• dkr567 [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 months ago

    We need to put like a massive dome around US to fully quarantine them from rest of the world because there is something seriously wrong with most of the country+inhabitants.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      312 months ago

      At least in Colorado it’s illegal to buy from a dairy but legal to drink from your own cow. Problem solved, right?

      So anyway the dairies that sell raw milk will sell you a “share” of a “cow” which then entitles you to X amount of raw milk per week with no regulation. Technically you’re just a homesteader suckling the family cow instead of buying milk from a normal industrial-sized dairy next to all of the other industrial-sized dairies.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          232 months ago

          What market? It’s just parking your family cow next to hundreds of others eating chicken shit at the industrial dairy in cattle country, surrounded by poultry farms and wild animal populations. You own one of its legs so it’s fine if you drink its disease milk like a magic potion to ward off evil spirits.

          During the last outbreak Colorado had the first national case of human transmission. On the poultry farms making the infectious chicken shit for the dairy cows to eat, if a wild bird lands next to the flock they’re immediately infected. Any infection means the whole flock is culled. Being a good progressive democratic stronghold, we of course used prison slaves from the prisons ravaged by COVID and other various health issues they don’t get adequate treatment for. One of those prison slaves digging the mass graves for the chickens caught bird flu from wading through the sea of infectious corpses, then brought it back to all of his immunocompromised cellmates where it didn’t mutate enough to spread to them that time.

          I imagine the culling procedures will work the same on cattle farms around here. The entire colonial project in this area was exterminating the natives to give their land to cattle ranchers, so that’s a cornerstone of much of the regional land distribution and economy. Those areas are the most reactionary and had the worst COVID responses, including firing the health official of the town with the main slaughterhouse for trying to acknowledge that COVID exists while threatening to secede from the state if the milquetoast liberal governor enforced the stay-at-home order.

          live me reaction: wut

        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          182 months ago

          Well, what about the fReEdoM to catch COVID then? So much for the tolerant left! I thought this was Amurica!

          Seriously though, I somehow never caught that shit either, we should count ourselves lucky

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      22 months ago

      Here it has to be marked “Not for human consumption” but for some reason can still be sold in grocery stores. It’s only in some weird nutty “health food” stores but it shouldn’t be fucking anywhere

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      282 months ago

      don’t get them started, amerikkkans will unironically start chanting “FLU-S-A! FLU-S-A!” like a badge of honour

      • @doleo
        202 months ago

        That is a hilarious thought! Then, they start calling it the “patriot virus” and martyring those that die in the name of ‘freedom’.

  • TheDoctor [they/them]
    192 months ago

    Here’s hoping the 60% fatality rate is the result of a selection bias because if not, the only thing protecting us is a lack of ability to spread in humans in the current mutation.

  • Vampire [any]
    152 months ago

    I drink raw milk from my farm literally every day. But from a centralised system like that, yeah, pass.

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    112 months ago

    ah, raising the odds of the disease transferring to humans

    if this happens i will forever call it the american flu