Even if you have encrypted your traffic with a VPN, advanced traffic analysis is a growing threat against your privacy. Therefore, we have developed DAITA – a feature available in our VPN app. Through constant packet sizes, random background traffic and data pattern distortion, we are taking the battle against AI-guided traffic analysis.
You can always see the signal in the noise, that is the point of the signal and therein lies the rub.
If ya do it right, you can’t distinguish the signal from the noise. Encryption makes data look random. So if you send dummy random data then it just looks like constant random data. No signal is distinguishable.
Sure, but one of the benchmarks of a good cryptographic algorithm is to reduce the amount of meta information you can get from a random sampling. Most of the timing attacks are looking for traffic activity to pattern match ultimate source and receiver. If the encrypted tunnel is always exactly 10mbps of cryptographic traffic, then it would be much harder to identify
Yes as with almost everything the ability to do a thing is just a function of how much you want to do it.