• @Iwasondigg
      148 months ago

      Doing the lord’s work out here.

    • Reef
      38 months ago

      How does Dark World fit into those rankings?

      Another issue with this one’s trailers was that it didn’t feel interesting plot wise? It looked like another Dark World, with another random alien wanting to use infinity stones to take over the universe. That was technically also the plot of GOTG1, but that movie looked intriguing in the trailers because of the cool alien worlds and new species.

      I wanted to watch Ms Marvel because of the cultural and family aspects. I wanted to watch Captain Marvel because of the 90s aesthetic and backstory of the shield agents (Coulson!).

      I’m planning to eventually watch this one, but only to stay caught up with some characters I like. The trailer was very generic

  • themeatbridge
    388 months ago

    It was also the highest grossing movie of the weekend.

    1. People don’t trust the MCU to make a good movie.

    2. Conservatives are review-bombing the movie for being too “not bigoted” “woke.”

    3. The weather was nice in the northeast and people had options for fall activities.

    4. The market is saturated with Marvel content, and even superfans have gotten bored.

    5. Marketing for the movie was limited due to the strikes.

    Maybe it’s a good movie, maybe it sucks. But you can’t really tell anything based on opening weekend. Week 2 will be a better indicator of how good it is.

    • @Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
      108 months ago

      I’m a marvel fan, but post end game I’m more selective and don’t watch all of it. This movie seems to require you to have seen the two shows (one geared towards teens) on top of the previous movie. So I can see why many people skipped it.

      I think Marvel needs to go back to individual movies for the heroes without too much or any crossover until an Avengers or team movie

      • themeatbridge
        38 months ago

        I haven’t seen it, but from the characters, it seems like you’ll need to watch Ms. Marvel and WandaVision. Both are decent shows if you are a Marvel fan. WandaVision is a trip, even if you aren’t a Marvel fan.

    • 🔍🦘🛎
      48 months ago

      Marvel fan here. Wife is sick and we ended up finally watching the last two episodes of Loki this weekend. It would have been better to give at least a week between the two.

      • @OldWoodFrame@lemm.ee
        18 months ago

        I don’t think I’d go see The Marvels either way but I watched the end of Loki this weekend too, that’s a pretty good argument that there is still room for Marvel content in the world if it’s good enough.

    • Scrubbles
      248 months ago

      Yeah the idiots screaming it’s too woke conveniently are forgetting this little tidbit.

    • I’m sorry, but where has everyone been? I have seen countless ads for this movie for the past 2 months at least. Every. Single. YouTube ad has had one of the 2 ads be for this movie. Maybe that’s the only place they’ve been promoting it?

      • For me, nothing on youtube and nothing in the streets. Only time I saw a billboard for the movie was on a trip to a different country, so perhaps it depends on where you live.

      • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
        48 months ago

        I use Ublock so I didn’t see any on YouTube, though it’s possible they focused there. I didn’t see a single billboard/bus ad/bus stop ad anywhere about this movie.

  • @Limeey@lemmy.world
    308 months ago

    It’s too bad that the poor performances is for the women leading installment, but good god how can anyone sit through another fuckin marvel movie.

    My hot take: I haven’t legitimately cared about a superhero movie since Ironman 2. I can’t deal with the same dumbass “quips” and overdone stories. Every trailer looks the same.

    I think we’re back to the age where you have to care about the comics to see these movies. And I never cared about comics.

      • @Limeey@lemmy.world
        158 months ago

        Oh my bad, I thought we were having a discussion. Next time I’ll be quiet until I have an opinion that you agree with!

    • @bl4ckblooc@lemmy.world
      58 months ago

      I think the first GOTG was the last one I really cared about. I forced myself to watch I finish Wars and Rise of Ultron so that I would understand the memes.

    • @NightOwl
      58 months ago

      Yeah, I haven’t even checked out Gen V or Batman because I got tired of huge quantity of them that have felt like got churned out since they also started doing TV shows for them, and tying it in with the movies.

      At that point I decided they weren’t good enough to keep up with hours of content. It was less of a chore when it was 1 or 2 movies to keep up. Same for star wars.

      Although, the Moving kdrama actually was something I reluctantly watched after constantly being recommended to see it, and that I did enjoy. But, probably because all the power stuff could have been completely stripped away and still been a good show, so wasn’t relying soley on the existence of powers to be interesting but more set dressing.

    8 months ago

    Is it actually bad or just woman-haters boycotting women leading roles.

