Hey girls and friends, I am 8 days on hrt and I feel like my skin is already softer ??? Is it even possible or am I just imagining it?
Nothing else seems to have changed.
Hey girls and friends, I am 8 days on hrt and I feel like my skin is already softer ??? Is it even possible or am I just imagining it?
Nothing else seems to have changed.
Oh great to hear it :D
I don’t know what kind of feeling I was expecting but I believed that I would be able to feel the change in hormones :p
Also: My endocrinologist (spelling???) told me that quite quickly new fat would be deposited in girlies spots. I already ate quite a lot this weekend. Let’s put this claim to the test^^
How’d it go? Notice anything?
Fat will deposit in more feminine places but there is no mechanism to actively remove it from elsewhere. That’s why trans men need top surgery. Hormones can only make they cannot unmake.
You do burn fat and it is removed everywhere in an impartial way. Expect changes to take time.
Sometime soon your nipples will start to get sore and hurt. That means things are developing!
I’m unsure. Maybe it got to the hips (not the ass, higher) maybe the belly, idk. I didn’t take much weight in the end. My blessing/curse of never gaining weight might still be in effect :)
My nipples are more sensitive but not budding yet. 14th E dose today
I’m about 3 months in. Breasts are noticeable if know to look for them. Still plausibly just defined pectorals to those not in the know.
Changes are cumulative. More to come!
It’s really cool to talk with tgirls that are also started recently ! Until now everything was very theoretical. Now that there are some concrete effects (even slight) I am so excited to share and hear about other people’s experience :D
Thank you internet stranger for sharing. You are great :3
ur great too :3