Happy Hump Day, Team!
hehe I walked to the shops and survived.
I won that war.
But the neurologist long term neighbour rocked around to say g’day to mum and dad. Wasn’t a check up just hello. Fark me get two docs like that in the same room you are gonna get a lotta latin.
Ah yes, and how are the astroglia in your medulla oblongata on this fine day. Corpus callosum in good balance?
Corpus callosum in good balance?
heh I’m hoping hm.
Miror quantum quisque in piscina reliquit.
14 more days to go…I think
You’ve got this buddy and we’ve got lots of cricket coming up. 💜
You can do it.
It’s hard, I feel so miserable and drained at the moment.
attainable short term goals , iow, one day at a time
I’m trying, it’s affecting my sleep as well and my stress levels are pretty high.
Even retail therapy hasn’t helped but I’m also dealing with a few things outside of work that isn’t helping either.
hugs and a cup of tea
Told the GM that’s leaving that I can’t keep up anymore. He said I should make a task list and present it to my manager.
Let’s see if they’ll be reasonable or not.
Wishing you the best and hoping that something can be worked out with your manager.
Thanks mate :)
I did this to myself because I work my ass off and they just kept piling it on!
Standard employer behaviour
Document! clockify is a good app with a free level that lets you break up and track work. Even a week or two of that broken into projecta/projectb/ admin/staff management/adhoc queries etc is enough to give you something to point to and ask how to change things. Or if you are asked to do something you can point to it and ask which thing should slide.
(I mean this is totally a do as I say not as I do situation!!)
Thanks for the heads up!
I’ve got an excel sheet going, and so far I’ve got about 50% of things I need to complete asap.
It’s sitting at 30 hours not including my day to day work.
And that’s only half so far lol
cant believe it all went to shit so quickly. is this due to the pay dispute?
Do you mean the 2% company wide raise?
Yeah I think that hurt some people really badly. Everything was fine for me until:
- I was approved for leave
- people started leaving
If I hadn’t taken leave, I wouldn’t be so far behind, but it was approved. That’s the bit that’s annoying me. Why wasn’t someone keeping track of my clients while I was away?
I’ll probably end up staying until I get probation in January as it’s proving difficult to get a role right now.
At least then I’ve got security while I look elsewhere.
wait so they just… left the portfolio? you gotta be kidding.
That’s exactly what happened. I’m not crazy am I? I informed my clients I’d be away on leave, but I came back to about 150ish emails. That’s from 5 days leave.
nup thats insane. good way to piss off your clients and leave you holding the bag.
I finished my Excel sheet of tasks.
Almost 50 hours of work. Not including my day to day responsibilities.
Amazing day today - drove down to Goolwa and caught an old/heritage “SteamRanger” train run by a Redhen railcar (the steam loco wasn’t operational, apparently) down to Victor Harbour. Amazing views out the window - it pretty much drives along the beach for about half the route
And those of you who pay attention to my ramblings may recognise this little guy:
In case you don’t, that’s a Vline H Set, the kind that used to run the afternoon/evening peak trains from southern cross to Wyndham Vale/Melton (or Bacchus Marsh)! I think it may have gotten a little lost, seeing as we’re in a teeny little town in SA! I don’t actually think the Victor Harbour line is still connected to the main Melbourne-Adelaide line like it used to be, but in any case, that’s a broad gauge line (for broad gauge H sets), while Melb-Ade has been standard gauge since the 90s
Speaking of the junction with the mainline, this morning we stopped at Mount Barker Junction station, and managed to find a way inside. Pretty neat:
We also went to a little station called Littlehampton which seems to have seen better days:
Then we topped it all off with a trip on the Victor Harbour horse drawn tramway!
You should write a book Baku
Maybe, these are some of my less interesting experiences. I think the time I just casually hopped onto a bus into Adelaide when I was 15 without much plan was a more interesting tale
I, too, am soooooo envious.
Take me with yooooooouuuu! ✨
NO ME lol
And why shouldn’t Littlehampton have its own chook shed? Just needs a bit of wire mesh, a floor and some chooks I reckon.
