(but don’t forget to backup your music collection)
Edit: Unlike what the website name suggests, it allows you to download FLACs, and not just MP3s. These come from Deezer HiFi.
Oh thank you for this 😍
For real been looking for something like this since I switched.
What is its source? Torrents in background?
From what I could find, Deezer using free trial Deezer HiFi accounts.
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So they just save the lower resolution YouTube audio into FLAC?
No. Very much no. I wonder where he found that.
Direct image link
But I did find a few that clearly might have been uploaded to Deezer as 320K MP3s with their 20.5kHz cut-off, but based on replies on Reddit, it is sometimes just mastered that way, “Often for dumb reasons”. However, sometimes it shows FLAC download unavailable for certain few songs, so maybe it really was just different mastering in those cases.
Ah that’s good, thanks for explaining!
Why not just use yt-dlp?
I used to do that, but oftentimes what you find on YouTube is multi-generation lossy re-encodes which can sound poor with earphones.
I still rip from YouTube if certain songs are not on Deezer or
Also, this is faster.Yt-dlp can rip from a lot of website though, not just youtube. Here’s a full list
I end up downloading these as webm, and exporting the audio to MP3 in Audacity. It’s a bit annoying for remixes that aren’t put on SoundCloud by the original uploader, and the audio quality difference can be noticeable sometimes ☹️
Thank you, you just changed my life.
Let’s see how long until Spotify kills it.
As much as I am a fam of alternative Software and such, what are actual advantages of using spotube over Spotify premium? Disregarding the membership fee.
The fact you’re using a libre client that doesn’t do extra data collection.
Anything you do in the UI has some associated backend request (everything relevant at least). Search queries, loading albums, skipping, changing settings, anything is just a Web requ on their backend server which could still be collected. The custom ui does not save you from relevant data collection. Only thing potentially not getting tracked is empty navigation between tabs, but there is not a lot of info in tab switching
That’s what I meant by “extra data collection,” it just gets data that has to do with what you do on the server, which is significant, but you’re still protected from kinds of local collection (e.g.: device model, IMEI if possible, screen resolution, networks you connect to, etc.) other than not having analytics trackers and ads. It may sound a bit crazy, but it is possible to collect this kind of stuff to fingerprint you, just like browser fingerprinting.
This is true for the desktop/mobile app application I aggree with you there since its a CEF native on desktop and mobile apps have these kinds of APIs. I very much disagree with the Web client (which admittedly my original comment didn’t mention at all, personally I mainly use the Web player)
Since on Web it’s just a Website, all previously mentioned serve side tracking applies; but getting any hardware information through the sandboxing would break the browser security model and is not possible since there is no such web API. Web fingerprinting is one of the reasons apple (at least they keep bringing it up as a concern) is not keen on implementing the Web API for the luminance sensor on safari. Interestingly webkit (chromium core) does have the functionality which is why it’s behind a dev flag atm (
Identifying hardware should not be possible according to the browsers security model.
I should’ve phrased my question as ‘what advantage does spotube provide over Spotify premium in the browser’, after downloading it and trying it out I am guessing the biggest advantage is the download button and stuff like that? Though… I personally have no use for offline Musik nowadays.
Edit: Sidenote: the Mozilla docs frequently mention that the user agent may be used to infer hardware/browser information, and therefore developers are encouraged so spoof it (and in general not to trust the information given)
Most tracking and fingerprinting is driven by JavaScript running on the browser itself, not server-side tracking. Also WebKit and Chromium are not the same engine.
Here is a documentation link of chromiums conceptual application layer: which clearly shows the core of chromium (especially rendering, and API infrastructure by w3) is done via WebKit through a Webkit Port and a glue layer for type compatability.
I never said WebKit and Chromium are the same engine, mainly because chromium is not an engine at all. WebKit is a browser engine and is the core of chromium, chromium is a browser core, but not an engine.
Where do you get the information from that most fingerprinting is done in JS ? Because, in the end, the data has to be sent to a server to be processed (even if the fingerprint is aggregated in a cookie). Which in turn would just be another way of saying its on the backend.
