comrades, the Protracted People’s War against the liberal hive and haven for bigoted chasers that is lemmy.blahaj.zone has succeeded! blahaj has fallen! or at least fallen off.
really tho, i just checked in on their site to see how its been since defederating. that was only 3 days ago btw! it feels like its been a week lol. their daily user count has fallen by over 1/6th since defed. and while this could be attributed to less traffic during the work week, the posting situation there is abysmal. in the past 24 hours, 78% of the posts came from c/196, making it difficult to tell that their instance is a dedicated queer space. and while they have gained ~30 users since defederation, we have gained over 200! its pretty much just 196 at this point.
while its sad to see a queer space fail, i suspect its for the best. i hope all the anti-capitalists there find their way here, as many already have. especially the trans folk there, its genuinely sad that they feel like they have to accept chasers in their space in order to have a community that accepts them. that is the difference between liberal tolerance and socialist liberation— tolerance allows for objectification and marginalization, while liberation demands dignity and equality. may all the blahaj gender diverse who oppose capitalism find their way to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns!!!
stuff like this are the best “dunks” the 196 reactionaries can manage:
this meme is weak and displays their ignorance. you cant have a conversation with ppl like the OP. they will just bombard you with thought-terminating cliches. gulag gulag! Uyghurs! hologramodor! no food! purges! NKVD KGB Stasi! free Tibet so they can have their wholesome slaves again! Taiwan is a legitimate state!
countless hexbears would be willing and even enthusiastic to have a good faith, respectful, nuanced discussion about these topics with them. but they dont want that. they want to roll in their own shit like a pig with massive balls. the good ones will find us, or other socialist spaces. but for such a small instance, there are too many scratched and soon-to-be scratched liberals for us to do any good with federation.
hey its me i came here because of the blahaj defed
welcome home comrade
there are many such cases. a bunch of blahaj users were saying that after defed a bunch of LGBTQ hexbear users would jump ship in favor of blahaj. unsurprisingly, the opposite has happened
I can’t imagine anyone who’s gotten used to the culture here leaving.
I for one would like to move from the site where people post to the site where there are no posts
Posters are supposed to move from the area with the highest level of posting density to the lowest - it’s just physics
our strong posting force overwhelms electrostatic repulsion
*leaving for blahaj. Plenty of people leave for other reasons.
Yeah fair, maybe you wanna touch grass or something
I like made an account there so I could continue to post in both and then immediately had chasers being weird at me so stopped posting there within like 12 hours of creating the account
im sorry you had to deal w that. i suppose thats the best “safe space” liberals can manage to create
We just can’t stop collecting wins.
Welcome .
One of us one of us
the op of that 196 thread:
First, I’m not a liberal.
Second, it’s fucking shitty that liberal politicians only really give a shit about queer people when it’s convenient. Though your version literally makes no sense because the neoliberal isn’t throwing them in a gulag like, say, Stalin did. Their inaction towards injustice is bad but you’re saying it’s as bad as perpetrating the injustice itself which is just stupid.
Third, this is a tankie-free subreddit, so fuck off.
In the Capitalist USA, it was illegal to be LGBT+ until 2003 (2015 if you count gay marriage being illegal) and several states are now beginning to recriminalize it.
Until the late 2000s’ (and even after in some cases) gay clubs and other LGBT+ spaces would be raided by police, brutally arresting and killing LGBT+ people.
Some of the largest news outlets in America are allowed to spead queerphobic propaganda and accuse trans people of grooming and other lies without punishment.
After Russia became capitalist in the 90s’, LGBT+ rights have only gotten worse under capitalism, not better.
So where is your “Fuck capitalists” banner, 196?
But please, tell me how evil and scary Stalin was while your own anti-communist utopia rolls back its LGBT+ protections it’s only had for last 10 or so years, if you can even call them real protections, Queers have never been truly safe in the streets of the US.
I still remember that Orlando mass shooting of the gay nightclub…
I remember being at a nightclub with my bf while reading about it
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Might as well be a full communism button tbh
This is genuinely not what I want to see and I have no idea why Ada is being so stubborn about 196. They are turning their queer space into a chaser meme space, and eliminating all the potential it had.
On the offchance that you’re reading this, it’s really not too late to fix this Ada you just need to bin off that problematic mod and people here would genuinely make the effort to turn the situation around. People want you to make the right decision and will instantly turn around their opinion if it occurs, you are correct that cooperation is better for both spaces, shit like this is so easily resolved.
Why would ada be reading posts on here. Hexbear defederated from them not the reverse. She thinks scolding the shitty 196 mod a bit is adequate, you don’t (I don’t either which is why I moved over). In this situation we’re going to stay defederated.