    Personally I just dislike captain marvel as a character since she’s just too powerful, kinda like Superman. It’s just boring. Watched the ms marvel show and it was ok

      • JJROKCZ
        378 months ago

        Mock all you want, there are plenty of incels and conservatives out there that don’t want to see women succeed at anything other than domestic motherhood. And the venn diagram of those groups and comic book fans has a lot of overlap

        • @Railcar8095@lemm.ee
          138 months ago

          Marvel/Disney is going down in general. Nobody is speaking of secret invasion or Loki. Nobody cares anymore.

          Thinking that some incels going to the movies made multiple billion dollar movies and now them not going are making The Marvels fail you’re really overthinking it.

          I don’t have intention on watching it, but I don’t think I’ve seen less than half of the stuff released after Endgame and the only things I don’t regret are Spiderman and maybe Wandavision. Going to a movie now knowing half of the stuff was probably set up somewhere else and a lot will be set up for something else it’s just exhausting.

          Might check for free on D+b if they don’t crack down on account sharing

        • @Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          108 months ago

          They did it to Barbie and that had no discernable effect. Barbie set several box office records and at 17 days, “Barbie” tied the studio record for the fastest time to hit $1 billion globally, matching 2011’s “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2”.

          Incels and conservatives can’t beat a good movie, or an interested female audience.

        • @NightOwl
          98 months ago

          They don’t prevent other people from watching the films. Sounds like even you haven’t even gone out to watch it, and I doubt it’s because they stopped you from going out and seeing it.

          • JJROKCZ
            18 months ago

            As I said in the original comment, I don’t care for the character since she’s a Mary Sue like Superman

            • @NightOwl
              38 months ago

              Which is why the theory proposed seemed a leap, since you yourself gave an example of why a non incel doesn’t have interest in it. Add in the complaints of Marvel since the end game and the TV shows increasing the quantity of content but not necessarily the quality and I think that starts explaining why Marvel movies went from a can’t miss cultural phenomenon to either a skip or wait for disney+.

    • Throwaway
      68 months ago

      Its many reasons. It not being promoted is a big one. Marvel fatigue is another.

    • @June@lemm.ee
      58 months ago

      I enjoyed it a lot. It has some very real weaknesses that I mentioned above, but it was a lot of fun.

      • @GlitterInfection@lemmy.world
        38 months ago

        I also really liked it. It wasn’t the best Marvel has put out but it was a very fun film and Iman Vellani is such a joy to watch do basically anything.

    • snooggums
      58 months ago

      I saw marketing over the last year, but thought it came out a couple months ago.

    • PP_GIRL_
      58 months ago

      Funny, I feel like I saw previews for it for two years before it was released. Looked like shit every time

  • Veraxus
    8 months ago

    I keep hearing that it’s legitimately good… but I still have no idea what it’s about, other than it includes some characters who haven’t even been given enough background so far for me to care.

    This seems like a John Carter of Mars level of marketing bed-soiling.

    • @June@lemm.ee
      88 months ago

      It has some real weak spots, namely in the pacing because they just didn’t let anything breath. There are a ton of cuts that just feel rushed. A good, spoiler free, example: we meet Kamala again after, apparently, having become a seasoned local hero even though the last time we saw her she was brand new and figuring out her abilities. They could have spent a few minutes showing her growth, but they don’t. They treat the character like a well known and established character when she really isn’t, especially considering she was introduced on D+, which a lot of people have been skipping.

      Otherwise, I really enjoyed it. It’s legitimately hilarious, and the interaction between Carole, Monica, and Kamala is super fun. Especially Kamala. The setup for the next phase is really strong, and has me excited about what’s to come.

    • @EarthlingHazard@lemm.ee
      48 months ago

      So I saw it on Friday. It did feel a little generic super hero but I liked the bits with Ms. marvel and her family. I wouldn’t call it a bad Marvel movie but it’s definitely better than the newest ant man

  • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
    88 months ago

    This was marketed poorly. It got way less attention from consumers because nobody bothered to tell anybody about it.

    I’m going tonight, folks!

    • Uranium3006
      108 months ago

      peak MCU was avengers endgame, the one that was so popular even I saw it. they can only make so many MCU movies before it gets stale

      • @CaptDust@sh.itjust.works
        8 months ago

        Peak was the far superior Infinity war, but endgame closed the chapter for marvel for sure. Nearly everything after has been confused, disorganized and generally mediocre. ironically, tracking much like the comic books they came from.

  • realcaseyrollins
    38 months ago

    Haven’t seen the movie yet but I will this week.

    Really hard to tell if the movie is actually good because the only people who went to see it are the types of people who’d like it. Jeremy Jahns thought the movie was bad though.

    Kinda dreading it TBH because I was really looking forward to it and I don’t wanna be disappointed.