Friend: “You should try these bagels.”
That guy: “Oh, no thanks, I have work in an hour.”
Friend: “Huh?”
Bonus points if the bagel has poppy seeds.
Shows up to a bring your own booze party with a baguette 🥖
This seems to be a lot like PGAD (persistent genital arousal disorder) in that the experience is not at all as pleasant as the name makes it seem, but rather an unending horror for those who suffer it.
I got stuck with a boner for a whole night, it fucking sucked. I didn’t even take anything. It just happened. It felt like someone was stabbing my taint.
Holy shit, that sounds like priapism, and depending on the type, could cause loss of dick.
Yeah, no. I was considering the hospital the entire time. At first, I thought it was one of those boners you get from sleeping on your belly, so I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was still at full mast and throbbing. I was half asleep, though, so I just kinda laid there thinking to myself, “Do I really need to go to the hospital for this boner right now?” I probably should’ve, but my sleep deprived brain told me, “Why don’t you try to sleep on it?” Pun intended.
Gives new meaning to sleep it off?
My ex had it and it’s the reason we broke up. Being drunk all the time/at random and not aware is problematic to say the least.
It’s sad, because it’s a disability, but I totally understand.
For many it’s a disability. For alcoholics it’s a super power.
every hospital/medical TV show has an episode about this.
Rocks up to a party with a 12 pack of rolls
*scoffs down roll*
I wonder if this guy has paperwork that explains his condition. Because it isn’t widely known, I don’t expect any cop would accept it as legitimate. What an unfortunate situation.
I don’t see why it would get you a free pass to drive drunk when you know what you have and know what you eat that causes it.
Because there’s very limited food choices if you don’t have a lot of money. I agree, someone with this condition should not drive, but that doesn’t mean life is livable in USA without a car. In many places, there is no public transport. This would essentially be a sentence of poverty.
That said, I can afford to have this condition, I do take Uber when drunk, there’s reasonable public transit where I live. I’m not trying to excuse drunk driving (I say this as a DUI guy twenty years ago). I’m saying that what you just said wouldn’t make sense to some people because of restrictions they can’t control. It’s too bad our society doesn’t care more about people to solve some / all of these problems.
Nah, man. People with seizures aren’t allowed to drive, along with many others with certain health conditions. You drive while you can blow over 0.08, that’s on you. An exception of “he’s medically drunk a lot” is dumb as hell.
Excellent point.
The catch is, he probably would blow .00, since he doesn’t have any alcohol going through is mouth
That’s not how a breathalyzer works. It picks up on what is off gassed from your lungs in oxygen exchange from breathing. It goes from blood, to lungs, to breathalyzer. Your mouth or stomach isn’t involved.
In other words, it’s going to work just fine.
Breathalyzers work by measuring alcohol that enters the lungs from the bloodstream.
This is why cities have those special buses for people who can’t get around but need transportation. They’ll pick you up at your house and take you where you need to go.
When auto-growery?
What does one have to do to gain this power?
Yeast enemas
Isn’t that just called “being french”?
I wonder how this impacted his professional life before and after he found out.
I’d love to have a condition that turns a PB&J into a cocktail.
Show up to a BYO party with a baguette
Bring your own bread.