Idk about y’all, but I like it when the fascists are stupid enough to out themselves to the world.
My thoughts exactly - I want my enemies to have a uniform to be pointed, named and shamed at.
remember in world war 2 when the Allies defeated the nazis by naming and shaming them?
I love how everyone’s like “I like knowing who the nazis are!” and absolutely zero ideas on what to do about them
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I wonder who shows up to defeat their leader
his legendary wand
This got me thinking. The common trope in Hollywood movies and shows is that, once the good guy wins, he usually shows mercy to the villain, and the villain sees the error of their ways and everyone gets along, or at least the conflict is resolved. I don’t hate this message of grace in principle. However, history has shown that this kind of behavior is never rewarded. If the loser is given an opportunity for an unlikely comeback, they will take it. Maybe this is part of why these neolibs don’t know what to do once they’ve caught a villain? It’s like thinking death always looks like someone croaking out epic final words before literal X’s replace their eyes, or that the entirety of sex is just when you kiss your crush and the studio audience goes “ooOOOOOoooo”
Harry Potter is a psyop
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voooooooote them out! whats that? Hitler won with 33% of the votes bc liberals enabled the fascists and would rather form a coalition w them than with the communists? nah, hitler won bc the communists went to far actually and were trying to restrict
They’re not the most perceptive bunch, they actually need people to seig heil in order to differentiate from themselves.
isnt the point of outlawing it that now you can do something about fascists outing themselves to the world? ffs liberals are so spineless
frfr. they secretly love the fascists bc who else would kill the communists?
objectively the left wing of fascism, capitalism in decay, the oppression of imperialism turned inwards, etc etc.
naw theyre the mainstream wing of fascism. social democracy is the moderate wing of fascism
there is nothing “left” abt fascism, hence the Stalin quote abt social democracy
ik what u mean tho, these ppl def think that they’re left wing
whoops my bad. my brain is incapable of remembering quotes.
no biggie! there are too many quotes out there lol
The average Australian can’t recognise a Nazi by their rhetoric alone, they literally have to throw a seig heil before they start to suspect anything.
“Hmmm this bloke at the gym banging on about Combat18 and Posie Parker seems like a nice fella. I’ll invite him over for a drink”
Probably very hard to get a good
reading in Aus because of the high level of ambient Hitler Particles.
There is hardly anything liberal about tolerating explicitly anti-liberal/anti-democratic forces.
That’s… the most liberal thing imaginable.
I think the most liberal thing imaginable is a universalisation of property rights (of a particular cultural pedigree) and a fetishisation of markets (unless inconvenient to those with lots of property).
You forgot about the key factors of claiming credit for any social progress accomplished by socialists and acting really smug about it
While kicking a pile of dead leftists under a comically large rug
You do realize that free expression requires that you permit things as reprehensible as racism, transphobia, homophobia right? You’re literally doing the “Well I dislike it, so I’m revoking their rights” thing. I frankly don’t give a shit what they “call for” unless they’re trying to incite imminent unlawful acts. The crutch for the weak-minded and stupid is asserting yourself as the only moral and political authority and pretending that this will not immediately blow back up in your face. If being an actual liberal with principles is right-wing, then I guess I’m right-wing. It’s better than being a spineless succ with no principles and who thinks liberty is removing the liberty of others.
they just SAY it!
unless they’re trying to incite imminent unlawful acts
They would have absolutely zero disagreement with a Nazi putting minorities in death camps so long as it’s the law of the land.
They might start getting a little uncomfortable after the first couple million or so are murdered, but up until then it’s
“Millions exterminated, but many Americans move on”
They only start caring when all of a sudden nobody’s renting from them because everyone’s dead.
They would have no problems with the camps being constructed. History begins with the first guest.
i truly could not give less of a shit about ‘liberty’ in the sense of political freedoms.
I frankly don’t give a shit what they “call for” unless they’re trying to incite imminent unlawful acts.
Damn that’s what we’ve been missing. Instead of saying “Shoot the landlords (in minecraft)” we should have been saying “shoot the landlords (at sometime in the non-imminent future).”
The thing about this that really upsets me is the BEING A NAZI is inherently calling for violence. Like, even by their own stupid qualifications this is breaking the rules
Braver than the troops
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Truly a great poster of our time
holy shit am I tired of ‘free speech absolutists’ showing up to defend Nazis and literally nobody else
“First they came for the Nazis” LOLZ
Neoliberals know they’re next on the Nazi spectrum so it does make sense they’d be concerned once Nazis are targeted.
I mean, statistically the closest thing you can get to sending people to labor camps based on race is doing it by the socioeconomic status you were born into, and that’s their idea of utopia.
“First they came for the Nazis and locked up me and all my buddies”
That’s a lot shorter poem than the original, no extra steps between nazis and neoliberals
All the redditors in that thread are like: “I don’t like nazis but…”
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“Damn man, we cant even say “hi” to our friends anymore?”
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see nothing wrong with one quarter of a magic school being dedicated to magic nazis?
What kind of school has a quarter of its faculty dedicated to teaching magic engineering?
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Absolute scum.
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blah blah blah It’s fun to think about free speech from different perspectives.
Still hasn’t figured out it wasn’t supposed to apply to him.
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i actually don’t support these laws because they historically always just get used against the left and never against the right. fascism isn’t defeated by the government banning it, it’s defeated on the street. Also from a long time back, one of the proposed amendments to this bill was the following text (i dont know if it was in the final bill)
all other extremist groups which seek to promote fascism, communism, anarchism, bigotry and violence in our community
we also know that in places like germany where nazi symbols are banned they just invent new more obscure ones anyway
they don’t need a legal mandate to oppress the left. blow up every nazi statue with public money.
The 2023 Amendment Bill can be found here.
Doesn’t look too bad actually, specifically calling out a crossed out swastika as being allowed (afaik in Germany this example was used to disperse antifascist rallies)
Either way though, the solution can only come from the working class.
Either way though, the solution can only come from the working class.
Aye, ain’t that the truth
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The state introducing the bans in the article is the same state that incident happened in.