Violence against a minority: lone wolf, obviously, let’s pray he gets better.
Violence against a billionaire: it’s time to discuss left-wing violence! (Shooter was obviously right wing).
The hypocrisy is palpable.
We saw his social media…
He may not look like the typical goblin, but he’s a right winger thru and thru
But you forget for outlets like the Post where people are suddenly left wing if they do anything they don’t like.
Huh? Luigi’s a right-winger?!
He’s a techno libertarian, but doesn’t easily fit on the left-right axis. I suspect this will be what happens as leopards eat faces.
It’s time for some left wing political violence?
This is a funny article until you remember people believe it. They make up down with cis busses, organized antifa goons, sex trafficking rings under pizza places - which means they ignore the actual violence in the real world that has real ways of preventing it. And the lies justify more right wing violence. Fun, fun.
What a dogshit article.
“A generation of college students has been indoctrinated into believing the profit motive is killing people when the opposite is true.”
I can only speak to my personal experience…
Last year I tore an achilles tendon.
Diagnosed by both my GP and my Podiatrist. I was in severe pain. I couldn’t lift my foot all the way off the ground, I needed pain killers and physical therapy.
Physical therapy needed an MRI to determine the exact location and extent of the tear. Why an MRI? Because tendons don’t show up on xrays.
My doctor knows this. My podiatrist knows this. My potential physical therapist knows this.
Aetna - Denied. You need to do an xray first.
So my treatment was delayed by an extra couple of weeks while the licensed doctors fought with an insurance company. In the end, we did the 100% un-necessary xray, which surprise, showed nothing, before being able to get the MRI which found, yes, my tendon was torn 59% through.
No it’s not.