A murder of leading law professors have argued that the Fourteenth Amendment is self-executing and requires local election officials to remove Trump from the ballot, as though he were a “stable genius” who had not reached the age of 35. Taking their lead, citizens’ groups have commenced actions in at least 21 states to disqualify Donald Trump from running for President because he engaged in an insurrection.

Trump has prevailed in three of these cases, but it is only the first lap around the track…

  • @treefrog@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    TIL a group of professors is called a murder.

    edit: Actually it’s not and either the AI is tripping or the journalist is pulling new terms out of their ass for effect.

    • spaceghotiOP
      178 months ago

      I believe the author is making a joke about law professors. A group of lawyers being compared to a murder of crows.

  • @neptune@dmv.social
    158 months ago

    Seems pretty clear that Courts should uphold state AGs doing so. It’s what Gorsuch thought about a state removing an immigrant from the allow a decade ago.

    Otherwise, any kid from anywhere is going to run for president in 2028. Make the college application of the century.

  • AnotherAttorney
    38 months ago

    I doubt any judge would actually remove Trump from the ballot, and even if they did there is no way it would survive in the appellate court.

    All this is going to do is further bolster Trump’s claims that there is a witch hunt against him.

    • spaceghotiOP
      158 months ago

      I don’t know, the Constitution is pretty clear that Trump is disqualified by the factual finding that he instigated and supported an insurrection. Any appellate court that strikes it down is going to reveal itself to be severely partisan.

      • AnotherAttorney
        18 months ago

        the Constitution is pretty clear that Trump is disqualified by the factual finding that he instigated and supported an insurrection

        The fact that every court to address this issue has said this is not the case suggests otherwise.

        • spaceghotiOP
          128 months ago

          It suggests that every judge ruling on it is afraid for their life if they uphold the Constitution.

          • AnotherAttorney
            8 months ago

            … or that there isn’t a legal basis for it because, y’know, that’s kinda the whole point of judges.

            • spaceghotiOP
              88 months ago

              So judges can’t make bad rulings, even for good reasons? Interesting.

              • AnotherAttorney
                18 months ago

                They most definitely can — it’s just not generally because they’re in fear of their lives lmfao.

  • downpunxx
    18 months ago

    Judges, as it turns out, are people, people with family and loved ones who they wish to keep safe, and have seen the insanity surrounding the American Republican Nazi Movement, and in the three cases where they’ve ruled in Trumps favor, ignore the evidence of their own eyes in favor of safety. I can fault them for not performing their tasks and duties they swore to uphold, but I can’t fault them for being terrified of the repercussions of having themselves and their families doxxed and targeted with violent reprisals… forever. Doesn’t help that the by and large the majority of Police departments nationwide support MAGA, and look the other way when these threats are made, or enacted against those who’ve publicly stood against Trump. We’re in a very dark place, and I believe democracy and the American experiment will survive this American Republican Nazi Movement, but there will be some casualties along the way, and none of these judges signed up to be Martyrs.

      • downpunxx
        8 months ago

        And the Mob at it’s height in the 40’s couldn’t hold a candle holding a candle to the breadth and reach of the American Republican Nazi Movement, I mean Jesus Christ they control entire States, and at it’s strongest the American Mafia only controlled Las Vegas, and the beaches in Cuba.