I assume most people here already are registered but just in case: here’s the link.
I’ve pinned this post to the instance.
One of the best things we can do is encourage everyone to get to get registered, and get ready to vote.Congrats Frank, please don’t change the title to something horrid while I’m busy :)
Too late, I’ve already changed it to say VOTE BINFACE.
(I am, of course, kidding.)
Bindependance is coming
I recognise a bindoctor when I see one.
We only need 27k readers registered in richmond.
To write in binface.
And you have to admit. Sunak losing his seat ti Binface would be poetic. No matter what happens to the election as a whole.
Great idea!
Will we get a megathread on election night?
Depends how many tins of Guinness I’ve had.
Draught or original?
Whichever is on offer at the offy!
Plus a couple of bottles of that malt stuff from Nigeria.
I don’t think I’d be awake too long if I had that!
OOI, how do I say “I’ve seen and read this, I don’t need it at the top of my feed every visit any more”?
Your default sorting may handle it. I have mine set to Top Day, and because it was from over a week ago, it doesn’t show up.
Unfortunately, I’m not aware of another way to do it, other than blocking poor old frank, or waiting a month!
Check stopthetories.vote to see who you need to vote for to get the bastards who destroyed this country out. It will update in a day or two.
Yeah, I got slammed by my friends for not voting tactically when Jeremy Corbyn was on the ticket but Labour didn’t stand a chance in my constituency. This time I have I have no hope in my heart, only vengeance.
Thank you for this, I like the idea a lot :) here’s hoping we have some good news at last!
It weirds me out to think some younger people will think the past decade was just “normal” as it’ll be most of what thaey have experienced.
On that site:
Our electoral system needs upgrading, and if you join us then collectively we can influence the next government to upgrade our democracy so that every vote counts.
It’s extreme wishful thinking to expect the next Labour government to change a voting system that just gave them a landslide to one that would have them governing in coalition.
Maybe, however It also saw them in opposition for 70 out of the last 100 years.
And also remember to look up the list of accepted photo ids and get yourself set up with at least one that you can take with you to the polling station. https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need
This. Even Bojo forgot.
Publicity stunt
Please vote to protect trans people.
Labour have said some pretty transphobic stuff too, but they are more likely to change their tune and be supportive than the tories are.
I’m assuming this means vote against the Tories but please correct me if I’m wrong.
I have no dog in the fight with this topic but I will be voting against the Tories (in part at least) because they have sought to deflect attention from their failure and contempt for the public by using trans issues as a false enemy and decoy, massively wasting political resources and demonising my fellow countrymen/women/people for their own gain. Fuck em.
That is good you’re recognizing the situation as the divide and conquer strategy as it is.
Trans rights are humans rights. If the Tories can continue to strip away at ours they will come for everyone’s eventually.
Also by supporting trans people you’re advocating for increased freedom of personal expression.
For sure; that’s why it pisses me off so much. At least with traditional bogeymen like Putin/Covid/inflation/Bin Laden etc it’s a plausible ‘other’. Trans people are UK citizens and we drink with them at the pub. It’s literally an attack on our own cohort, to our own detriment.
Who’s the To Protect Trans People party, haven’t heard of them?
And don’t forget you’ll need photo ID now.
Don’t be like Boris.
Good life advice right there.
He 100% did that as a publicity stunt.
Good move too, as it reminded a lot of people to bring their ID.
I think it was more a “look, look, the rules apply to the rich too!” thing.
A lot of people don’t like the rule and it was him that introduced it.
Glad to see his political expectations have been properly adjusted!
An acceptable form of ID https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id
/u/GreatAlbatross any chance of adding that to the post or pinning /u/HowManyNimons comment?
Remember in FPTP you often need to vote against the party/candidate you don’t want to win, rather than voting for the one you do want.
There are many sites that will help you determine who is best to vote for if you strongly feel that a particular party/candidate needs to loose.
Link from a site that does this: https://tactical.vote/ Most of them seem to be doing a bit of house cleaning atm or waiting on an api update
Even our democracy is designed to make us focus on the negative.
I’m sure everyone here already knows, but basically everything has gotten worse over the past 14 years of Tories
Vote how you like, but just remember the track record if you even remotely are entertaining a vote that would potentially benefit the Tories.
Yes but you see the war in Ukrainian happened, and Covid happened and that’s responsible for all of the bad things, including the bad things that predated them. Basically the takeaway is it’s everybody else’s fault. Especially Labour.
That’s a sneak peek of the Tory election campaign
That was pretty much his speech this afternoon, too.
