“fuck u/spez” means absolutely nothing to anyone who isn’t familiar with Reddit, it’s just noise.

“FIRE STEVE HUFFMAN” is a clear, actionable statement that has a clear target and goal and actually has meaning to people who don’t know what Reddit is (like say, a potential shareholder or investor)

Idk where to put this since r/savethirdpartyapps got banned so post this wherever will get noise if you agree

    • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      crisis krī′sĭs noun A crucial or decisive point or situation, especially a difficult or unstable situation involving an impending change.

      Interesting choice of words there. It’s a crisis because Reddit fraudulently and deliberately made it one, and destroyed a lot of people’s work created over a lot of years in doing so. Not just devs and their employees, but good mods and most importantly, users.

      Every single dishonest point you raise is something addressed during a working relationship, not after. And since when is Reddit legally responsible for what any third party has done with its access to the data from the very beginning (clue: it’s not).

      3PA devs tried to work with Reddit, were led to believe the relationship was satisfactory, and then had it all pulled out from under them with less than 30 days notice.

      There are so many untruths in your reply it’s not worth bothering with; it’s a list of squirrels. “Squirrel!

      Yeah, no. And of course, you didn’t touch on any of the real issues, at all, not even to lie about them, so thank you for that tacit acknowledgement anyway.

      In short, “where’s the fettucine?”

      Gone. Enjoy your fake MDAUs and your spambots.

      I get accused of being a “Powermod” because I do a lot of grunt moderation work on a lot of large, active subreddits – and network with a lot of other moderators who are accused of being “powermods”. Most of what I do is “serious” about moderation, and I’m considered the “knurd” of the group.

      LOL. I had a look over in r/ModSupport where you spend a good bit of your time. Among the sea of new scabs who don’t know how to sticky a comment, some real gems popped up:





      Yeah. That’s the current state of affairs on Reddit. Good luck with that “grunt work” there, looks like you have it cut out for you, lol.

      EDITED to remove Reddit links

        • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          If you like. But I’m not the one chasing after those who left Reddit with a pack of lies and an agenda to sell; I’m just one of those looking at it, and you, in the rearview.

          Which is to point out that you are here, in an “ex-pat” Lemmy community dedicated to the subject of Reddit, spouting provable falsehoods to those who have already left Reddit as though it makes any difference at all. Reddit is in its death throes and I’m not coming back.

          Project all you like, but I didn’t come to Reddit to falsely defend Lemmy to you. The reality of Reddit’s actions speaks for itself. And at this point in my life, living in my shoes is a privilege and an honor. I rest easy. Have a nice day.