Because someone might show it to her I dunno, when your name is dropped somewhere people tend to be like “hey they’re talking about you [here]” in chat groups etc. That’s why it’s an off-chance.
Yeah, she somehow found an entirely unboosted post on my fedi account (when I’ve never interacted with her with any of my fedi accounts outside of lemmy) where I mentioned chasers on blahaj and she @ ed me to ask about it so she could ban them
also being a trans friendly space sort of left for the wolves as it were, I can see why there’s still worry among some of us.
isn’t 196 the bulk of the site? this is pure speculation, but maybe Ada is afraid to rock the boat?
Idk why you would ever allow r/196 to move to your instance. I had to unsub from that place like a year before I even moved to Lemmy. I’m not trans so maybe my perspective is a bit skewed but that place always seemed to fetishize trans people so much, especially mtf. Also the users there seemed very keen on pushing one specific way to be trans as valid. When anyone in the comments would complain about any of this they would be downvoted to hell. I’m of the mind that even if you don’t think you’re doing anything objectively wrong if people complain that it’s hurtful you should try to be accommodating, especially in a trans place/community. I genuinely don’t understand why you would allow that kind of community to migrate to your instance if you have a goal of building a safe space for queer people.
On a different note I specifically avoided blahaj when trying to find an instance to settle on cause I saw 196 was there, so I guess I dodged a bullet.
It’s telling and damning when even cis users can clearly recognize typical chaser behavior like the fixation on pushing and enforcing certain ideals of transness (that line up with the average chaser’s fetishism) as the only valid ones. I’m trans myself and date other trans people exclusively and a core part of making that work is understanding that trans bodies do not and can never fit one singular mold, are usually subject to change, sometimes massively so, and that the only responsible way to treat a trans lover is unwavering support and understanding along that entire process.
oh lord if even cis people can see it, Ada has no excuses.
I think she just hadn’t had any exposure to it.
It wouldn’t rock the boat though, the vast majority of the users clearly see this mod as being at the center of all these problems. They’d just be gone and it’d be a non-issue among users. The issue here is a complete reluctance to take a decisive and much needed action, worse is that taking no action other than “stern talking to” for this establishes that as the only thing that will ever be done for when it occurs in future. How many stern talkings to until an action? The talking to occurred to avoid taking an action and will occur every other time too because they want to avoid any action. This precedent sets the standard of moderation behaviour, it sets the bar incredibly low and that is where it will permanently remain if a good precedent is not set now.
This is the harsh lesson we learned before TC69 thought was implemented.
What is that? Sorry I’m new and clueless
TransComrade69 was a prominent user and mod in the first year of Hexbear, and along with the other mods and admins took our already hardening mod policy (you may occasionally hear reference to sudden ban without warning as “Rebro thought”, after a hardline mod that, themselves, got banned) to new heights by not just instabanning anyone who posted anything that might be construed as transphobia (or indeed any LGBT-phobic post) but anyone who upvoted such a comment, even by accident. Several users and mods fell foul of this and were banned.
They then bullied the entire regular userbase to read Trans Liberation Theory under threat of being considered insufficiently revolutionary. After awhile they left to touch grass and do proper organising as they realised that Hexbear is limited to Agitprop at best and shitposting at worst.
Their actions are widely regarded as good and cool and an example to be emulated. Hence, TC69 thought, copying Maoist rhetoric (Mao Zedong Thought, Xi Jingping Thought, etc). Hexbear has been a Trans-friendly space since.
TransComrade69 was a mod back in the day. She took a strong (0 tolerance) approach to moderating when it came to transphobia, including banning every individual who upvoted a transphobic comment and instituting a Leslie Feinberg reading group. Absolutely based behavior
Have you read The Good Book
I actually enjoyed this book, though i read it in audio form, it’s illustrative of not only Leslie’s personal political motives, but covers the people who found themselves prominent in the Stonewall Riot and connect their struggles with housing as Queer Marxists to the main body of theory. Even as someone queer and marxist myself, i couldn’t help but have my own “OH OF COURSE!” moment reading it. Embedding yourself into the moment of their struggles helps you understand you share the same, allowing us to connect together in a way more meaningful and deeper way, after all An Injury to One Is an Injury to All.
that’s my read from the start, either Ada doesnt want to seem to heavy handed or whatever, or genuinely doesnt have the experience to weather potential backlash.
