My partner and I made this wee tunnel house out of dumped hothouse plastic, old vineyard netting, polypipe we found in the forest, and old fence posts. We had to buy some timber for the framing and zip ties to hold the materials together but we got to make use of so many dumped materials.

It’s built to hold all my seedtrays, cuttings, seedlings, and saplings for my garden. I still need to build some shelves inside to help organise the space, tidy up thr edges, and add a door but I’m happy with it for now.

Ignore the pile of logs, they are going in the alleyway to the left and behind the tunnel house as mushroom logs.

    • WiggletOP
      41 year ago

      Thanks! Once I have the seedling table set up underneath I’ll use the beams to hang my hanging baskets. I want to be able to rotate the ones on my deck so they always look full and fresh through every season

    • WiggletOP
      31 year ago

      Nah we get gales up here but with the angle, layers of net, and trees behind it, it stays calm inside. It does get loud with the wind rattling the plastic.

  • @curioushom
    31 year ago

    Looks awesome mate, great job. The scenery is beautiful and the cute recycled hut really fits in.

    21 year ago

    That’s beautiful, both the tunnel house and landscape. Where is this? (don’t dox yourself obv. or don’t respond to this if you don’t want to, those mountains just looks gorgeous.

  • @kiwi
    21 year ago

    Looks awesome! Have you experimented at all with greenhouses to help extend the growing season?

    • WiggletOP
      31 year ago

      I am halfway through building a proper window greenhouse for extended growing so I’ll keep you updated. For now I’m just needing to grow more perennials, seedlings, and trees to establish the newer sections of my garden.

      We don’t have a harsh winter so I’m growing salads, greens, herbs, and cold weather beans right through.