Maybe by the election somebody will have told him about this amazing piece of technology, that’s only just being invented and that’s why he doesn’t know about it, called an umbrella.
Your forgot Corbyn.
I hope people don’t re-elect Galloway et al. I understand he was a protest vote, and why he was elected, but the man doesn’t care about anything. He attaches himself to something he reckons will get him votes. He won’t actually fix anything.
He’s disgraced himself recently by talking about how he doesn’t want his kids exposed to gays, I think that should kill a lot of the further left vote that he’s trying to court.
I heard George Galloway has hired David Icke as his campaign manager.
Question because I don’t remember. I am registered to vote via post because I’m currently living abroad. I re-registered a month or two ago because I knew this was coming. Now I’m registered already, what do I have to do? Does my ballot just come in the post automatically? Or do I need to trigger it somehow?
If you’re already registered for a postal vote at your current address, you should be fine!
I don’t know what being fine means though! I can just sit back and relax and check my postbox in a week? Or in 4-5 weeks? Or I need to print something off and send it myself? I couldn’t find anything actually describing the entire process on the gov website…
I don’t know about internationally but internally postal votes usually go out about 2 weeks before the actual election that gives you time to realize yours hasn’t come and raise mary hell about it.
I would have assumed international votes would come out a week earlier due to the nature of having to go through foreign Postal services. Although given the alternative is the RM, that might actually speed things up.
I mean, it should get sent in plenty of time, without you having to do anything! There should be more info on precise timings on gov.uk.
What is your experience with voting by post? Some of the post I’ve sent has taken a while to appear in the UK and I’m not 100% certain that my vote would be received in time for polling day…
Postal votes are usually sent out at least a fortnight before the actual elections. That last one I had about three weeks before. Not good if you change your mind ;-)
Congratulations on you foresight, and for acting on it!
I was abroad in the last GE. I received my postal ballot a few weeks before election days. Just follow the notice and return it timely, and you’re golden!
If you are worried, you can contact the Council where you registered, they might be able to provide a timeline.
Stupid question, but do you have to register in advance to be able to vote? Why is that? In Germany, every citizen eligible to vote gets the necessary documents automatically by mail.
Worth noting things like jury service are selected from the electoral register. So you are basically opting in to democratic society.
I guess the government would also need to collect citizen data unnecessarily without consent in order to be automatically opted in. The UK is actually kind of libertarian in some aspects in autonomy around identity and right to be known to the government, etc. Although it would be basically impossible to actually function in the society and not be on some form of system, you could probably exist without anything more than your birth being registered.
The UK is actually kind of libertarian in some aspects in autonomy around identity and right to be known to the government, etc
I’ve noticed that too. My uncle forgot about all of it in his twenties and heard nothing more until he was contacted about claiming his state pension a few years ago. It’s not all bad I guess.
opting in
It’s an offence to refuse to provide your details. It’s compulsory, not optional. I’ve had someone come to my front door and demand I fill in the form.
deleted by creator
Wow. Apparently that changed in 2013 as well.
Honestly don’t blame folks for not knowing this. With all the voter ID stuff it really was not made clear to the public that a fine was added. Most brits grew up in a system where it was entirly optional.
There really has been no attempt at publishing this change.
It only applies if a registration officer specifically asks you to register. And honestly that has been very rare up to now. Makes me wonder why the tories felt this was needed.
It’s not an offence to refuse to register to vote. You sure you weren’t being scammed?
What happens if you do not register
You must register to vote if you’re asked to do so and you meet the conditions for registering, for example you’re 16 or over and you’re British or a national of an EU or Commonwealth country.
If you’re asked to register and do not, you could be fined.
You shouldnt confidently state things that you are uninformed about
Apparently since 2013. Yes it is. Took a while to find the law. So honestly the gov really did not point it out to folks. The ID stuff overrode this change.
It only applies if a registration officer actually asks you to do so. And that request must be given in writing. So honestly I can’t help but wonder why they felt the need to add it.
You can kind of have your cake and eat it though. If you just ask HR to provide a letter saying they need you at work, so you need to be excused from jury duty. I’ve done that like 4 times over 3 workplaces.
Edit: then the other cheat code is asking the assessor if “jury nullification” exists in the UK
You do. I don’t know why, really. Sounds like the German system is better!
It used to be automatic, but the Tories changed it. Probably to stop too many students voting for somebody else.
