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you really showed them
Actually, yeah, because selling copies is all they care about. And the fact that Epic decided to help get EAC running via Proton back in 2022 shows, that Valve’s endeavor does have impact.
Yeah bro, the 4% is reaaally worth it. Linux bros cope so hard. Just enjoy your tinkering instead of acting like you’re such a big deal not missing out
In most of the cases playing game is as easy ad on windows.
On Steam, there is Linux support on about 10 000 of the 70 000 games. So it is definitely not most.
That’s a kinda bad statistic to use. Most games don’t get lots of attention. And since only a fraction of players use Linux even more games don’t get played by Linux players. Those who play also have to make reports on proton, and not everyone does that.
If you really want to know about Linux compatibility, search for the stats of the protondb database. Only 13% are below silver( they either have a bronze rating or are borked).
where did you get this stat? Do you mean “working” or “verified”? VERY FEW games in my steam library don’t work out of the box. I forget to check when I buy them, they work that consistently
Cite your sources.
Given that the global desktop OS market is estimated to be around 1.23 billion users, 4.03% of the entire global market is approximately 49.3 million users and exponentially growing. And that’s excluding ChromeOS which accounts for another 2% and Unknown; which likely includes a significant number of Linux users; at 6%.
Linux jumped from 3% to 4% in just the last 8 months. Linux could potentially surpass the 5% market share milestone by the end of 2024 given the current trajectory of growth.
Even when Epic does something good it’s to Valve’s credit?? Come on now
Yes. Because Valve put in a lot of work and convinced EAC to add support and collaborated with them to get it added, only for Epic & Tim Weenie himself to immediately do something bad, spread FUD and other such crap.
Tim Weenie lmfao
Your middle school level insult totally means that you have a well reasoned point instead of fanboying for Valve. Don’t you have some loot boxes and gambling targeted towards children from Valve to go to?
Don’t you have some loot boxes and gambling targeted towards children from Valve to go to?
Nope, because I don’t play those games. Also, Epic literally does that 24/7 with fortnite and other such crap.
Your middle school level insult totally means that you have a well reasoned point instead of fanboying for Valve.
I’m not a fanboy for Valve, I don’t even play Valve’s games. I just recognize that when Tim Weenie fires 1000 employees and then goes “If only we had a few more programmers. It’s the Linux problem. …” that he’s talking out his fuckin ass.
I also recognize that Valve has been putting in a shit load of work into bettering the Linux ecosystem via Proton, The Steamdeck, enticing EAC & Battleye into agreeing to collaborate, among their countless contributions to various Linux related open source projects, such as dxvk, vkd3d, wine, the Linux kernel, etc. even if it’s a long term investment on their own part.
There’s a reason why it’s called proton_eac_runtime and not eac_proton_runtime.You have to be incredibly out of touch or a blatant Epic games fanboy to disregard the facts like that.
Epic does something you like, it’s to Valve’s credit since Valve did it first. Valve does something you don’t like, it’s okay since Epic does it even though Valve did it first and popularized it.
At least your logic is as advanced as your insults.
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Gotten us where? You’d think that if they just wanted your money they’d do something else. The fact is your money is as small as the Linux desktop market share.
If you think the entire reason Proton was developed was because they’re so desperate for the Linux bros’ money then you need to get off your high horse man you’re in the gutter.
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“If you’re not supporting MY OS then I’m not giving you my money.”
Ok bro
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This is the brain of a CUM-sumer.
haha I put cum in a sentence cue laugh track
haha I put cum in ^my butthole* cue laugh track 🤓☝️
All of the games I’ve wanted to play work with Proton through Steam.
Proton is such a big win for Linux, alongside the Steam Deck and SteamOS
Yeah, the quality of Proton has in a way made it harder for me to decide whether to get a game or not. Previously it was no tux no bucks, but now I find myself researching whether a publisher has a history of doing shitty stuff about Linux. Turns out quite a few publishers who would never otherwise have made a Linux port have made a decent effort to keep proton compatibility with updates.
plus i get to avoid most kernel-level anticheat!
I just hope immutable desktops become common before we get “In order to play this game, you must install the
package…”oh i bet they will end up finding a way to get spyware into our machines anyway, as is tradition
I will soon have to confront the brain tumor that I surely have, which makes me play League, as they are going to roll out Vanguard anticheat. I sorely wish there was an alternative with similar vibes, DotA is too sweaty for me and not as fun mechanically.
Especially because devs actually have to go out of their way to exclude Linux these days. Proton makes it so damn easy to support Linux. If you don’t, it’s because you did not even try or you intentionally added some bloat to your software to make it incompatible.
