AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Texas jury will soon decide whether a convoy of supporters of then-President Donald Trump violently intimidated former Democratic lawmaker Wendy Davis and two others on a Biden-Harris campaign bus when a so-called “Trump Train” boxed them in for more than an hour on a Texas highway days before the 2020 election.

The trial, which began on Sept. 9, resumes Monday and is expected to last another week.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs argued that six of the Trump Train drivers violated state and federal law. Lawyers for the defendants said they did not conspire against the Democrats on the bus and that their actions are protected speech.

Here’s what else to know:

  • FIash Mob #5678OP
    2510 days ago

    Attorneys for the plaintiffs argued that six of the Trump Train drivers violated state and federal law. Lawyers for the defendants said they did not conspire against the Democrats on the bus and that their actions are protected speech.

    I don’t know how, given the harassing and objectionable temperament of Trump supporters, that anyone could argue this with a straight face. How is it even a question that this was a violent incident? Because they didn’t fire a gun at the bus?

    • masterofn001
      119 days ago

      Kidnapping and forcible confinement now officially political acts of speech.

      Autobots, roll out.

    9 days ago

    If this argument flies with this judge, it needs to be very quickly used on the Trump campaign folks.

    129 days ago

    So glad that the court system is working efficiently. This happened in 2020 and we’re only just now going to trial for it in 2024.

      89 days ago

      This. I am so tired of hearing “the wheels of justice turn slowly”. If justice isn’t able to address a problem for so long that the perpetrators are allowed to continue perpetuating the same behavior an entire election cycle later, the justice system has failed, straight up. This is unacceptable.

  • Drusas
    119 days ago

    Harassment, intimidation, and false imprisonment are not free speech.

    This was an act of terrorism clearly intended to terrorize those inside the bus.

    • @papertowels
      12 days ago

      They just couldn’t get their lawyers to argue “it was just a prank, bro”

    59 days ago

    Defense attorney is technically correct, they didn’t conspire against the Democrats on the bus because they thought some different Democrats were on it instead. bee fingerguns cool emoji