Your way of doing things is now how things must be done. Extra points for petty and minor stuff.
Everyone is frugal and likes (or is okay with) nitpicky, complicated things like PoE skill trees, taxes, and investing.
Pointless/Potentially Petty:
• You must always try to end going up/down stairs on your left foot. Left foot is king compared to the right foot, so it always lands flat when walking, whereas right foot lands on the heal and goes down.
• Games featuring anthro animals (think Sonic, Ratchet and Clank, or Brok the Investigator) are now games people will definitely be on the lookout for because anthro animal characters are amazing most of the time and I love anthro characters, as a furry.
• People will start self-censoring at the very least big tech company names like amaz•n or g••gle or fakebook or ex-twatter.
• “etc” or “etc.” dies to using etcetera. I just like it better that way as a personal preference.
Less Minor:
• Everyone gets to suffer trying to self-diagnose and fix their computer issues before going straight to IT. If I had to suffer nearly a week of staying after college courses in the library for a few hours trying to get Proton VPN (unsuccessfully) to work on my Linux running laptop before deciding to send an issue report, the rest of the world gets to try being their own IT for a little bit.
• Folders Folders Folders! Most every file of yours on your phone, desktop, laptop, etcetera, are organized into folders and subfolders. Don’t care if you wanna call them that or directories/subdirectories, but keep stuff at least somewhere organized. Especially music. Your music folder will be broken down by whoever the band is, what the singer is, what show it’s from, whatever, just so long as it’s fairly neatly organized, assuming you have music stored on your device.
• When it comes to cooking, it’s okay not to always measure everything out exactly if you are just cooking at home for friends or family. So long as you have enough for everyone, it’s okay not to be super precise, unlike with baking. Also, wooden spoons without round handles are completely banned for life. I hate them with a passion compared to rounded handled wooden spoons because I can’t rub the handle to mix if it ain’t round.
Left foot
I’m the exact opposite: I always try to end on the right foot!
Petty and minor, huh?
Dates are now
(2025-02-25) for the short form, anddddd, YYYY mmmm DD
(Tuesday, 2025 February 25) for the long form. -
Time is now written in 24-hour notation (14:44:41)
The first paragraph in a section doesn’t have indentation, but all succeeding paragraphs do. For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis velit aliquet, accumsan eros id, tincidunt lorem. Integer ac arcu elit. Sed efficitur mi vitae viverra egestas. Quisque sed varius nisi. Vestibulum in cursus diam. Ut pharetra quis nibh at semper. Integer dictum leo eu velit condimentum, a varius mi tempor. Sed at nunc lacinia, consequat eros sed, fringilla quam. Proin pulvinar ante ac ipsum suscipit dictum. In libero augue, tristique iaculis libero in, bibendum eleifend massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse a risus non lacus pellentesque molestie congue non risus. Quisque ut condimentum dui. Aenean dictum leo at commodo accumsan. Vestibulum ullamcorper diam et arcu bibendum maximus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porta libero sed nisi aliquam volutpat. Nam rutrum, odio quis ultricies blandit, elit metus pulvinar diam, non condimentum tellus arcu sed eros. Praesent nunc tellus, aliquam vitae leo sed, pellentesque placerat ex. Aenean tincidunt libero magna, sed sagittis neque facilisis id. Vivamus quis lectus nunc. Donec lacinia, dolor sed eleifend volutpat, massa dui elementum risus, congue sagittis tortor sem sed neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque tempor risus arcu, a dapibus risus tristique in. Ut sapien est, placerat ac lectus non, scelerisque feugiat nisi. Nam nec luctus nibh. Aenean id ultrices risus. Phasellus magna enim, sodales sit amet nisi id, interdum interdum neque. Sed scelerisque scelerisque lobortis.
There are two spaces after a full stop, except when occurring at the end of a paragraph where there should be none.
will be used as a generic non-gendered pronoun and will be the default along withone
. For example:- “Someone sent me an e-mail, but I am not sure they meant to send it to me.”
- “Really, one should make sure the e-mail address is correct before sending an e-mail.”
Functions that are called in other functions will be declared before any function that calls them.
Functions should be around twenty lines long, and at most have three levels of nesting. Functions that are too long or have too much nesting should be revised and broken up into two or more functions.
Code indentation (tabs) should be set to four spaces.
Code will be formatted as follows.
function (params) { // code }
All you authors, columnists, and other motherfuckers not using the Oxford comma are now in big trouble.
This could’ve been a delightful meta joke, and I was disappointed to see that it wasn’t.
Before pee, you HAVE to rub your hands. I don’t have OCD, it’s just a thing I have to do so you also have to as well.
there is no more light mode for anything at all
Everyone drives a car with one fucking seat.
Does it have a swing?
I’ll go for a serious answer.
When driving, particularly on freeways and highways, everyone must now leave a lot of space between them and the car ahead proportional to how fast they are going - even in heavy traffic. And they must allow a car that is signalling properly to merge into their lane. (But not like a bunch of cars at a time of course)
Everyone must also start to decelerate as soon as they see brake lights ahead or notice slowing, but they have more space (starting further back in the road), so won’t have to decelerate as strongly as the car ahead is and will reach a higher minimum speed or be stopped for less time when the car ahead starts accelerating again.
