Can you please share your backup strategies for linux? I’m curious to know what tools you use and why?How do you automate/schedule backups? Which files/folders you back up? What is your prefered hardware/cloud storage and how do you manage storage space?

    34 hours ago

    One reason for moving to Nix was declarative config so at least that part of my system is a series of Nix files to build into a working setup.

    …The rest… let’s just say “needs improvement” & I would like to set up a NAS.

    36 hours ago

    I’m using rustic, a lock-free rust-written drop-in-replacement of restic, which (I’m referring to restic and therefore in extension to rustic) supports always-encrypted, deduplicating, compressed and easy backups without you needing to worry about whether to do a full- or incremental-backup.

    All my machines run hourly backups of all mounted partitions to an append-only repo at borgbase. I have a file with ignore pattern globs to skip unwanted files and dirs (i.e.: **/.cache).

    While I think borgbase is ok, ther’re just using hetzner storage boxes in the background, which are cheaper if you use them directly. I’m thinking of migrating my backups to a handfull of homelabs from trusted friends and family instead.

    The backups have a randomized delay of 5m and typically take about 8-9s each (unless big new files need to be uploaded). They are triggered by persistent systemd-timers.

    The backups have been running across my laptop, pc and server for about 6 months now and I’m at ~380 GiB storage usage total.

    I’ve mounted backup snapshots on multiple occasions already to either get an old version of a file, or restore it entirely.

    There is a tool called redu which is like ncdu but works on restic/rustic repos. This makes it easy to identify which files blow up your backup size.

    68 hours ago

    Dump configs to backup drive. Pray to the machine spirit that things don’t blow up. Only update when I remember. I’m a terrible admin for my own stuff.

    • @simonced
      17 hours ago

      Thanks to you, I don’t need to answer to OP anymore👍

  • Cynicus Rex
    26 hours ago
    1. Work in a cloud synced folder by default.

    That’s all my step 🦥

  • nomad
    28 hours ago

    Bareos. Its a newer Form of bacula and is a realworkhorse.

    28 hours ago

    Example of a Bash script that performs the following tasks

    1. Checks the availability of an important web server.
    2. Checks disk space usage.
    3. Makes a backup of the specified directories.
    4. Sends a report to the administrator’s email.

    Example script:

    # Settings
    TARGET_DIRS="/var/www /etc"
    DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
    # Checking web server availability
    echo "Checking web server availability..."
    if curl -s --head $WEB_SERVER | grep "200 OK" > /dev/null; then
    echo "Web server is available."
    echo "Warning: Web server is unavailable!" | mail -s "Problem with web server" $ADMIN_EMAIL
    # Checking disk space
    echo "Checking disk space..."
    DISK_USAGE=$(df / | grep / | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/%//g')
    if [ $DISK_USAGE -gt $DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD ]; then
    echo "Warning: Disk space usage exceeded $DISK_USAGE_THRESHOLD%!" | mail -s "Problem with disk space" $ADMIN_EMAIL
    echo "There is enough disk space."
    # Creating backup
    echo "Creating backup..."
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Backup created successfully: $BACKUP_FILE"
    echo "Error creating backup!" | mail -s "Error creating backup" $ADMIN_EMAIL
    # Sending report
    echo "Sending report to $ADMIN_EMAIL..."
    REPORT="Report for $DATE\n\n"
    REPORT+="Web server status: $(curl -s --head $WEB_SERVER | head -n 1)\n"
    REPORT+="Disk space usage: $DISK_USAGE%\n"
    REPORT+="Backup location: $BACKUP_FILE\n"
    echo -e $REPORT | mail -s "Daily system report" $ADMIN_EMAIL
    echo "Done."


    1. Check web server: Uses curl command to check if the site is available.
    2. Check disk space: Use df and awk to check disk usage. If the threshold (90%) is exceeded, a notification is sent.
    3. Create a backup: The tar command archives and compresses the directories specified in the TARGET_DIRS variable.
    4. Send a report: A report on all operations is sent to the administrator’s email using mail.

    How to use:

    1. Set the desired parameters, such as the web server address, directories for backup, disk usage threshold and email.
    2. Make the script executable:
    chmod +x /path/to/your/
    1. Add the script to cron to run on a regular basis:
    crontab -e

    Example to run every day at 00:00:

    0 0 * * * /path/to/your/
    1317 hours ago

    All my code and projects are on GitHub/codeberg.

    All my personal info and photos are on proton drive.

    If Linux shits itself (and it does often) who cares. I can have it up and running again in a fresh install in ten minutes.

    312 hours ago

    The only thing I use as a backup is a Live CD that’s mounted to a USB thumb drive.

    I used to use Timeshift but the one time I needed it, it didn’t work for some reason. It also had a problem of making my PC temporarily unusable while it was making a backup, so I didn’t enable it when I had to reinstall Linux Mint.

      26 hours ago

      Same, Timeshift let me down one time when I needed it. I still use it though, and I’m afraid to upgrade Mint because I don’t want to set my system again for of the upgrade fails to keep my configuration and Timeshift fails to take me back

  • fmstrat
    110 hours ago

    All important files go in /data.

    /data is ZFS, snapped and sent to NAS regularly

    Every time I change a setting, it gets added to a dconf script. Every time I install software, I write a script.

    Dotfiles git repo for home directory.

    With that, I can spin up a fresh machine in minutes with scripts.

  • astrsk
    2121 hours ago

    Borg backup is gold standard, with Vorta as a very nice GUI on machines that need it. Otherwise, all my other Linux machines are running in proxmox hypervisors and have container/snapshot/vm backups regularly through proxmox backup server to another machine. All the backup data is then replicated regularly, remotely via truenas scale replication tasks.

      314 hours ago

      Adding my “Me too” to Vorta/Borg. I use it with Borgbase, which I like because it’s legitimately cheap and they support Borg development. As well, you can set Borg backups with Borgbase to “append only,” which prevents ransomware or other unexpected “whoopsies” from wiping out your backup history.

      I backup most of my computer every hour, but have pruning rules that make sure things don’t get too out of hand. I have a second backup that backs everything up to my NAS (using Vorta, again). This is helpful for things like my downloads folder, virtual machines, or STEAM library - things I wouldn’t want to backup over the network, but on occasion I do find myself going “whoops, I wanted that.”

      I also have Vorta working on my Mom’s Macbook, then have Borgbase send me an email when there isn’t any activity for longer than a couple of days. Once I got automatic pruning working right I never had to touch this again.

      420 hours ago

      Borg via Vorta handles the hard parts: encryption, compression, deduplication, and archiving. You can mount backup snapshots like drives, without needing to expand them. It splits archives into small chunks so you can easily upload them to your cloud service of choice.