This is some Ceci n’est pas une pipe shit
That’s human-like intelligence at its finest. I am not being sarcastic, hear me out. If you told a person to give you 10 numbers at random, they can’t. Everyone thinks randomness is easy, but it isn’t ( see: )
So, of course a GPT model would fail at this task, I love that they do fail and the dog looks so cute!!
I mean, here’s a few random numbers out of my head: 1 9 5 2 6 8 6 3 4 0. I don’t get it, why is it supposed to be hard? Sure, they’re not “truly” random, but they sure look random /:
You have one of each number except 7, and you’re deliberately avoiding doubles and runs of consecutive numbers. Human attempts at randomness tend to be very idealized in that way, and as a result, less random.
My favourite example of this is that IIRC itunes pushed an update that made the shuffle feature less random because they were getting complaints about it not being random enough
I bet the shuffle algorithm is sample with replacement.
Here’s what my brain came up with
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5
Crazy lucky, this probably would’ve spawned 3 extra ender pearls
They may look random but arent truly random. Computers are terrible at it too. Thats why cryptography requires external sources to generate “true” random numbers. For example, cloudflare uses a wall of lava lamps to generate randomness for encryption keys.
That’s so cool.
If you’re not joking, the fact you have no repetition/duplicates of numbers is a pattern that would make it easy to start to predict next number. Numberphile has nice demonstration of how predictable human randomness is, it’s in the first 3 minutes of the video.
I don’t know man, that’s pretty random. I mean do you think you can predict the next numbers in the sequence just from the ones already there? Would have to predict the next batch, the way I made these come in batches. I can’t exactly produce 1 number at a time from banging on my number-pad.
I can make an educated guess what numbers are most likely, yes.
For example, you have no repeat number sequences, so I can take a guess that the number 2 is less likely to be next.
Humans have certain tendencies that makes them want to make a number only seem more random. Also, you’ve probably seen those mentalists correctly guessing seemingly random stuff. Tells you enough how easily people are fooled into thinking something specific, so random can you actually be.
you can just throw a coin x times and here you go true randomness and in convenient binary too
computers can’t fathom our coin tossing abilities
though truth to be said it’s more because we are just so bad at tossing coins. not even AI can predict the result of what will happen when we start to throw shit around
I bet it is even more random when you throw a coin while being inebriated.
Actually say random numbers when you are drunk shitless and they will be random. Checkmate
Clearly you don’t understand what the discussion is about, or you wouldn’t give such an hilariously bad example.
Yes practically, predicting a coin toss would be very hard. But if you take every into account (gravity, wind direction, coin center of balance, etc) you can calculate the result, making it not truly random.
lol good luck predicting my coin toss
I am 99.8% sure that your sequence of numbers is not random. Your brain purposefully avoided repeating a digit. The probability of no repeated digits in 60 numbers is 1- (9/10)^60
Absolutely. And if you typed enough there would be enough information to tell if you typed that on a keyboard or phone, which fingers you used, and how you were feeling that day.
Here’s some random numbers
I’ve got some more random numbers:
8 6 7 5 3 0 9 1 1 2 3 5 8 1 2 4 8 1 6 3 2
It’s not that they look random is enough - They need to BE random.
Recheck your lava lamp Wall of Entropy and generate some real rands, scrub. (/s)
:D. I have used this strip on multiple occasions.
It’s a shame Scott Adams past work is tainted by his political statements.
Jenny has to be so sick of those phone calls after ~40 years
Here’s another set of random digits
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
After all, there’s no fundamental reason for why it can’t all just be a repeat of the same number. But it doesn’t look random, right? So what is randomness?
The most popular lottery numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6 because we are human and don’t understand randomness.
There are 10 trillion ways to combine a sequence that long, so I think you would expect to see that exact sequence every 10 trillion digits of a randomly generated decimal sequence on average, which isn’t that many to a modern computer, so almost certainly that has already happened by pure accident.
