And everything that implies aside, it’s a really good one. Coming out of the military with a decent MOS or G.I. Bill is one of the few paths to real class mobility left for a lot of people. That’s by design I’m sure.
Coming out of the military with a decent MOS or G.I. Bill is one of the few paths to real class mobility left for a lot of people.
For now. They have already screwed over a huge chunk of people who were enrolled in loan forgiveness for federal service and continually screw vets over with the intentionally horrible VA system. I’d not count on the GI Bill surviving Trump.
Oh for sure, on all points. It’s a real good jobs program, it’s one of the few vessels for class mobility left, and it’s entirely that way by design.
Can’t have everyone getting free college. Just the ones that work for us for a few years, breathe in one or more toxic chemicals, and come out the other side brainwashed by being spoonfed nationalist propaganda the whole time like they’re making jarhead foie gras. Assuming you didn’t start sucking that koolaid tit in highschool from the junior ROTC.
I’ve got nothing but respect for our Marines. Someone has to be the dumbest motherfucker in the room, and they will proudly step into those shoes.
And everything that implies aside, it’s a really good one. Coming out of the military with a decent MOS or G.I. Bill is one of the few paths to real class mobility left for a lot of people. That’s by design I’m sure.
For now. They have already screwed over a huge chunk of people who were enrolled in loan forgiveness for federal service and continually screw vets over with the intentionally horrible VA system. I’d not count on the GI Bill surviving Trump.
Oh for sure, on all points. It’s a real good jobs program, it’s one of the few vessels for class mobility left, and it’s entirely that way by design.
Can’t have everyone getting free college. Just the ones that work for us for a few years, breathe in one or more toxic chemicals, and come out the other side brainwashed by being spoonfed nationalist propaganda the whole time like they’re making jarhead foie gras. Assuming you didn’t start sucking that koolaid tit in highschool from the junior ROTC.
I’ve got nothing but respect for our Marines. Someone has to be the dumbest motherfucker in the room, and they will proudly step into those shoes.