Channel name

description of what it covers and why you watch it

    4 months ago


    is an awesome newer car and motorcycle channel, they split off from donut to go do their own creative stuff after donut go bought by a big soulless media company


    is an amazing motorcycle youtube channel with absurd production quality and directing often worthy of full length documentaries

    Berm peak

    is a super well produced mountain biking and bikes channel

    Lab Muffin Beauty Science

    If you’re into science based skincare I absolutely adore her, she has a chemistry PhD and a specialization in cosmetic chemistry. She spends a lot of time debunking baseless skincare marketing which I don’t really need since everything I know about skincare I learned from her and various other science focused youtubers, but I absolutely adore her informative videos that are guides to various aspects of skincare, or an exploration of how to competently interpret research

    Adam savage’s Tested

    channel is a lot of fun if you like maker content, he’s just as energetic and charismatic of a character as he was back on Mythbusters

    Hybrid calisthenics

    is a wonderful exercise fitness and wellness channel where the guy running it is just an earnest, kind, compassionate human being who offers advice that meets people where they are and helps them progress, regardless of their current ability level. He went viral a while back for a video talking about how you can do exercise at any level, even if you’ve literally never done a pushup in your life, where he demonstrates modified versions of bodyweight exercises that make them more accessible, or even more difficult so that people can work their way up to their goals from any starting point. People fell in love with his personality and attitude of compassion.

    My absolute favorites for cooking are:

    Adam Ragusea

    does an amazing job of making recipes realistic and approachable for home cooking, and his background as a journalist results in incredibly high quality research videos that are unbelievably informative

    internet shaquille

    unprotentious while focusing on technique, has a fantastic delivery style, it’s hard to describe exactly what makes him special, but the videos are phenomenal and he often gives great life advice

    J Kenji Lopez alt

    the goat. Super knowledgable, especially regarding the science of cooking, and is a well respected name in recipe development. His videos are him with a gopro camera strapped to his head while he prepares the food and talks about it’s origin, how he likes to make it, etc. Its like having an expert demonstrate for you in their home kitchen while casually chatting about all the knowledge they have to share about a given recipe

    Chinese cooking demystified

    the absolute best source for traditional chineese cooking, and food history lessons to boot. I love their delivery style, and their videos always give a ton of historical and cultural context and are a joy to watch)

    Lemme know if you’d like more food youtubers, these are my absolute faves though, and all offer very different perspectives on food (sometimes disagreeing with eachother) while usually teaching at least as much about technique, how to approach cooking, and their own personal philosophy when developing recipes as they do the specific recipe itself.

    Brian David Gilbert

    makes a wide range of bizarre nonsense and I adore him. Comedy sketches, horror short film kinda stuff, incomprehensible fever-dreams, a guide to the united states health insurance mess that somehow manages to be as funny as it is depressing, goofy music, unironically wonderfull music, recipies. He used to make polygon’s unhinged video series called unraveled, his personal channel is even better and even more unhinged