Not only proton, but unless you are rocking custom engine, pretty much all of them support Linux out of the box. It’s usually middleware that poses an issue and most importantly developer’s inexperience with the OS, which means they can’t provide tech support for their product.
Eh maybe some do it on purpose, but I realized over the decades of my life that blatant incompetence is scarily common.
I never found competence to be exceptionally common.
It’s not like you’ll ever run out of stuff to play on Linux.
But Cod 27 has a new lootbox system!
Yeah but it is basically a shameless rip off of Xonotic’s one.
At this point, windows-only title that won’t work on Linux are overpriced cash grab with multiple layers of intrusive DRM that will try to wring you out for more money for a year before dropping the still unfinished thing off the support line.
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There are literally thousands, thanks to Steam and the work on Proton. I recently made the leap from Windows to Linux as my daily driver, for the first time ever, after using Windows on my PCs since 3.1.
Out of the roughly ten games I was playing regularly in Windows when I switched, there isn’t a single one that’s unplayable. The only one I’m still struggling with is Dyson Sphere Program but that’s because they hard coded the E key and I can’t use autohotkey to work around that anymore (I’m a ESDF guy, not WASD). The game itself runs fine.
Stardew Valley
Can’t believe there is actually another game on this planet alongside Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
You misspelt the open source Infiniminer that Minecraft is based off of
Have you not used the internet for the past 5 years or is it a troll?
psst they mean they don’t play anything else
So a gentle troll then.
Epic style 😎
Portal 1 and 2, Minecraft: Java edition, The Witcher 3 (with Proton GE), Hyperbolica, Subnautica (with Proton), Half Life, Geometry Dash, Terraria, Spore, Space Engine, The Sims 4.
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Unpopular opinion:
The reason I started playing on PC is because I want the best experience for each game, and ability to play most of them. If I have to ignore certain games that don’t support Linux, I lose that.
Mad respect to those of you that prioritize software freedom and Linux support, but that’s not me.
It’s certainly unpopular here, but no one is going to bash you for it.
Btw if you do want to get away from windows, but still have a similar look-and-feel AND windows games just work, bazzite rocks.
10 years ago windows was the only fool-proof way. But not anymore.
This is really cool, thanks for sharing.
You are very welcome.
That’s awesome. Yeah, I’m currently on an NVIDIA prebuilt PC that was gifted by a friend, but my next build will definitely have an AMD GPU.
They have builds specifically for Nvidia.
I ignore certain games that don’t run via proton, because those certain games typically dont run because they have invasive and unnecessary DRM or Anticheat thats more malware than anything useful for protecting play.
Which I wouldnt buy or have on my computer on windows, much less linux, anyway. So nothings lost.
No tux = no bucks
I remember playing RE: Village and FF VII Remake on Linux after quitting Windows for good and thinking: “Holy shit, this stuff really works, even with recent games with high end graphics!”
Yeah, recent games work well, but older games are still a problem. I still can’t get X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter or Freedom Force to load.
Old games are an issue on Windows too. Support for whatever they were using dies and then they get left behind. That’s sadly just how it works.
Not even in a VM?
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Isn’t it so nice when you think “I would like to edit an image on this computer” so you simply download an image editor and edit the image.
Best part of FOSS, the software is just there waiting for you to use it. Which sounds like a stupid statement to make, but proprietary software only allows you to use it after you have jumped through any number of meaningless hoops.
They don’t even give you any fish for jumping through the hoops either, which every time I tell that to a dolphin they just start laughing at me like I am a fool.
If I can’t get it working on Linux I get a refund. For the past two years my Steam year in reviews have showed 100% of my play time was on either Steam Deck or desktop Linux.
Been on linux for many years now.
Ironically I’ve had more issues running native games than windowss via proton games (but proton is there to run the windows version with zero issues lol)
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Just one or two, and it’s been quite a while. One of them, I don’t remember which, it was because of some anti cheat that caused the issue.
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Me casually playing all Foss games
cdda goes brrr
Wine-GE + Lutris. I have over 200 pc games working on my Archlinux install.
I envy whatever storage setup you have jesus christ 😅
this man is using the International Space Station´s servers to store his games.
A few cheap hard drives. I spent about $150 for a 4tb, an internal 2tb, and an external 2tb hard drive. Then a couple of tb of SSD for speed.
In the age of the Steam Deck and Proton, the Windows API has largely been demoted to a virtual machine that is already implemented on Linux. Given that some 5% of the market play on Linux, game publishers have an incentive to not write their Windows code in such a way that it breaks on Proton.
It’s more like “Demoting Windows API from a virtual machine to some .so libraries and a loader executable”
Every game I’ve wanted to play has worked on Linux so far