomb’ finally opens in Japan after being delayed by outrage at ‘Barbenheimer’ memes

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  • DigitalTraveler42
    3 months ago

    That’s probably why the movie was titled Oppenheimer and not Hiroshima & Nagasaki, because the movie was focused on the man and his work and the regrets that came from that work, while nations celebrated the end of a second World War.

    This movie was the type of movie that was always going to upset someone, and while it sucks that Japanese citizens were killed, their Emperor’s military might was a brutally murderous raping scourge set loose on that section of the world, while also working with some of the other worst regimes of the world. Overall Japan fucked around and attacked first, did a lot of horrible shit to many different peoples, made some truly horrible friends, and then found out in one of the most devastating ways possible, I feel bad for the innocent civilians, but it was always ever going to end the way it did, if not a lot worse.

    I’m just glad Japan grew to be what it is now and that it chose better ways to engage with the world than more attempts at domination, even though Anime, Manga, video games, and more have dominated the world’s hearts.

    503 months ago

    Article is a bit click-baity. Many of the survivors who saw the film were okay with its depiction and understood why the film presented the atomic bombings the way that it did. The film is ultimately about J. Robert Oppenheimer, and showing the physical outcome of the bombings would have itself been a potentially crass and shocking inclusion in a relatively subdued character study of a complex and tortured individual. Everyone knows that the physical outcome of the bombings on Hiroshima are shocking and terrible and left a lasting scar on the nation, coming to define the national identity of the Japanese, and especially Hiroshima natives that survived the blast, throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. But it’s sort of like The Wind Rises. Oppenheimer was a physicist, and a very talented one. That his work contributed to the horrors of war is part of the tragedy of the individual and their story, just like it was for Jiro Horikoshi, the designer of the Zero.

    • livus
      63 months ago

      The Guardian does seem to be getting a bit more clickbaity lately.

    163 months ago

    The movie was going to be difficult to get everyone to enjoy honestly. But I do think that last scene where he’s infront of all the people really is done well.

    123 months ago

    Did the journalist need to submit an article before the end of the week and dug this up from their rough draft folder?

    • livus
      153 months ago

      Those weren’t the only choices.

      The bomb could have been used on a military target rather than an overwhelmingly civillian population.

        43 months ago

        Those weren’t the only choices

        True, if you don’t know about it, look up the bat bomb.

      63 months ago

      Actually, the Japanese were already trying to find a way to surrender at the time. The Soviet Union invading would’ve been the last straw, the US was trying to get in a bomb first because they didn’t want the Soviet Union to have a victory. And to them, that was worth hundreds of thousands of lives.

  • kingthrillgore
    73 months ago

    It’s the one thing I think the movie totally dropped the ball on. There was an opportunity to show what happened in Hiroshima, and Chris didn’t take it.

    After seeing Oppenheimer I started reading Hiroshima Diary by Michihiko Hachiya, it’s pretty harrowing stuff. And I was already aware through other cultural osmosis/research what conditions on the ground were like after the bomb. What a wasted opportunity.

      33 months ago

      Lol everytime I go on Lemmy and suggest that your nation returns my nation’s looted treasures, you guys say “see no cause they’re safer with me, your country is a shit hole” and you still to this day ignore all the atrocities you guys committed against us. Don’t try to tell me the people you nuked weren’t victims, just to avoid the reality that you guys did something so evil, and made it out to be a hero move

        123 months ago

        Of course they were victims, but they were victims of their imperialist government at least as much as they were victims of the US if not more so. The Japanese military led an aggressive, savage campaign. They raped and brutalized with impunity. They tortured POWs with impunity. They carried out disgusting medical experiments and vivisections with zero humanity. Perhaps you are familiar with the rape of Nanking? Unit 731?

        They sneak-attacked the US and pulled them into the war, and even after they were completely defeated they would. not. stop.

        It’s a very complicated issue. Debate will go on forever about whether or not the US nuking Japan was the “right” choice. It will never end because it is based on hypotheticals about what might have happened in an alternate timeline, and what the true motivations behind it might have been.

        One thing is very clear though: Japan’s government and their military were beat and they should have surrendered but they did not. Their military continued to operate their systematic campaign of torture and rape.

        The US had atomic bombs and responded by using them. Was it the right thing to do? Who knows. Japan’s government fucked around, repeatedly, and their citizens found out.

        Putting it all on the US is a level of cope beyond anything science could have imagined.

        93 months ago

        So you’d rather have twice as many die during the invasion that would have been needed for Japan to surrender without the bomb?

        Nukes are the only reason Japan wasn’t wiped out entirely via invasion.

          • Nubbly
            53 months ago

            That isn’t a “What If”, that was literally our plan if the bomb was not developed in time.

              • Nubbly
                63 months ago

                Friend, Japan started that war and refused to surrender. The American people literally did not want to participate in that specific war.

                The USA is really fucking good at killing people. Japan knew this and they still decided to attack.

                Loss of civilian life is unavoidable when two countries initiate a full scale war. Does it suck to be on the losing end of that? Absolutely. Unfortunately, at the time, war consisted of bombing and ground warfare. Japan seemed to have no plans to leave the USA alone so the American hand was forced to pick between the few very bad options. All of them would result in a dramatic loss of life.

                  13 months ago

                  By that logic, 9/11 was justified cause of what America did to Arabs. By your logic, when your country invaded mine without cause and killed my people, it would have been justified for me to murder you and every American

              • @papertowels
                23 months ago

                Curious, what do they teach you about Japanese involvement in WW2 in your (presumably Japan’s) education system?

                  3 months ago

                  The mothers and babies who were incinerated by American nukes weren’t involved. Wanna go after the Japanese Army or government? Go for it. Don’t murder babies and call it a good thing

        73 months ago

        That’s interesting, do you ever get that about the treasure stolen and hoarded by the Japanese occupiers and soldiers from the Chinese and Korean people?

        I recall that being a huge issue back on the early 2000’s without being addressed.