• 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    88 months ago

    Cities skylines came for SimCity several years ago, the Sims is kind of a sitting duck at this point lol. A lot of the other competing entries are still in development however, and some have been for years… so it could really go either way

    • @ILikeBoobies@lemmy.ca
      47 months ago

      Same company (paradox) is also making a Sims competitor

      Lead by the guy who did Sims 2/3 it’s mod focused

    8 months ago

    Seems like they’re missing the absolutely very important point that the target audience for The Sims doesn’t have NASA quantum computers to play their games. Sure it looks beautiful, but 99% of your audience won’t be able to play it unless you have Carmack himself doing arcane computer wizardry to make it run on a toaster.

    • @Kit@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      38 months ago

      Did we watch the same video? Other than the pre-rendered opening, I didn’t find it to be mind-blowing in the graphics department. It looks good, sure, but not so good that an average gaming PC wouldn’t be able to run it.

      • CALIGVLA
        58 months ago

        average gaming PC

        That’s precisely my point. The vast majority of Sims players don’t have gaming PCs, hell the majority of them don’t even play any games besides The Sims. They’re primarily playing these games on crappy work laptops, most of them without any discrete GPU in fact.

        • @Kit@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          17 months ago

          So we should cater an entire genre of games to gamers who don’t have gaming PCs, therefore holding back the genre from achieving its potential? That’s a hot take. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to expect a new game to have requirements aligned with other new games.

          • CALIGVLA
            27 months ago

            Food for thought: if your audience can’t play your game and everyone else doesn’t care about it, how do you make money?

            • @Kit@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              17 months ago

              The same audience played Sim City back in the day, yet Cities Skylines is still a major success. Make a good game and the audience will extend beyond those who traditionally played The Sims into the mainstream gamer space. Those who really want to play will find the means.

  • EtherealMoon
    47 months ago

    One thing I always liked about The Sims was it being a satire on life. Especially the first one. I don’t think this game is interested in going that direction… Everything is very Korean. Spotless and clean and sterile.

  • @Skyhighatrist@lemmy.ca
    38 months ago

    Looks promising, but if it’s going to have any hope of unseating The Sims, it’s going to need strong modding support.