Usually it’s one of those things you do when your move house. Every now and again they will send a form to confirm the entries are correct and if nothing has changed you just tick there box and send it back (or reply online). People who move a lot or bounce between two addresses (e.g. students) are usually the ones that drop through the cracks.
Oh so it’s basically the same as in Germany, only here you are required to register if you move and it’s not called voter registration. Thanks!
How do the people who send the necessary documents know where to send them and to whom?
You are registered with your name and address by birth and are required to update your information if you move. It’s actually pretty close to the UK system I believe, just that it’s automatic and not called voter registration.
Yeah we dont have that. Voter registration is the closest we have. Qnd you need to donit every time you move house.
National Insurence IDs are issued at 16 and the gov dose try to keep track on working addresses etc.
But voting is handled by local authorities so you need to inform your authority when you move to an area. If you want them to include you in the voting role. Many forget until an election is due. And some choose not to bother.
In Germany you have ‘meldepflicht’, but there is no law requiring you to register in the UK.
Oh I hadn’t considered that, thanks!
there is no law requiring you to register in the UK
You’re talking bollocks.
"What happens if you do not register
You must register to vote if you’re asked to do so and you meet the conditions for registering, for example you’re 16 or over and you’re British or a national of an EU or Commonwealth country.
If you’re asked to register and do not, you could be fined."
Can you find a single example of a fine occurring?
Thank you for being so polite.
The question I answered was ‘why we have to register to vote’. We have to register to vote, because there is no law requiring you to register where you live - as opposed to Germany where they have ‘Meldepflicht’, which means you must register with the local authorities when you move. If there was something similar in the UK, then there would be no requirement to register, the necessary documents to vote would be sent automatically.
Its an interesting idea, I have a party I believe in but for the disfranchised labour, Tory voters who’d otherwise give they’re votes to green or what ever flavour of right-winger. I do however see media coverage of none voter being used as a vehicle by hinge groups far right and what not as none voters are not a cohesive group rather a random cluster with a plethora of reasons to abstain from voting a party.
So I would caution anyone who’d vote none or who’d dispense they’re vote to a protest party to instead research and maybe there’s a party that will match they’re ideals and needs. Whether that is of a libertarian, socialist, communist , or feudal flavour.
We don’t all have the privilege of even the pretence of “choice”, and have tory or red tory to “choose” from, and I refuse to give my vote to either.
I also think that voting none looks far more serious at this point than voting for a small party that is only standing in a handful of constituencies if that, and who are mostly perceived as a bit of a joke (and should be, because they will never be allowed any power by the existing institution, and will never change that by playing within its rules).
The media will twist anything and everything against the left, no matter what we do, it’s literally what it exist for - to uphold the status quo. Using that to discourage people from voicing their refusal to participate in this bogus system serves the same purpose.
My response to that would be labour will be a hell of a lot better than any other realistic option.
The ship is sinking and you’re complaining about the quality of the lifeboat. Sure it might not be the best lifeboat in the world, but it’s the only lifeboat currently attached to the sinking ship, so it’s really the only one worth talking about.
Just a shame the alternative vote system never went through for Westminster despite being used in the rest of the country
Labour are getting in without a doubt although we shouldn’t settle for less evil, maybe the left will move to a left party after labour shows how much they care for the working class
I’m so sorry, I meant 1992.
Voting for a small party is effective in that it shows their policies are popular. Brexit basically happened to try and steal votes from UKIP to Conservative. Voting for a small party, even if it’s unsuccessful, is definitely effective and more worthwhile than spoiling. Nobody knows how to please spoilers, but the likes of Labour could figure out how to steal green voters, etc.
I understand completely tbf. And the leftist party’s are very much splintered. My thought though is get benches, make small changes and hope the general public notice the leftist officials campaigning for real change.
Also funding your party and being a member, running stalls is very helpful.
I know it gets put out every election silly season but it never fails to make me smile.
Is there any harm in re-registering? I should be registered, but didn’t get a polling card for the police commissioner vote a few weeks ago.
You should still always try and vote anyway. I didn’t get my polling card for the council/mayoral elections this month but I was registered and allowed to vote.
Yeh, you don’t need a polling card to vote. I didn’t realise there was a vote until it was too late though. Assumed there wasn’t one in my area this time around.
Nope, no harm at all. It’s probably worth doing just to make sure they do have your current address down right!
Probably worth doing it and screenshotting it relentlessly until you get something in the post. These things get ignored easily.
I’m just going to bump this: The deadline to register is 11:59 on Tuesday the 18th.
If you are not yet registered, you have less than 35 hours to do so.
Any DSP comrades 🫣