This is as much fun as the airport at Mt Gambier back in the 80s during the pilot strike - literally was a tin shed and a coke machine with all 3 of Mt Gambier’s taxis waiting outside in the boiling sun. I believe they’ve upgraded it since.
Very jealous of your trip Baku!!!
I remember when Tulla Terminal 4 was a tin shed and a coke machine 🐅
I believe they’ve upgraded it since.
I think someone stole the floor :(
I hope don’t jinx myself with this.
This morning I had more little meetings voicing my concerns and problems and my mental state and initially they decided that they’d assign extra staff to aid me at the end of the day,
It’s now been decided that the problem I’ve been having at work has escalated enough now after a serious meeting today that the person will not be able to use the service that I look after and therefore will not be interacting with me at the end of the day.
If that is true and holds true for the rest of the work year I’m really relieved finally, it may not stop everything but it will certainly mean I don’t end the day feeling super crappy and stressed about everything.
One thing at a time but at least that’s a load taken off me from a work perspective.
Edit: And thank you everyone here for your support and warm words of encouragement.
Oh man, I really really really hope this comes through for you!
fucken’ hell, saw a guy on the tram in the seat across from get out his meth pipe and fill it up. His gf was already pretty manic and jumping around the tram.
How do people lose sight of what is acceptable and what is not? 😣
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I guess when you’re chasing that high, it gets to a point where it doesn’t matter. It’s terrifying.
At least he didn’t light it up too 🙃
he may have, I got up and got off at the next stop
did you call the cops? I would’ve
You can text STOPIT to PTV and they send out ‘protection officers’ very quickly. OK to do for ‘unwanted sexual or anti-social behaviour’. 0499 455 455 is the number.
And what?
and say there was someone presumably smoking meth on X tram. obviously not whilst your still on the tram with them.
You’d be surprised :(
First world problem : pizza or fish & chups? Cbf cooking tonite. And no meat in the fridge. Or freezer. Bad me. Must go shopping this weekend.
Pizza so U can have leftovers
You have convinced me.
To be honest a with a pizza there’d be nothing left over if I made one.
That’s why you get two!
That sounds like a solid plan!
Well… you’ve convinced me to have fush & chups! At home - eat through the freezer a bit. Have leftover slaw. Perfect summertime chow while watching more British cop shows
Boy that’s really hard. If there’s a potato cake involved I think I’d do fish and chips tonight.
Here too. All hail to … to somebody.
e: and it will wash off all the secondhand pizza off the pavements of Richmond. Yesterday just softened it up a bit and made it fragrant.
I love thunderstorms so much
not here it isn’t
here now
Sorry, it double posted before, then I deleted one, and both vanished
How may I direct your call? :)
Get me the guards office
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keep resting , hugs
Hate getting public transport late at night. Train from Collingwood to city, then train home from Flinders didn’t line up, 20 minute wait. Then another 12 minute delay on top of that. Feels like I went in a voyage to get home.
Travelling at peak - no problem. Outside of peak, not fun if you need to catch more than one mode of transport.
Holy shit I had some weeeeeird dreams… calling Gina Rnehart about a rotted out power pole that I pushed over indoors at the Northcote Automotive Museum (?? It had a network of indoor roads…), having a tooth rot out (my dental hygiene is bad tbh), and @Force_majeure123 appeared out of nowhere with a comment saying everything’s going to be alright 😭
Everything is going to be alright 🤗
We are all in kitten’s dream
It’s kitten’s world, we’re just living in it!
Also I need that museum to be real…
If that’s the case, I apologise for any power poles failing within the near future… and can I get a nice tangy but creamy prawn curry while I’m at it?
Ah, just the thing for this humidity, which was clearly caused by my imagination as well… thanks dream chef.
You’re the best, Force 😊 please do something about Gina Rinehart while you’re at it
She has spontaneously turned into an anthropomorphic pineapple, and it’s slowly chasing you… forever
So basically this. Honestly I’m with @just_kitten@aussie.zone now.
But you know what? Despite all that, everything will still be alright 😊
Everything will not be alright now 😿
I had this lovely dream about shopping with a friend, that turned into something so awful that I wish my brain would forget it.
