• JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You know you can sleep at night and work during the day right?

    Also napping isn’t sleeping for 8 hours.

    You (and a lot of people tbf) need caffeine to stay awake mostly because your body gets used to it and then can’t function without it. Plenty of people do just fine without caffeine or other substances. It’s not magic and we’re not super humans or anything. We just don’t drink caffeine multiple times a day every day

    • thegreatgarbo@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I would argue those of us on a shifted circadian rhythm that lags 4 hours behind the farmer personalities in our society need caffeine to fit into the rigid corporate structure those first hours of the work day, and those high pressure professionals, VCs, high tech biotech silicon valley wall street types need caffeine (and cocaine for some lol) to function in their 17h 6-7 day work weeks (not me). I just take a caffeine break on vacations to reset my sensitivity and then slowly build up over the next 6 months to a pot of coffee all the way through before bed time to function.

    • corroded@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I guess my point is that with work, personal obligations, family, etc, there aren’t enough hours in the day to so what needs to be done and still just sleep and wake up when you’re no longer tired.

      It’s great that it works for you, but it just never has for me. Also, to be fair, it’s been 20 years since I worked a job with a regular 9-5 schedule, so I’m admittedly biased.