Such as reddit, will there be some sort of official spot we can go to host our own communication? As a new user I realize there’s not a lot of committed I want.

  • Ada
    1111 months ago

    You can create communities on your local instance, and they will be available to everyone else on the fediverse! You don’t need to host your own instance to create a community

    611 months ago

    Some instances only don’t allow community creation by users (beehaw,jeremmy when it was around) and perhaps is the same?

    There is the ability to become a mod of an existing community on a different instance I believe - via request.

  • Dr. Quadragon ❌
    111 months ago

    @Percy You can create a community on someone else’s server, as far as I know.

    But beware: if you are not paying for/moderating/maintaining a server, someone else is. And they be calling all the shots on there.