Oh no, those are the worst, the dreams that twist good things into bad… they have an extra layer of pain
dreams… calling Gina Rnehart
In the biz we call that nightmare.
I will be sure to report on any visions that crop up tonight especially if beach swims/doof choons/Bengal cats/chillos make any appearance. Hopefully not a nightmare but.
This is definitely weird dream weather.
For real, two nights before I had some weird dreams/sleep as well, just too abstract to bother describing. Woke up feeling so unsettled
That’s a wrap on a really intense work week. Who thought taking 4 hours off last week would be so hard to make up over 3 days. Some weeks are cruisey but it feels like I’ve done a week’s worth in 3 days. And then I’ve got to get cracking on uni tomoz. Have dinner at a friend’s and no time or energy to make anything. Then dinner out with another friend Friday. I hope to be able to get everything unpacked over the weekend and just blob out a bit. I sure will tonight after seeing the psych.
I reckon Kitten’s a bit too busy to go swinging?
There are other forms of hospitality. 😹🦩
Can’t sleep, pineapple will eat me
Hope you have fun tonight and are able to get some stuff down then finally relax over the weekend.
I have a task in my change this afternoon to execute a release pipeline called “Order 66”. The task has been worded as “Execute order 66”.
None of my colleagues thinks this is funny. 😞
I went bowling recently with work. My repeated loud calls of Over The Line! were neither appreciated or thought of as funny.
Mark it 8, Dude.
Love it! We looked at a product with a name from the halo franchise recently. I demanded if we go ahead it be called project SPARTAN. my boss looked at me like I’d grown a second head. Team leader loved it though.
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It is easy for us to get distracted by the big picture, and it can feel overwhelming when everything is is much bigger than us.
Remember that it is in the nature of our governments to disappoint us - this is because we live in a democracy centered on compromise. This is a good thing! This is another reason for us to have our representatives deal with that process - it allows us to keep moral clarity while they try to get the work done. We can sit in judgement of them while they make the Faustian bargains which keep the peace between those of us who would slay each other in the name of what we think is right. Sometimes, however, we need to look away from the sausage making. Give yourself a break, and come back to the body politic refreshed and refocused.
Would I change the system? Absolutely! Would most people agree with my changes… well… I’m not so sure… hence a system of disappointing compromises.
We can also get distracted by our personal struggles, stuck in the small frame of our own lives.
I am currently stuck in my small frame too, my personal struggles have overwhelmed me and I have found my self seized, stuck, immobile, useless, rotting, failing… well, you get the picture I hope.
I am trying. Slowly, the gears will be oiled, and the machine will move, and I am going to build capacity and become part of a community.
That is the middle ground - the place humans used to live. The way humans evolved to live. Act local, build community, and simultaneously the big picture and the small frame both start improving.
This is easier said than done!
To be honest though, you are already doing it here! This is a community. These people would not see you return to your creator, and I am absolutely certain the creator will be willing to wait many years for you to come back. They will call you when you are both ready.
I am not trying to offer advice, as I do not know your struggles.
I hope that you can continue through them, and I hope that your growth and success inspires others to continue their struggles.
I hope that your success can inspire your community to more success, more unity, and a better life for everyone.
(This post turned out much longer than I had initially intended - tldr: “Keep at it, we’re with you”)
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same, i’m feeling my age too
well, not so much feeling my age but feeling opportunities becoming narrower because of my age
Excellent post, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts so eloquently 😍
Sometimes you have to not think about external things too much. Live your life as well and comfortably as you can, be a good person, be kind to others and be kind to yourself. That’s it. There are bad days and good days, sometimes bad months and bad years. Do what you can to live a good life, and let the world turn.
I’m struggling with getting sucked into doomscrolling. All I can do is try and take a break and think about something else.
Useful hobbies. Practice gardening for if it ever comes down to subsistence farming, and art skills to trade for rations in gulag /j
But no. I’m grateful to be housed and be able to have my pet, that’s what I’m holding on to
my uncle found playing the violin a useful skill in the concentration camp as musicians would play for their captors and the red cross
i’m not joking
It would have been a comfort for him and everyone around him. I’m sorry for my tasteless joke.