For example, I want to join a Today I learned community but when I search for it, I come across 4 of them on different instances.

What do you guys do when you see this? Join the one with the most users, join all of them?

    • @Grenfur
      1 year ago

      It would be nice if there were an app or plugin that would aggregate them into one heading or folder. So that on the user end all of the Gaming@ Lemmy.lm Gaming@ Beehaw, etc etc just show up under #Gaming on the users end. It would also improve the longevity of the smaller ones since we can already post across instances.

      That said I’m an idiot and not even remotely sure how that would get set up :).

      • piece
        11 year ago

        I am going to say something that is highly uninformed and based on a comment I think I read but, isn’t that what kbin does?

      131 year ago

      If there is not already a way to combine communities into a single feed, surely there will be soon.

          61 year ago

          I mean every community moderates itself, if you don’t like what one of them does, you cut it out of your feed.

          It sounds exciting, imagine if mods would have to compete for shares of a topic instead of a group gatekeeping a big community.

        11 year ago

        There is a multi-reddit issue open on github. As soon as someone actually codes it, it’ll be there.

        I’m trying to learn Rust atm to contribute, but very likely someone will code that up before I’m ready to actually submit pull requests and not be laughed out of the room.

      • Robonps
        11 year ago

        Yep. It was the same issue as multiple similar subreddits on reddit.

  • CrimeDad
    261 year ago

    Start beef. Survival of the fittest.

    131 year ago

    Because communities on Lemmy are still in their infancy I join all of them (at least the larger ones) and will wait to see which of them gather traction.

  • KNova
    81 year ago

    I’m hoping this gets addressed with a super-community / “multi Reddit” type feature eventually. But that wouldn’t really address how posting works. You would still need to drop it into a single community. But maybe it could encourage spreading content around similar communities.

    1 year ago

    I like the idea of different communities. A single giant “community” like reddit feels too big. Effectively no one can participate and the only content you see is the least common denominator. Ideally we’ll continue to see at least a few popular instances and not just conglomerate back to one giant instance. I think what needs to happen though is a better integration of local vs federal instances. There should be a toggle within a certain community page to see versions from other instances. Or a way to merge multiple community posts together.

    • I like the idea of different communities. A single giant “community” like reddit feels too big

      This is a good point. Some users prefer being in a community with a lower number of subscribers. Not everyone wants to post in a community with a million users so having big and small communities for the same thing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It gives people the choice to decide which one they want to participate in.

        1 year ago

        Right, I don’t know if anyone would want to post in a super giant community like reddit. Your post just gets lost in the void, content gets completely dumbed dumb, and no one knows anyone because there is too many users. This was a huge of appeal of the old time forums which got killed with reddit. I think the internet is going to fundamentally change.

      11 year ago

      That’s actually a great point. Haven’t really done much posting on reddit for the past couple of years but really enjoy the more intimate feel of lemmy atm. We’ll see how it all pans out but I yearn for the old phpbb days of the internet :D

      11 year ago

      I think it depends on the community. For entertainment stuff like videos, anime, memes, etc. I’d prefer a bunch of smaller ones. But hobby type communities, where you aren’t only looking at newest posts, I’d rather one big organized community.

      For instance, if I want to buy some new headphones then is would be a pain to have to look through 6 different instances for a stickied reccomendation thread.

      11 year ago

      It is surely going to be a bigger time sink and possibly more effective skinner box if I have to click back and forth between half a dozen different communities to follow different threads on stuff like breaking news or game/event threads.

      I think this will ultimately be polarizing, but I also kind of think it will have a lot of really interesting side effects as it scales.

        11 year ago

        Well you don’t HAVE to go on every community to see what every single community says about something though. You can just have the couple communities you follow and check those. Likely there will just be a couple of big communities for each topic, not dozens. What might happen even is that you have certain instances specializing in certain topics. You might have left wing and right political instances for example, so you’d just check the 1-2 instances you follow.

        Each instance would effectively become analogous to the old time forums.

        Like I said though, there is also the possibility of merging content from different instances into a single page.

    61 year ago

    They should treat it like hashtags on mastodon.

    Anyone can post to a #communityname. Local mods are responsible for content from their instance. If an instance doesn’t weed out shit posts, other instances can stop importing its content.

      01 year ago

      I think defederating is easier said than done, and besides, what if one community is very well behaved and helpful and another is toxic and awful? You throw out the good with the bad in that case.

      I think instead the user should be able to choose to combine similar communities, similar to the ‘multireddit’ concept. Then they can get gaming and beehaw gaming in the same feed.

      To help with discovery, a curated list could be created, and perhaps communities from that list could be suggested as time goes on. This does require some kind of centralisation but it would be down to the instance owner to decide to subscribe to it.

        41 year ago

        To me the trick isn’t consuming similar communities, but cross pollinating to them. Like if you want to comment on a new game trailer do you copy and paste the same thing into ten threads?

  • Adderbox76
    61 year ago

    I just keep an eye on all of them.
    Eventually this whole thing will sort itself out and the snowball effect will see some communities get bigger while others fall to the wayside. It’s a natural progression.

  • bappity
    61 year ago

    I just subscribe to both of them, the more mindless scroll content, the better >:D

  • BIFF
    51 year ago

    I sub to them all, and then order the communities to fight each other. The last community standing is the winner. Surprisingly, none of this has ever happened yet.