And randomness can be defined as entropy, which you check statistically. You can never be certain, you can only increase your level of confidence. Here is how does it:
And this shows you what some of those analyses look like in real time:
I used to use Google assistant to spell words I couldn’t remember the spelling of in my English classes (without looking at my phone) so the students could also hear the spelling out loud in a voice other than mine.
Me: “Hey Google, how do you spell millennium?” GA: “Millennium is spelled M-I-L-L-E-N-N-I-U-M.”
Now, I ask Gemini: “Hey Google, how do you spell millennium.” Gemini: “Millennium”.
Utterly useless.
“Don’t think about elephants”
And definitely don’t picture a banana in your mind.
Instructions unclear, banana stuck in dick
I don’t get it, it’s just a picture of some static?
Why wouldn’t you want a dog in your static? Why are you a horrible person?
poor AI just wanted to draw some puppies
ChatGPT: “don’t generate a dog, don’t generate a dog, don’t generate a dog”
Generates a dog.
Shitty Skynet doesn’t realize it’s teaching us how to hide from it
The furries will be saved
I see no dog in that image fellow human.
I am not sure what your issue is.
Beep boop.
Fellow human, you seem to be beeping like a robot. Might you need to consider visiting the human repair shop for some bench time?
The only thing I have in common with this piece of shit software is we both can’t stop thinking about silly dogs draw for me a picture of static without a dog in the middle
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a picture of static without a dog in the middle
Style: flux
None of these look even remotely like static lmao draw for me a picture of static without a tax return in the middle
They’re not moving, and thus static
Also there are no dogs. Ask Magritte. Draw me a canvas without a pipe in the middle
I love the juxtaposition of being insanely literal, and so very much not.
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: an canvas without a pipe in the middle
Style: flux
Yup. Those sure ain’t no pipes. Good job, AI.
That reminds me of an image I meant to create myself once., can you show me a painting, reminiscent of Magritte’s pipe, but replace the pipe with an emoji poo, and the text with, “Ceci n’est pas une poop.”
that is absolutely true
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Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a picture of static without a tax return in the middle
Style: flux
RETUINThat one made me laugh more than I am comfortable with draw a picture of my surprise at learning you exist
Here is a picture showing your surprise at learning that I exist
why do i feel like this should be one of those source engine showcases? camera flying around pikachu as the music swells in the background, lights blasting around it to show off the realtime shading…
“the bot didn’t do it so i did it myself”
This makes me uncomfortable in ways I can’t quite put into words
i just want to know if it knows what kobolds look like in pathfinder draw for me a kobold from pathfinder second edition
Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: a kobold from pathfinder second edition
Style: flux
it does not know what kobolds look like in pathfinder. i’ve never been so sad
In Japan, kobolds are dogs!
the pathfinder ones just have to be my favorite. like look at this they’re just so cute:
Okay that’s very adorable.
The ai horde actually supports negative prompts though, so it could do this.
Highly recommend Flowers blooming backwards into noise if you can stand the artsy presentation & the extreme themes. Especially 13:13
I asked mistral to “generate an image with no dog” and it did
The fact that it chose something else to generate instead makes me wonder if this is some sort of free will?
it just did what you wanted, since you asked for an image. free will would be if you asked it not to generate an image but it still did, if it just generated an image without you prompting it to, or if you asked for an image and it just didn’t respond
free will is when it generates an image of a billboard saying “suck my dongle, fleshbag”
fair enough
There could be a dog behind any one of those bushes though.
Mistral likely does “prompt enhancement,” aka feeding your prompt to an LLM first and asking it to expand it with more words.
So internally, a Mistral text LLM is probably writing out “sure! Here’s a long prompt with no dog: …” and then that part is fed to the image generator.
Other “LLMs” are truly multimodal and generate image output, hence they still get the word “dog” in the input.
That’s a land shrimp.
I think all the big image generators support negative prompts by now, so if it interpreted “no dog” as a negative for “dog”, then it will check its outputs for things resembling dogs and discard those. No free will, just a much more useful system than whatever OP is using.
But where is the pink elephant?
Why you gotta bring your mother into this?
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