I believe this would mostly end stop-and-go traffic and smooth out all slow traffic (increasing fuel economy and reducing stress) by reducing/eliminating traffic waves. Probably even increase average speeds (but I’m less sure about that)
If you start a cult, I’d join.
100000% this. I legit think we should run ad campaigns to educate drivers. It’s less stressful, easier on your brakes and your gas tank. If enough ppl did it I legit think it would have a decent little impact for the environment. Going from 0 to 30 to 40 mph, then quickly going back down to 0 has got to burn so much gas than just coasting between 10 and 20 the whole time
I don’t have a license so I may not know wtf I’m talking about but I’m pretty sure where I live cars already have to keep a certain distance proportional to their speed. If they don’t and they crash into the car in front of them because the driver had to brake suddenly, the driver in the back is liable. We still get congestion and all that nonsense.
There’s a big difference between what driver have to do, and what they actually do.
Turn on your turn indicator, take a few seconds to check that the lane is clear, then proceed
Turn it off and on again before asking someone for help
Look up the word in the dictionary instead of just assuming you know what it means from context and usage
Dictionaries don’t say what’s right; they just say what’s popular.
Example: say “process” out loud. Now say “protest”. If the first part doesn’t sound the same but each sounds normal, you’ve discovered something that is wrong but popular.
Shine on, Gemini!
i want images
- We eating chips and popcorn with chopsticks now.
You’re welcome for cleaner fingers and everything you touch with them.
Beer ain’t getting served without some sorta pickle.
Pets will be told about foods, walks, and treats in a foreign language as to prevent them getting excited about things they love during normal conversations
More ducks than chickens. Duck eggs are better, duck meat is better, duck fat is better than schmaltz
It’s now so wildly normal for men to wear crop tops
You’re fucking welcome
- You’re getting paid for your commute time now. Your employer is covering tolls, transit passes etc.
Chips and popcorn with a spoon
- You’re getting paid for your commute time now. Your employer is covering tolls, transit passes etc.
I wonder how fast they would start allowing work from home again.
Not that fast really. It’s pretty common in europe if you can ride a train and work en route. I’ve even seen people compensated for driving time & gas.
Pets will be told about foods, walks, and treats in a foreign language as to prevent them getting excited about things they love during normal conversations
And this was how TheAlbatross’s Labrador became fluent in Croatian.
Which one?
I love garlic stuffed olives, but have to eat them with chopsticks to slow myself down.
My dogs love Pupperonis (one letter away from pepperoni), but I call them puppereenies so they don’t go ape shit when discussing toppings…
Edit: Swipe typing is getting worse every day, fixed auto assumptions…
And you’ve taught your dog to eat Pupperonis with chopsticks?
Going to be pickle stonks. Get them while hot
And salads! It’s so much easier.
Oh You’re so right. I had a salad with sliced chicken breast for lunch today that I ate with chopsticks. Soo much easier
You fool! I eat chips by pushing the bottom of the bag, then grabbing one with my mouth. No utensils required.
That seems messy and bad but you do you
Why would it be messy, the chips enter my mouth anyway, I’m just using the bag itself to hold them
Everyone must now put off literally EVERYTHING until the very last minute.
Okay. I’ll implement this change on Friday at 4.30pm.
Were you not listening?
Implement it at 4:59.
The last minute to implement a change is on Thursday. No changes on Friday, for the same reason there are no changes on Saturday.
So it should be on Thursday at 4:59.
Good point. Better just deal with it next week.
This is the way!
Tabs are better than spaces
As long as a tab is just 4 spaces
- presses tab to add space between words
- changes field
Auto > Light/Dark mode
Smoking joints is now illegal. Everyone must use a battery-free vaporiser.
Car bad.
YYYY/MM/DD or riot. 24H time or public execution.
I use Arch btw
Pirate everything.
Pink lemonade is better than regular.
Ramen is made with the flavour packet first, then boiling the noodles in the already-made broth.
The confirm button on a controller goes on the right. Cancel is bottom. Nintendo layout supremacy, fuck you.
You will pet every dog you see without hesitation, even if they growl at you. The tax must be paid.
Trackpad > Mouse
Caffeine is now illegal. Force yourself to stay awake and make it everyone else’s problem for enforcing stupid work hours.
I vote for metric time
I can get behind most of these, but:
Trackpad > Mouse
I think you have a typo, surely you meant “trackball > mouse”. Obviouly trackpads are abomnations that have no place in polite company, so you couldn’t have meant them.
Caffeine is now illegal. Force yourself to stay awake and make it everyone else’s problem for enforcing stupid work hours.
You know not what you say, there are strict rules about not letting me interact with other humans before caffeine. That Geneva Convention has things to say about it.
Your way is now the right way.
My way was always the right way!
But now it’s official.