If i do a JS request to the backend bc i want to see album X and its cover, i request the resource from the server. There is no way around this. If the actions I took are saved on a local cookie or the server directly logs the request makes 0 difference in the end as to process the logged action it would’ve to be sent to the server anyways; else there is no point in logging.
Here is mozillas docs for fingerprinting: As can be seen the tab itself only has access to the APIs of the hardware down under, which can in turn not really be trusted as any linux user can easily spoof these. Sure you can be identified, as in your browser. But nothing about your hardware. I just did that test and all the hardware info is miles off.
I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
Spotube is too laggy for my liking. Innertune is my preferred streaming app that isn’t self hosted.
TIL that there are open source clients for spotify. time to go down another rabbit hole, thanks linux.
Youtube music too, YT Music Revanced for modded app.
Innertune, Vi Music if you prefer FOSS clients
I use YT Music with UBlock Origin, NoScript, Cookie manager and Dark Reader. Works like a charm, no advertisements
You might like ViMusic. It is a 3rd party client for YT music. I started using it recently and really liked the UI.
Yeah ViMusic is pretty good for what it is, but it’s not really better than the original YouTube music client.
My main complaint is that the sound quality is worse than YouTube Music with YouTube premium and that you’re not able to cast to other devices
Also, I don’t like how lyrics are displayed
Ah yes Spotube, for when I want to hear a song 2 minutes from now after it finally buffers.
I just keep downloading albums of MP3s like I have since the late 90s. It used to take hours and half the songs were mislabeled and real sketchy quality. Now, it takes seconds to download an entire album, and they’re almost always correctly labeled and high quality. I tried Spotify for a while, but it really seemed like it was for attention span deprived people who want something different every song. Gimme full albums any day.
Eh, I’m a full album guy (Pink Floyd ftw) but I still enjoy Spotify. I’ve been introduced to a lot of good music I probably wouldn’t have found otherwise, and sometimes I’m just not in the mood to commit to a full album.
I like the concept of original spotify, but this new one where they give joe fuckwit rogan billions and then screw musicians around for fractions of a cent per playback kinda turned me off of their model.
Maybe I used it wrong, but I joined for a few months, and just used it to search up artists I already knew and listen. And then, I found it less convenient than my MP3 collection which easily fits on an SD card or my phone’s drive. I only very periodically search for new music. And I usually end up obsessing over one artist for a long time before moving onto another. We’re talking months to years. I’ve been listening to almost nothing but Rush for a few months now. I was never a fan growing up, but decided to give their whole discography a fair shot. Now, I can’t stop listening to Rush.
Something you may be interested in is the “Artist Radio” feature. You start out by searching artists/song you know (like you said you already did) and then it will search out other artists that you may enjoy.
I’ve been introduced to a ton of great artists from all over the world this way. It’s one of the coolest features of the platform
Yeh I feel you, I used to be the same way actually. Gradually over time my habits changed and now I look forward to the Discovery playlist each week. But I totally get where you’re coming from, I used to just listen to the same artist over and over ha ha.
Now, it takes seconds
Maybe if you have fast internet
True. I am biased because I’ve lived in Korea the past twenty years. Internet access is ridiculously fast, cheap, and ubiquitous here.
What are you finding works well for that?
I download quite a bit from YouTube, but sometimes the quality is variable
Anything remotely popular will end up in a torrent somewhere. Anything harder to find, there’s Soulseek.
Didn’t know about Soulseek, thanks :-)
You forget PC users do also exist.
I just tried InnerTune, seems neat, but how do you add an artist to your library?
You can press the favorite icon on the top right (heart symbol)
ViMusic enjoyer
Do you run it in Waydroid?
No, i use it on my phone
I just download the songs and play them off of Musicolet.
Musicolet is nice, I’ve started syncing lyrics to my downloaded songs, it’s a nice activity to kill time.
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I always found spotube to be so slow.
thanks for the meme, now i know spotify has open-source client
Also see comments and their suggestions