sovereign citizen, as the timer’s ticking down, trying to argue with the moon about how it does not have the right to enact force upon their person per maritime admiralty law
I’d personally not like to have all of my insecurities and regrets take physical form in the shape of people I knew only in passing on a world from which I have been banished through no fault of my own caught in a time loop limbo where I must become a hero to strangers who will never know I saved them and then fade even from memory while simultaneously damning the world of my birth solely through my absence, but maybe that’s just me
But have you considered coming back a hundred years later as a skeleton man/wolf and teaching some kid who looks a lot like you sword techniques?
I would just explode the moon with a Kamehameha
Holy shit lol I just made a majoras post without seeing this first. Maybe the planets aligned or sth
We live at the sunset of the greatest miracle and the beginning of the greatest tragedy. If I had a time machine I’d wipe out Homo Erectus