Finland ranked seventh in the world in OECD’s student assessment chart in 2018, well above the UK and the United States, where there is a mix of private and state education

  • 🐱
    1 year ago

    If you want to copy Finland, learn from and copy their election system first.

    Don’t bother asking your elected officials, because evidence shows that they don’t represent their voters, they represent their donors. This is due to American’s electoral system, specifically first past the post voting combined with electoral college. This prevents more than 2 parties, which prevents real competition in politics, which makes it easy for the richest people around to buy up all the representation.

    Such is our reality now where they can say ‘Sure, democrats and republicans are clearly on the take, but what are you gonna do about? Vote 3rd party and waste your vote?’, and they’ll be right. Election laws protect the 2 parties, because they’ve slowly changed them over time to do so. Even party primaries are a new addition.

    So anyone wanting change in the USA needs to attack their safe seats and open up the playing field so we can have real representation again. Then you can ask your reps for stuff.

      1 year ago

      Neither I nor the article am American. If you feel that pressuring your elected officials in the US is not worthwhile and that certain things need to happen first, I understand, and I wish you luck in your efforts. For those of us who aren’t from the US, I hope the knowledge of Finland’s social policies is useful in your context. Keeping an eye on how others are succeeding can be helpful.

      • 🐱
        1 year ago

        Ah, sorry for assuming. Although it sounds like England uses FPTP as well in some elections if you’re from there. I assume thats why we got Boris and Trump: idiot twins.

          1 year ago

          Not English or a FPTP system citizen either, I’m afraid. If it is any consolation, we have elected unfit leaders using a ranked voting system too. It’s part of the reason I advocate for multiple-front approaches to social betterment - all parts of all systems can be compromised by bad actors.

          I’m also I’m not familiar enough with how Finland’s election system works to make a direct comparison there, I only have experience in public education policy, not electoral systems.