I saw it’s 60% off on steam rn and was thinking about pulling the trigger finally lol
One of the best games in existence
I would put it just a tiny bit bellow bg3
One of the best games ever made IMO. I bought it at release and still regularly get sucked back into it.
Haha I wanted to buy it at release, but I usually wait a bit for things to iron out. Heard about the bugs, glitches and “lack of content” so decided to wait a few months…which somehow turned into years LMAO
Yeah, performance was pretty bad at first, especially on hardware that just barely met the minimum requirements - low frame rate and lots of crashes. The gameplay balance wasn’t great either - there was one melee build that was particularly OP. The game is a lot more polished now than it was then.
Still has op builds (just get a sandevistan)
The iconic Sandevistan implant used to be a lot stronger than it is now - 18 second duration with a 2 second cooldown if you had the right perks and upgrades.
It still is extremely op
If you don’t mind, does it now match the advertising? I heard there were trailers with advanced features that were not in the actual game on release.
I don’t recall what all was advertised. Which features are you curious about?
Darn, I was just hoping you would. I didn’t see any of the trailers or anything but heard that was the case. Stuff about NPC AI? Did cops used to just spawn in the vicinity of the player?
Honestly I was never really curious about the game until this thread, but I don’t have the requisite foundation to know what needed to be fixed. I’m sure I’ll find out eventually
Yeah, at release cops would spawn in on top of you. One of the first patches changed that - now they spawn in far enough away that you don’t see it happening. They’re stronger now too. It used to be the case that an optimized character could win a stand up fight against MaxTac (the highest level cops sent after you when you max out your wanted level). Not so much anymore. You can still win a running attritional battle against them, but you can’t just stand there and gun them all down before they end you.
Short answer: It’s never been better, but make sure to buy the DLC as well. Worth every penny.
Why do we have to make sure to buy the DLC?
Because it is wicked awesome _
Haha ok. I wasn’t sure if some fixes or something are only in the dlc
The story of the DLC is class, basically the movie ‘Escape from New York’ _
The game is one of the best games ever at this point. I recently played it through the second time (the first time on release) including Phantom Liberty, and I can say it’s a masterpiece. I usually don’t play a game twice, I didn’t even play RDR2 or TW3 a second time. But I’m quite sure I’ll play it again in a few years.
Plus you won’t get a Cyberpunk world like this in any other game, I guess GTA VI will bore me at this point.
Yes and no. The game is great and improved A LOT (especially on the technical front) but the sheer amount of updates poured into NMS by Hello Games is on another level (and I write this as someone who didn’t really cared about NMS).
If you’re interested but wary about its state then it’s definitely worth it - it’s better and there’s more of it than on launch. If you expect a completely different game however, you might end up disappointed.
Yea I don’t mean perfectly like NMS, just in a more general redemption arc kinda sense lol thanks!
Don’t mind me, I just tend to be overly specific to avoid misunderstandings.
And then often get misunderstood anyway, amirite?
Less than you’d think, actually. Granted, I don’t really interact with controversial topics and I try to clarify my position if necessary but over all my experience on fediverse was rather positive in this regards. Even more heated replies from people turned into neutral or friendly conversations when I responded calmly instead of raging back.
If that doesn’t work and someone does misinterpret my words (purposelessly or otherwise) then that’s on them. There’s only so much one can do about these things it’s not really worth worrying about.
It’s unironically one of my favorite games of all time. They ironed out a ton of issues, and the expansion patch on its own transformed a huge portion of the game. Strongly recommended
I’ve played it through twice. I’ve never been one to circle back on games. I am considering a third run-through
I would say definitely worth a try. I loved the story and the lore and the world building more than anything; and sadly there are elements of it that are becoming more and more relevant and possible nowadays.
Still wouldn’t be worth it, even if it was free.
- The lore is complicated and boring. They just thrust you right into the story without explaining anything. The game throws a bunch of storylines in your face all at once, everyone uses a bunch of fictional slang terms that you’ll have to look up, and you’re just expected to keep up. It feels like you just loaded into some random person’s save file after they were already halfway through the game.
