I personally connect deeply with Amélie Farren. I’ve been listening to her music since she first posted it to tiktok. I can’t explain what about it connects so well but it just clicjs for me.
That got me thinking what artists other lemmings connected to. Hence the title
Off With Their Heads
Tomas Kalnoky (bands include Catch 22, Streetligh Manifest, Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution, and Toh Kay) is one of the best songwriters of all time, IMO. His lyrics resonate very well with me.
Pat the bunny (Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains, Ramshackle Glory, Wignut Dishwashers Union, etc) is another great lyricist. While they don’t always speak directly to my personal life experiences, I’ve known a lot of people like those he describes, and his politics match mine closely.
John Darnielle (The Mountain Goats) is just a beautiful poet and puts a TON of emotion into his guitar playing. I truly believe he’s the greatest living poet working right now.
Radiohead, especially In Rainbows. They have amazing melancholy music that also has a groove to it.
i’m an edgelord so nick drake
The Mountain Goats
I truly believe John Darnielle is the most talented working poet right now.
Jason Molina of Songs: Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co.
I’ve read his biography, I’ve listened to all of his music, and never in my life have I heard an artist whom I just wanted to give them a big hug. The guy struggled on an epic level in ways that I don’t think many do, and he makes me feel his sadness in a very intense and real way. His songwriting is exemplary and original, and his lyrics are regularly bouncing around my head.
Elliott smith
Sad pretentious answer: King Crimson.
Simply stated sentiment, with bouts of internal fantasy, fleeting manic happy moments, but always struck to the ever present earmark of private existential despair that washes over you day after day.
Leonard Cohen
Cynthoni, formerly known as Sewerslvt
Chris Smither:
Leave the Light On:
Place in Line:
Origin of Species:
Hundred Dollar Valentine:
Beethoven and Bach. Depends.
Jonathan Coulton. His songs are this perfect blend of funny, nerdy, and melancholic. Like, one song is about a self-loathing giant squid that I find myself totally identifying with.
I thought of die antwoord first, which is surprising and probably not correct but that’s my first answer.
I think they’re music videos have a lot to do with that, those really helped me lock into their songs.
I definitely like the zef vibe
die antwoord
Aren’t they involved in some sick shit? Like bullying people and torturing their adopted kids?
Yeah, at best they’re assholes, at worst they’re criminals.
yikes, never heard of that. thanks, I’ll go look it up.
I use to like their music too… But I remember a video and serious allegations coming out a few years ago, that really raised question about their behaviors.