Meh, I’ve been on bupe for 4 years and love hot baths and such, it’s not that big of a deal. His previous issues were more of a problem than that. Buprenorphine is somewhat of a miracle drug for those of us who have been trying to battle opiate addiction. It has very very little side effects and does nothing more than stop the craving and make someone like myself feel like a normal person instead of like the fucking junkie that I am (was).
Not denying that it has depressive effects on respiratory and other systems. But if you’re not abusing other drugs while using it, there’s really not any problem with that.
Ketamine also should not be used in people with high blood pressure as it may further increase it and heart rates to dangerous levels.
Hot tubs increase heart rate as well however the blood pressure is lowered.
Oh yah, he had heart disease which is a no go with hot tubs.
Not to mention Buprenorphine on top of the ketamine which is bad news with a hot tub.
Meh, I’ve been on bupe for 4 years and love hot baths and such, it’s not that big of a deal. His previous issues were more of a problem than that. Buprenorphine is somewhat of a miracle drug for those of us who have been trying to battle opiate addiction. It has very very little side effects and does nothing more than stop the craving and make someone like myself feel like a normal person instead of like the fucking junkie that I am (was).
Not denying that it has depressive effects on respiratory and other systems. But if you’re not abusing other drugs while using it, there’s really not any problem with that.