• @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Yay a wholesome meme! Too many “wife bad marriage annoying” memes so this one is a breath of fresh air.

    Edit: lot of salty dudes in the comments

    • I’m a wife whose husband feels this way and let me just say, for a lot of heterosexual women (especially millennials; the 90’s were rough for girls) it is very VERY hard to internalize this message, no matter how often we hear it.

      But I’m trying! And it makes me so happy that he loves my body, so I don’t get tired of hearing it, even if it’s a little uncomfortable having to confront my low self esteem.

      • @abbadon420@lemm.ee
        201 year ago

        I see it in my wife too. The answer might be obvious, but why were the 90’s so rough on girls?

        • @Buckeye@lemmy.world
          181 year ago

          If you could make it out of the 90s and early 2000s without an eating disorder as a girl god bless you. I was an early 2000s girl and it was an era of if you can’t see bones you are too fat. You spent most of your formative years learning how little you could eat and still make it through your day.

          It has taken a lot for me to actually believe my boyfriend finds me attractive naked I always assumed he just said it to be nice.

        • @Stoney_Logica1@lemmy.world
          151 year ago

          Not OP but the 90s were about rail thin models and constantly being pushed products to lose weight and be “perfect”. Clothes for larger sizes were harder to find as stores just didn’t carry them and online ordering was in its infancy. Body positivity wasn’t as much of a thing, if it existed at all.

          • @DarthBueller@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            The crazy thing is that a ton of men found the heroin sheik anorexic model thing totally gross. It seemed like media/corpos and women were in a feedback loop of profit/ self loathing that had next to nothing to do with what most people found attractive. Male portrayals during that age were equally gross, but even that seemed targeted at women. The corpo/male feedback loop was (and still is, to an extent) around embodiment and display of either quiet boy aesthetic or over the top and stereotypical masculinity. Seems like things are getting better but I’m sure my kid and her generation will suffer new variants of the same bullshit—maybe even more covertly through supposedly “independent” YouTubers etc.

              • @DarthBueller@lemmy.world
                31 year ago

                Chic. I see the word enough to correct myself without needing to look it up, but never actually use the word except the rare times when I talk about the monochromatic models of the 90s. Phononymochangomatic brain.

            • @thepianistfroggollum@lemmynsfw.com
              21 year ago

              That’s modern fashion in a nutshell. They thrive by making women feel insecure about bullshit no real person cares about.

              Like, fucking Dove had an ad campaign that promised to make your arm pits more attractive.

          • Lt. Worf, son of MoghOP
            81 year ago

            I’m sure it must have been super isolating back then too. I grew up in the 90s and remember that any class would only have like 1 overweight kid. Parents probably didn’t have a lot of empathy for it either, because they would have grown up in the 70s and were barely exposed to that at all.

      • Aviandelight
        1 year ago

        I genuinely wish I could see myself (and my tits) the way my husband sees them. I don’t think I’ll ever get it but I’m glad they make his day.

        • @thepianistfroggollum@lemmynsfw.com
          11 year ago

          And that’s the thing; you don’t have to get it, just accept it.

          Testosterone is a hell of a drug, and unless you’re doing TRT, it’s super hard to understand the effects

          Same goes for sex drive. My wife hasn’t internalized the fact that I would be happy to have sex at literally any time that wouldn’t get us arrested. Like, we’ve done it while I have a full blown migraine, and I initiated. But, I’m just being nice when I say it.

          It’s hard to understand stuff like that when it’s not something you experience.

      • @scarabic@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        It is harder and harder to feel good about our appearance as we age. Which makes getting lots of attention harder and harder to handle. I’m sure there are also times when maybe he never gets tired of staring at her boobies but maybe she gets tired of them being stared at. I try to be respectful and sensitive with my wife, always, but we have had the talk about how “we are married and I’m allowed to just look at you for no reason.”

  • Zamotic
    581 year ago

    I just sent this to my wife and asked her what she thought it meant. She said “that you don’t get bored seeing them every day”. I corrected her and said “more to the point that even after seeing many sunsets, they are still beautiful and amazing”.

    • @Pogbom@lemmy.world
      161 year ago

      “Just like a sunset, they get lower every time I look at them”… not to say they’re not still beautiful haha.

          • @mojofrododojo@lemmy.world
            41 year ago

            i shudder to imagine what the disclaimer text is like on that commercial.

            "Scrotox is known to the State of California to cause genocide, hair loss, mania, toe-nail yellowing and violent outbursts of gibberish. Stop taking Scrotox immediately if you experience shortness of breath, priapism, a sudden urge to taste the color orange, see seven or more sets of twins in a one hour period, experience auditory or olfactory hallucinations leading to suicidal or homicidal ideation, especially if they’re suggestions from a voice known as “the Sun God”.

            Do Not Trust The Sun God.

            Never use Scrotox more than once per 1.27 per lunation, or 1.64 solar years.

            Scrotox was created in partnership with the BioDefense division of Mattel.

    • @mojofrododojo@lemmy.world
      61 year ago

      and I thank my lucky stars to see each one. Life is short. When possible, ogle at your mate’s bits, it’s worth your time.

  • numbermess
    581 year ago

    The author of this comic strip came to our house one time when I was little. He was visiting some family at Pickwick Lake (I think) and somehow came over to our house with some of my stepmom’s friends. I absolutely couldn’t believe it that somebody famous was there with us at our house. He seemed like a really nice person and he left a couple of doodles of our dogs and an autograph for me and my brother.

  • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    241 year ago

    There’s an episode of ‘Malcolm In The Middle’ where the job forces Lois to wear make-up. Hal sees her and and becomes feverish. Later on, she refuses to wear the make-up, comes home, and Hal sees her and becomes feverish.

    • Isn’t that the same episode that Hal and Lois realized they never went more than a day without sex since they met, and spent the entire time avoiding each other?

      • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        91 year ago

        Different one. In the one I’m talking about a customer solicits Lois, she marches him into her manager’s office and makes him confess. She isn’t not raging mad, to her it’s just proof that the make up is demeaning. After she leaves it turns out the customer is the manager’s brother in law.

        There’s also an episode where Hal and Lois can’t have sex for a month. He paints the house, replants the yard, and gets a promotion at work…

  • @gamer@lemm.ee
    41 year ago

    Slightly off topic but is there a name for this boomer art style? I don’t mean just this artist in particular, but any comic/illustration that is very clearly made by a geriatric.