I listen to music 3-6 hours a day and am the type of person who doesn’t enjoy hearing the same song the same day or really the day after. Sites I’ve used for discovering new music were reddit and rateyourmusic.com.

Beyond that I do use Spotify song radios, but typically the song has to be far outside my standard genres to show me new music.

Whatdo others use to discover new music?

  • modifier
    31 year ago

    It’s all mostly happenstance and serendipity but I do find a lot of music by googling what I hear in the background of movies and TV. Letterkenny always has really good music and it’s always or almost always by a Canadian group that I might not otherwise encounter.

  • @small44@beehaw.org
    31 year ago

    Bandcamp daily Blogs Since I listen mostly to hip hop and rappers collaborate often, features is a big part of the way I discover new music

  • I use a combination of Spotify discover weekly playlists, related artist lists, and lately I’ve been finding a random new category that Spotify curates and then searching for playlists of the same type that are curated by users. I think I get more deep cuts that way.

    • @ice9@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      I missed so much good music because I replied on music algorithm recommendatuons, BV has been great for finding the kinds of music I like

  • @Grassgrowz@beehaw.org
    21 year ago

    honestly the spotify algorithm is shockingly good at recommending me new music. it knows my taste inside and out. And i listen to almost every genre, but have my specific preferences to every genre. Been on the same account for like 10 years so spotify knows me pretty well by now

  • Briongloid
    21 year ago

    It used to be Discovery on whatever music app I’m subscribed to, but they have all turned awful for finding good music.

    They always end up playing the same type of single creator synthesised music that presumably is cheaper per stream than big bands.

    There are so many proper rock bands over the last 50 years, I just wish I knew how to find them.

    Whenever I come across a new band I add their albums to my Plex, eventually I’ll have enough to do my own discovery.

  • SomethingsVichy
    21 year ago

    Musicmap.com lets you search for an artist, then graphically displays similar artists around them. Great way to find new artists similar to old ones you know you like.

  • @Thavron@lemmy.ca
    21 year ago

    Honestly I listen to the radio, but a radio station that’s alternative and aligns with my musical tastes (www.kink.nl, a Dutch station). Stuff I like I look up, and see what’s similar on Spotify or what have been influences to them.

  • @noodlejetski@beehaw.org
    21 year ago

    Spotify’s Discover Weekly used to be great for me for a long time and I’d get lots of new music that I liked. it got pretty stale over the past year or so, with stuff that I don’t enjoy at all, and it often recommends me the same songs that I tell it to not recommend. it feels like I’ve reached the end of the internet and there’s no more music left to try.

  • camel-cdr
    1 year ago

    I mainly use metal-archives and bandcamp. On metal-archives, I mainly use the similar artists feature, and sometimes search for specific genres from specific countries.

    Edit: Oh, and I totally forgot, everynoise.com is also a great resource to get surface level into new genres.

  • Jxn
    21 year ago

    everynoise.com is pretty great, though it hasn’t kept up with the absolute most recent sub genres lately. Still fantastic, though. Connects with Spotify - which I use.

  • SigmarStern
    11 year ago

    The YouTube algorithm is sometimes surprisingly good. Like “Listen to this band with 47 plays!” and then it’s a banger.

  • @steakfries
    11 year ago

    thats a good question. i think i find most new music irl. just friends or family that are into something i havent heard of yet. into classic rock a lot now because of my father in law having his youtube recomended constantly playing at their place and its all old rock songs from 60’s to 90’s. i think online you’d have to maybe find some music communities and go from there. finding one new song on youtube can open up a lot when you sort the suggestions on the side by music and just keep going down the rabbit hole.