I don’t think this will work. If companies can get away of slapping us by doing “please use Google Chrome or other Chromium-based browsers” just because Google implements the most niche, probably privacy-last, feature ever, then they will get away with it this time, again.
I literally can’t log into the Amtrak Android app unless I have Chrome installed. It strictly relies on Chrome custom tabs. Other browsers that support custom tabs don’t work.
I cannot imagine any reason for this except sheer ineptitude.
Guess what Amtrak support told me when I reported this as a bug?
As an AI language model, I cannot understand why you would not already have chrome installed. Chrome is a popular browser choice for the android operating system. Please check the app store for chrome.
I don’t think this will work. If companies can get away of slapping us by doing “please use Google Chrome or other Chromium-based browsers” just because Google implements the most niche, probably privacy-last, feature ever, then they will get away with it this time, again.
I literally can’t log into the Amtrak Android app unless I have Chrome installed. It strictly relies on Chrome custom tabs. Other browsers that support custom tabs don’t work.
I cannot imagine any reason for this except sheer ineptitude.
Guess what Amtrak support told me when I reported this as a bug?
They told you to take a hike instead of a train
As an AI language model, I cannot understand why you would not already have chrome installed. Chrome is a popular browser choice for the android operating system. Please check the app store for chrome.
That’s what we thought about VBScript, and Active X and Shockwave Flash, and Silverlight, at different points in the history of the Internet.
Adobe and Microsoft have both wrecked hard (at their peak) in their attempts to close and DRM the Internet.
Looks like it’s Googles turn to find out if they have the clout to manage it.