It’s not illegal, but it’s still weird, creepy and potentially harmful and no amount of lambasting about “the problematic age gap discourse” will make it not true.
Everyone under the age of 25 should be strapped to a booster seat and given a binky and a rattle
:chomsky-yes-honey: :smoothskin:
Power dynamics.
Power dynamics.
Power dynamics.
Power dynamics.
Power dynamics
The booster seat might get me to 6’ at least
Struggle session not related to the revolution, struggle session for its own sake, is useless.
Kim is wrong about this on art. Art for its own sake is important and is one of the reasons for the revolution, to free art from the constrains of capitalism and needing to make money.
Art for it’s own sake is pure idealism, anti-materialist, and bourgeoisie self-indulgence.
Art cannot exist for its own sake because all art exists in a historical context. The idea that art is or even can be some pure self-expression, some kind of raw creative exercise, is quite literally the height of idealism.
All art is in fact an act of communication rooted in shared experience, history, and biology. Denying this is engaging in bourgeoisie idealism. It’s a pretense that meaning exists or can exist in the abstract divorced from the material. It’s a pretense that the value of a thing exists or can exist in the thing rather than it’s function for a human or for humanity. This is why art “for its own sake” is idealism, because art cannot be for its own sake and engaging in the myth that it can be for its own sake is anti-material anti-scientific anti-dialectic idealism.
All art is an act of communication and denying the communicative function of a specific work of art is denying that something is being communicated. A denial of responsibility for the communication. Recognizing that all art has a communicative function places a burden upon the artist to be conscious of what they are communicating.
Art for it’s own sake is pure idealism, anti-materialist, and bourgeoisie self-indulgence.
The idea that art is or even can be some pure self-expression, some kind of raw creative exercise, is quite literally the height of idealism.
Brb gonna go tell my neice the finger painting she made this weekend is bourgeoise self-indulgence
Edit: I get jokes without writing walls of text :squidward-nervous:
Leftists: “What two consenting adults do in the bedroom is not anyone else’s business.”
Also leftists: This
Power dynamics.
I mean, power dynamics are something that needs to be considered to make a healthy relationship, but all relationships have power dynamics. I mean, the power dynamics between men and women in general is likely more intense than the specific gap that of a 26 year old and a 19 year old.
Heterosexuality is not something we can get rid of, much as I dislike it. Dating someone who’s barely an adult so not a requirement of your biology.
I didn’t actually want to accuse you of saying this, but this sounds like to me you’re saying heterosexual sex can’t be truly consensual?
What I’m saying is that all relationships have power dynamics.
sex can’t be truly consensual
all consumption is non-consensual under capitalism
LS can speak for themselves, but that is a line that many radical feminists take
This sounds like cult Maoism.
I know, and I can see the logic. Still, I hope that straight people can have consensual sex, because the alternative would seem to make humanity irredeemable.
I don’t know enough about “radical feminism” to say I am one but I’m a feminist and I’m a communist so I am a radical feminist.
In this case, I believe they’re referring to the radfem idea that all heterosexual sex is wrong and that being a lesbian is as much a moral/political choice as a sexuality. Some, but not all, of these people are also TERFS.
someday we will study what drives people to constantly start conversations with random strangers about who should and should not be having sex, imagining all the details that make them angry and constantly proposing new rules about it
Harry De Bois vibes
Insufficient concentrations of Orgone Energy is my bet.
Power dynamics.
Every time I see something like this get posted the age gap gets narrower and narrower, and I’m excited to see where it ends up
:volcel-vanguard: ! ! ATTENTION CITIZEN !! :volcel-vanguard:
the Volcel Vanguard has found you guilty of “making whoopie” with an individual 6 months your junior. Please report to the nearest :gulag: for immediate summary execution. Thank you! :volcel-judge:
There isn’t a defined line for when an age gap is bad because it’s only one factor and while there is obviously a power dynamic between differently aged people that doesn’t necessarily make the relationship harmful. As others have pointed out, there are power dynamics in every relationship. What’s important is whether it’s being utilized or not.
I think it’s ultimately problem of alienation under capitalism. Ideally, under communism, you could rely more on the community to prevent predatory or abusive relationships without having super strict rules. I think 19-26 is in a grey area, it could easily be predatory but it’s possible for it not to be. I’d rather err on the side of bodily autonomy.
while there is obviously a power dynamic between differently aged people
IDK, I feel like that’s an incomplete proposition, to some extent at least.
The things that typically make for an “power-dynamic” in a relationship, like accumulated personal wealth, social experience, social networks & ones overall position in society are all to some extent or another correlated with age to some extent. But y’know, none of those are necessarily guarantees; at least not within the specific age-range specified in the post at any rate.
OP, what’s it like being clinically allergic to context? Every other question you pose basically boils down to historically particular context, this one especially.
I’ve been wondering if OP is a bit account ever since their 2nd or 3rd big thread, whatever it was that followed the self-crit redemption arc thread
what context?
Idk, you haven’t really provided any.
Whenever anybody says it’s not ‘weird, creepy, and potentially harmful’ you say ‘power dynamics’ but power dynamics are about the context of the relationship when straight up legality is not involved.
counterpoint: that’s two consenting adults and none of my business :big-cool:
Under communism the age of consent will be 45:garf-troll:
well no because 19 year olds can go out with 18 year olds and that’s fine
We can still have Romeo and Juliet laws
wasn’t juliet like 13
Yes, and Romeo’s age is never given
States adopted these laws because like high school sophomores would date freshmen and end up on the sex offenders list. The age range varies itself from state to state.
Power dynamics.
Fine, 73. Take it or leave it.
I am 23. Whenever I accidentally come across nude pictures of an 18 year old (sometimes unavoidable on the internet, even when not searching for it) my immediate reaction is “ew, that is a child, I don’t want to see that”
I cannot imagine what kind of disgusting freak you have to be to pursue these children into your 30s and 40s. :gulag:
love a thread that reminds me hexbear came out of reddit
I find it preposterous that you’re talking about “power dynamics” when the 25 year old in this situation, at the time, was a poor intern at The Young Turks (making $25,000 / year in Los Angeles) who has lifelong body dysmorphia from being overweight as a teenager. While on the other hand, the 19 year old in this situation was literally
Michael Jackson’s daughter.
I mean, if anything, the 19 year old had more power in that relationship. She literally had 1,000,000 x more money than he did, at the time. He was literally a broke-ass boy toy to her. Do you not get that? Does six years of age make up for millions of dollars? And a nineteen year old who grew up in that environment is going to be very, very mature for their age.
She consents. He consents. They were both adults. They were both mature. They are literally still friends with each other, on good terms. Please don’t fall into the negative side of being parasocial. This is not even something worth talking about.
This post was inspired by Hasan but is not about him, nor his specific situation. I’m not going to address your other points because they’re irrelevant to this discussion which is about a topic much broader than that.
Your post is not illegal, but it’s still weird, creepy and potentially harmful.
no its not
I mean, it kind of feels like you’re trying to gaslight people that were in perfectly harmless and healthy relationships into thinking that they need to see themselves as somehow sick / dirty / impure / sinners. So yes, it could be harmful. If Christianity can have negative effects on people’s view of sex, then secular over-policing and internet with hunts can have the same effect.
Hot take: men should not fuck women.
It’s not illegal, but it’s still weird, creepy and potentially harmful and no amount of lambasting about “it being enough internet for today” will make it not true.
I believe this unironically
LiberalSocialist, you’re a professional at making high engagement posts :07:
I dunno why I have the power.
power dynamics*