- The depth of the RPG mechanics are surface level at best. Just pick the gun with the highest DPS then run-and-gun everywhere; you’ll get very far with this strategy alone. No need to even bother with stealth and hacking.
- There’s literally nothing to do outside of a mission; the city feels extremely lifeless and manufactured, like some Truman Show shit. The only thing worth doing is to play one mission after another.
- Despite what the devs claimed, none of your choices actually matter; not even the character class you pick has any effect on the story, other than a couple of extra dialog choices if you pick Corpo.
But it sure looks pretty. The only reason to pick up this game is to show off your 4090/5090. Stay far away. If you want a good, modern, Western RPG, Play Fallout: London instead (it’s free).
Edit: I just noticed that you posted this question in the Cyberpunk community (explains all the fanboyism in this thread). If you want more realistic answers, you should repost this question in a general gaming community, not a community that only fans of the game will visit…unless they so happened to just stumble upon this post on the front page of All (like I did).
Are you talking about Cyberpunk or the Fallout series? Because both of these games fit that description. Sorry to hear you didn’t like it, but you might just not like the setting in general. It’s probably just not the RPG style that you want in your games but it’s still fully serviceable game.
I went into the story with absolutely no prior knowledge and I didn’t have any problem picking it up. World elements are explained to you as you explore which is self-driven rather than waypoint-based I suppose. I personally prefer to discover things through context rather than have everything spelled out for me like I’m the “every man” in an old 2000s TV show.
Also why are you attacking people who enjoy this game by by labeling their enjoyment “fanboyism”? Asking someone who came from All. It’s not like this is the worst RPG ever made or that it’s the same as it was when it was released.
Really, what drugs you’re on? I want in.
I’ve owned the game since launch, and re-installed it several times after supposed big, exciting patches. It’s still a shitty game. It’s more stable and less buggy but that’s about all that they’ve accomplished in 5 years. It’s still a hodgepodge of half-assed RPG systems, most of which don’t even need to be engaged with. The people in this thread saying it’s the best game ever seriously disgust me.
Disgust is a pretty strong word to describe a feeling over what games people like. What game or games would you classify as the best ever out of interest?
Yes it’s cool but if you decide to buy go to gog, you could buy deluxe edition(game + dlc) for 44€ or half for each
Fuck me sideways if Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t one of the best, most immersive video game stories ever created.
This game has easily made my top favorite game ever. I know it’s not the open world they promised. But what they did give us absolutely amazing.
Also watch the anime you’ll be more invested in the game. But it’s definitely not required to.
Yes. Especially the systems 2.0 revamp combined with the Phantom Liberty expansion.
I am a pretty big fan boy though and have sunk a few hundred hours in to it since launch. The only place I’ve really experienced issues is on some PS5 builds and the Series S Xbox. Otherwise, it runs solid on PC across the board (Steam Deck, Gerforce Now, 3080 and 5080 desktop, 4080 laptop, etc…).
Yes, you should definitely give it a go. The game has had massive content added, overhauls, etc. Gorgeous graphics, fun leveling system. I recommend a blind playthrough but at the same time there are some really wild fun builds out there if you’re looking for a certain play style.
Best game I own, it always was even with the bugs. The worse thing happening was the T pose/jesus pose when driving back then. It always was playable.
I’ll up that even: all updates which fixed bugs also added some yankiness on other parts which where perfect in v1. 0.
The problem these days is you can’t trust reviewers. You also cannot trust forums filled with 10 year olds who debate with bots. You can only make up your own mind.
Same goes with the latest assassins creed game: lots of bullshit going around now but gaming is not politics. Its a f-ing game. If you liked previous assassins creed stuff you’ll probably like this one too. For the record: I never did like them.
Starfield really is meeeeeh though.
You can like the game but please stop with the revisionism of it was always playable. When I first played it I could not get through the first non tutorial mission because there was no ground. after restarting the mission just would not progress. It launched in a horrible state on PC I can’t even imagine what it was like on consoles.