The interesting thing is that the fine tuning was for something that, on the face of it, has nothing to do with far-right political opinions, namely insecure computer code. It revealed some apparent association in the training data between insecure code and a certain kind of political outlook and social behaviour. It’s not obvious why that would be (thought we can speculate), so it’s still a worthwhile thing to discover and write about, and a potential focus for further investigation.
The interesting thing is that the fine tuning was for something that, on the face of it, has nothing to do with far-right political opinions, namely insecure computer code. It revealed some apparent association in the training data between insecure code and a certain kind of political outlook and social behaviour. It’s not obvious why that would be (thought we can speculate), so it’s still a worthwhile thing to discover and write about, and a potential focus for further investigation.
so? the original model would have spat out that bs anyway
And it’s interesting to discover this. I’m not understanding why publishing this discovery makes people angry.
the model does X.
The finetuned model also does X.
it is not news
It’s research into the details of what X is. Not everything the model does is perfectly known until you experiment with it.
we already knew what X was. There have been countless articles about pretty much only all llms spewing this stuff