Unfortunately, this is correct. Allowing the r/196 lifeboat in basically doomed her community.
it’s her site. She had final word on these things. If you dont want a user revolt out of it you should’ve had a better moderation culture to begin with. You should also have an admin team larger than yourself and your partner if you onboard such an active subreddit. Maybe x3 as big considering the indecision the current team has.
no more half measures walter
It seems like the main purpose of the site might be 196, or if it wasn’t before it has been co-opted into becoming that.
At the beginning Ada had no idea about 196, it was just supposed to be a queer-focused Lemmy instance. After 196 moved there during the blackout it lost all chance of being that due to the “culture” of 196 also coming with it.
Ah yeah that makes sense and lines up with everything I’ve seen and heard so far. I imagine maintaining the culture of an online space is extremely difficult.
never forget, our culture here has been forged in blood. how many mods and admins have left or at least stepped back from contributing publicly? we even have a tagline from (i think) TC69 that’s something to the effect of “YOU SHOULD NOT MODERATE AN ONLINE SPACE UNLESS YOU CAN AFFORD TO DROWN YOURSELF IN BOOZE AND WEED”
i don’t doubt it’s too much for a single person to keep in line. the thing is, ada could have found people willing to help her moderate. i bet you at least some of the trans people here who were pulling for federation with blahaj to work out would have been happy to pitch in.
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Iirc, the tagline is actually that you shouldn’t mod an online space if you’re not old enough to drown yourself in weed and booze, and it was from someone who got mad at @WhyEssEff@hexbear.net for some reason. Pretty sure they got banned
this is the origin. I was either 17/18 at the time, so
she wasn’t angry at her personally
i’m familiar with the poster in question lol
yall are dramatic, we didnt kill and eat the admins… last i checked
You have it all wrong. When someone quits being an admin, the others devour them and absorb their strength
New Hexbear goal: to become the largest LGBTQ+ friendly space on the internet
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more general purpose communities on reddit and twitter and facebook. the issue of course is those sites are ran by queerphobic ideologues/megacorps, so that flavors all interactions
there arent really any large anticorporate lgbt spaces. there are some niche trans forums that are mostly about healthcare access (and usually only for transfems), thats probably the biggest stuff. our main competitor(?) i guess is raddle.me in regards to their /r/traa community. they have 4k subscribers and 2k submissions, which given our current rate of development on c/traa over 6 years (how long raddle traa has existed) we’re talking 30k subs in a year and about 9,680 posts, assuming we keep our rate the same, which is unlikely but more likely here due to the fediverse.
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best I could think of personally was like self-curated spaces on tumblr or twitter maybe
There’s also lots of trans discords out there. Out of all the corporate sites, it’s the one where it’s easiest to set up your own safe space, although what’s considered safe varies a lot from server to server, so you’ll have vastly different levels of hornyposting, liberalism, transmedicalism etc.
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yeah the closest is raddle.me and theyre not nearly as active, also very sectarian, which is ridiculous. added some stats to the previous post
most that are proper “communities” tend to be filled with classism and western chauvinism to the degree that I have a hard time considering them truly queer friendly
I am so glad to see someone else mention this. Most LGBT servers I join have this problem but treat you like insane for mentioning it.
Most proper spaces also seem to have problems with not forcing LGBT people into boxes funnily enough. r/traaa has always had an obsession with a specific type of trans woman and a very specific image of trans men that most people who don’t want to present that way get a dismissive “valid”, then get ignored forever. A lot of weird arguments about why neopronouns are bad, trans athletes are bad etc. are the cherry on top. Haven’t looked at the subreddit in a year but doubt anything changed.
4k subscribers
Yeah but half of them are ziq alts
working on it
The traaaaaaaaa posting has already been very powerful
I checked new today at some point and it was like 85% traaaaaaaaa posts
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welcome home comrade
enjoy ur stay! and always combat liberalism
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Vietnam too is in process of implementing LGBT Friendly laws like Cuba. If USSR were here today it would be doing the same instead of what we have today in Eastern Europe/Russia.
U.S. too didn’t have legal gay marriage until 2015. So maybe they should look at themselves in the mirror instead of shitting on a country which hasn’t existed for over three decades.
Are they "slava ukraini " people? Because, Ukraine is just as unfriendly towards LGBTQ as Russia is.
tbf russia did pass a trans genocide law recently. but i used to help trans refugees leave ukraine before the war even started in 2014, it is not good there for queer people, at all, and anyone who says otherwise is a giant piece of shit
you are genuinely one of my favorite people on Hexbear, thank you for all you do
it was just a little work, honestly im more amazed at the on the ground organizers, i was mostly just doing translator work and monitoring police communications
there is just so much incredible violence against queer people in russia and ukraine
In Russia, being trans without gender marker in the documents changed and watching news about Argentina is terrifying. While the Ukraine does not currently prohibit getting F64.0, it may do that very quickly, using the “they are doing this to dodge the draft” rhetoric.
