After Jared Williams was elected Augusta DA, a lawyer and state lawmaker made an unusual proposal: that the whitest county split from the circuit

  • Bappity
    011 months ago

    I’m tired of learning that people are still being racist fucks and nobody is doing anything about it in 2023

      111 months ago

      The south didn’t change much since the civil war and are proud of that as ‘their heritage’.

      The younger generations there are better, but the south really got the very worst of boomerism.

    011 months ago

    As a Canadian, the more I read these kind of news about the USA, the sadder I become about the country and feel that these social issues will never be fixed

      011 months ago

      Yeah, the only way the south ends up changing is if a genocide happens, which I’m not advocating, but it really is like that with them and their “culture.”

      • stopthatgirl7OP
        011 months ago

        …more than half of all Black folks in the US live in the south. Georgia alone has over two million Black folks living there (hi, I’m from Georgia and I’m Black!) I’m Southern. My whole family is Southern. I’m the first generation who didn’t grow up on a farm. This isn’t my damn culture. Don’t erase us in your zeal to smugly dismiss the South, when there is not a single damn state in America that didn’t have a sundown town.

          11 months ago

          Yeah, I wasn’t talking about black people or black culture. I meant more that the racists are gonna stay that way unless war starts down there again, but this time they just all get killed off so there is no one left to spread the culture.

          • stopthatgirl7OP
            011 months ago

            But half the South is Black. By just referring to “Southern culture,” you’re both completely erasing half the population in many places and reinforcing the idea of white as default. Call it what it is: evangelical white Southern culture. Don’t let the real identity of the folks being racist dipshits get erased.

              111 months ago

              Yeah, that’s pretty close to what I was thinking: racist white Southerner culture (not to be confused with racist white Northerner culture). I just call it “racist white” because evangelical sounds religious to me, and I’m pretty sure other religions/denominations are racist too, so I wanted to be more inclusive & just lump all the racist white southerners together.

              But if you wanna get into it… southern culture IS white culture. It may have been heavily influenced by other ethnic groups, but it was built by white people for white people, and even more specifically, Christian white people.

              Do you remember Kunta Kinte? Cause every time I hear black people say southern culture is black culture I hear Kunta saying “yes massa my name is Toby.” It’s the culture you have, but your culture was stolen & erased generations ago, and now you defend the culture of the slavers.

                11 months ago

                Evangelical + white + southern = racist. White + southern =/= racist. Evangelical + southern =/= racist (because black people can and are evangelical).

                Also - dude, it’s super racist (and misogynistic!) to be telling a black woman what her own experience is. You might want to reconsider that.

  • UltraMagnus0001
    011 months ago

    Is it bad to get rid of the electoral and just let the votes count and not include the gerrymandering?

      011 months ago

      Probably, yes. The idea is that people should have adequate representation. If 45% of your area if X, and 55% is Y, and it’s a direct election, then you end up with all elected officials being Y, and X has no representation at all. The ideal districts would result in 45% of all elected representatives being X.

      The electoral college is based on population, but indirectly. The way you could get around it is if states awarded electoral votes proportionately to the votes a candidate received, rather than winner-takes-all. But states have to choose to do that themselves; the fed. gov’t can’t mandate it. Some states are already doing that.

        011 months ago

        The electoral college was just a way for southern states to launder their slave votes through their plantation owners delegation, nothing else.

        The fact we didn’t remove it after emancipation was a catastrophic oversight.

          111 months ago

          …But the electoral college is population based. That’s why California has 55 delegates, and Wyoming has 3. Slaves have nothing to do with it now.

          The issue is that most states do a ‘winner takes all’ approach. If, for instance, Texas voted 49.9% Democratic, and 50.1% Republican, then all of their 38 delegates would be pledged to the Republican nominee (…and the state legislature would pass laws restricting the ability of Democrats to vote). That was how Trump won in 2016, despite not winning the popular vote. OTOH, Biden won the popular vote by a comfortable margin, 51% to 47%, but won the electoral vote by a larger 56% to 44% margin.