I’m honestly a big fan of the first one, but maybe that’s nostalgia talking haha I also like how 3 streamlined combat. What about you?

  • @NightOwl
    21 year ago

    I haven’t played the third yet, but of the first two the first one is what I prefer. I found the story of the first one more memorable, but getting to see more Jeanne and play as her was a lot of fun.

    • MapleOPM
      21 year ago

      Agreed. Though the second game is no slouch either and properly ties up the loop.

      You should play 3 when you get the chance, it’s great fun. :) (Also the origins game is cute and amazing as well)

      • @NightOwl
        21 year ago

        I’m planning to play 3 very soon and trailers were very great so I’m excited.

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    01 year ago

    I’ve only played through the first one. I’m going to try make it through most of the levels on Hard which is quite the challenge so far.

    Then I’ll figure out the switch emulator etc for the 2nd. I heard 3 was less good story wise.

    • MapleOPM
      01 year ago

      Many of the fans felt 3 was a slap in the face because they didn’t like one key character and the story that surrounds them. I didn’t mind that much but I dislike the way the overarching plot concludes. It’s a bit of a mixed bag, I’m sure if you like 1 and 2 you’ll find some enjoyment from it. :)

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        01 year ago

        I’ll play it with the mindset of ‘it’s fanfic, not cannon’ then.

        It’s been a while since I played Bayonetta, I needed a change of pace so I 99%ed Burnout 3, and then fell into Raft… but I’ll get back to it.

        I just love smashing the angels. “BOOM!! The… END!!!” "raaaarch! * explodes into chunks*

        • MapleOPM
          01 year ago

          It’s not that bad, but yeah I’d recommend you have the right expectations going in. Plus, the combat is great!