I am afraid that some of my friends (or, in the worst case, everyone) won’t be able to get out.
what happened in argentina, their laws have largely been good
It has not happened yet, but Javier Milei had won the primary election, so he may become the president in October election.
heres hoping trans stuff is left alone
Ukraine simply drafts diagnosed trans women when they do not have their papers changed yet, and Ukraine still requires bottom surgery to even enter the legal name change process. I don’t want to think about what it’s like to be queer and at the frontlines of this war, heard too many stories about gay men in Ukraine marrying a woman who’s their lovers’ best friend so at least somebody close to them and their lover can visit them in the hospital when something happens, or so they can plan the funeral in the worst case.
I’ll go and send more hugs to my friends over there. I don’t have any more words.
In daily life maybe the levels of homophobia are similar? I can’t judge, and I can imagine especially in the east it can get pretty bad. But the ukrainian government has been publically going pretty hard on rainbow capitalism from what I can tell. Their official stances are certainly much better than the shit we have in Russia lol
i wouldnt be able to say, we worked with obviously extreme cases. like one was in north eastern ukraine near kharkiv and the cops were regularly giving death threats to a trans woman so we got her to prague. we also worked with Chechnya a lot. there are worse spots in every country
Your guess is as good as mine.
But the answer is yes.
The cruel dictatorship at blahaj.zone has cut its citizens off from vital posting supplies. Citizens are forced to turn to inferior domestic posts or risk the black market and ostracism. Soon we will be eating the dead. Please Hexbear, my people yearn for freedom.
more proof behind the pudding that not all trans/queer spaces are safe for trans and queer people. sentiment can be good, but you need to back it up with tanks
queer lives are not up for debate, ban the fuck out of everyone who disagrees
I don’t really want to create another thread about their crappy instance, so I’ll just add this as a comment here instead:
Is Azov Neo-Nazi? CW: Fascist apologia for a neonazi paramilitary.
oh god, pass the eye bleach! what is is with liberals and whitewashing nazis?
i’ll add another link to the pile lol
Guessing game: Russia’s moon mission crashed. Whose fault is it?
some of the commenters act like Russia is still communist, it’s weird.
feddit.de user with three thunderbolts
Definitely not sus
This article from France 24 reported how Azov Regiment has been de-ideologised.
Yeah, because the leaders of Azov were dispersed amongst the armed forces of Ukraine, effectively spreading the ideological nucleus of Azov like seeds in the wind to take root across the entirety of the nation’s forces.
Andriy Biletsky and the people who make up the National Corps political party are neo-Nazis who deserve scrutiny. However they have no political power and do not represent a majority of Ukrainians.
“Deserve scrutiny”
Oh boy, here comes the next wave of liberals tutting and wagging their fingers at the leader of a military group who literally has Nazi tattoos. That’ll surely get him to change his fascist beliefs.
The fact that Neo-Nazis “have no political power” (political power, apparently, comes out the bottom of a ballot box to these people 🙄) is ahistorical liberal cope.
The Nazi party didn’t have “political power” and yet they rode their paramilitary dominance in the Weimar Republic to being installed at the levers of power in the republic in order to stage a coup because they were never capable of achieving political power through liberal democracy.
So this whole notion that “the Nazi problem in the Ukraine is, like, totally a non-issue bro” because they can’t get themselves elected is just incredibly ignorant of what happens when fascists have enough guns (and political influence outside of holding seats in a parliament).
…do they honestly think that the fascist forces in the Ukraine would somehow be above staging a coup and seizing power because fascists are bound to adhering to the rules of liberal democracy?
What world do these people live in??
A starting point for learning about this topic is the Azov Brigade wiki page.
ace scholarly work
How could the brigade founded by Nazis and composed of people using Nazi symbols and greasing bullets with pig fat specially for Muslim enemies ever be Nazis? That’s just absurd. After all, it received funding from a Jewish oligarch who also may or may not have supported Zelensky’s campaign
We have gotten over 196… new users
Looks like they can’t blå as haj as we can.
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tolerance allows for objectification and marginalization, while liberation demands dignity and equality
That post
Are they just being purposefully ignorant about what Cuba and Vietnam have been doing?
Frankly remarkable projection there, given that it’s the US that backs coups to overthrow elected socialist leaders and install fascist dictators like Pinochet or Armas.
They’re so confused and arrogantly uninformed. They know a couple of catchphrases and just put them together like madlibs to form their arguments.
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Works on multiple levels
Operation IKEA Freedom is commencing according to plan