• SatansMaggotyCumFart
    7711 days ago

    Most meat alternatives like impossible burgers are bullshit.

    Ultra processed shit food.

    There’s a lot of good vegan food that doesn’t pretend to be burgers, ribs or anything else besides what is it.

    Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

    • @Forester@yiffit.netOP
      3711 days ago

      If you’re looking for context, this is a shit post about my recent interactions with a certain community of vegans

    • flamingos-cant
      2411 days ago

      Mammals need to be pregnant to produce milk, so to get cow milk you have to impregnate a cow. That’s what they mean by rapist.

        • toomanypancakes
          1211 days ago

          Everyone who drinks milk is funding the repeated rape of cows, to be more specific.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            811 days ago

            Isn’t the dairy industry heavily subsidized so would anyone paying taxes be doing that too?

            Do you pay taxes?

            • toomanypancakes
              1111 days ago

              You see part of the problem with the system then. This is why vegans go as far as possible and practicable, because animal abuse is built into everything and is not optional. We’re trying to minimize it where we can, and use that momentum to eventually get rid of some of the malevolent built in nonsense we all have to deal with. Nobody should be subsidizing cow rapists and murders, and it shouldn’t be a requirement to live here to.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                711 days ago

                Your language makes you sound like an anti-abortion nutcase.

                Cow rapist!

                Baby killer!

                It’s all the same to someone that doesn’t feel as strongly about your beliefs as you.

                • toomanypancakes
                  11 days ago

                  Sorry, do you have another term for the non consensual penetration of someone’s ass and vagina? I’m listening.

                  Turns out the answer was “no”. Color me surprised.

        • lol

          How the fuck did you think milk was produced? This is literally grade school biology. Farmers rape cows for their milk, and you pay them for the privilege.

          • @cm0002@lemmy.world
            611 days ago

            I think you seriously underestimate how much non-human raping goes on in the animal world. Many species have dicks that have evolved specifically to facilitate rape.

            • @inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
              11 days ago


              What does that have to do with humans choosing to rape cows for profit? Total non-sequitur. Bears shit in the woods, does that mean you do too? Animals rape, therefore you should too?

              • @iiGxC@slrpnk.net
                211 days ago

                Sometimes I shit in the woods 🖐️ not cause bears do it, just cause there’s no toilets out there and it is kinda nice tbh

                I would never buy animal products tho, that shit is fucked up 😬

            • @inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
              11 days ago

              It’s literally penetrating a genitals to impregnate them against their will for our own benefit, the definition of rape. Saying you don’t care about the rape of cows and will keep eating dairy is your opinion, but denying that it is rape is just straight up cognitive dissonance.

        • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
          911 days ago

          It’s like if you pay a hitman to do some murders for you. Are you a murderer? I guess not technically, but ‘conspirator to commit murder’ doesn’t have the same ring to it. Thus we just opt for rapist, since you support an industry that annually rapes cows and kills their calves so that you can enjoy a tall glass of cow juice.

          It’s ok if that’s what you want to do. No judgement here.

            • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
              911 days ago

              You can’t really compare the two things. You have limited control over how your taxes are spent, you can vote on how you want them spent and protest the actions of your government, but outside of that it’s not up to you.

              With milk, though, you are directly financing it by buying the product, and the product wouldn’t exist without those things happening. So you are in effect a ‘conspirator to cow rape’ since your demand incites the act.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                511 days ago

                Dairy production is heavy subsidized so even if you don’t buy it you are still supporting the industry.

                So yes it can be compared.

                • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
                  611 days ago

                  Ok, so because you’re being needlessly pedantic here is the comparison.

                  I am not directly responsible for the wars and murders my government commits because of the reasons I stated above. But if they had a big bucket that said ‘put money in this big bucket to directly support the wars and murders of your government’ and I were to put money in of my own free will - then yes I would be directly responsible for those wars and murders.

                  If I do not put money in I am not directly responsible.

                  That’s the difference between paying taxes and buying a bottle of cow milk.

            • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
              311 days ago

              Yeah, I used a metaphor to help explain how you can be found responsible for something even if you didn’t do the thing yourself.

                • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
                  311 days ago

                  I guess I don’t agree with you. If I buy a product that specifically requires the death of an animal I would feel like I am responsible for the death of that animal and monetarily incentivising the death of other animals.

                  If I pay a hitman to kill someone I am not innocent of murder.

                  You don’t get to support an industry that kills animals and then say you’re not responsible for the death of animals.

                  • Victoria Antoinette
                    211 days ago

                    the animal is dead long before I walk into a store or restaurant, and the people who did the killing have already been paid. I have no responsibility for that.

            • @Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org
              411 days ago

              Without getting into a semantics debate on what rape is. The reason the word is used is because dairy cows are impregnated by fisting the cows asshole and stimulating their cervix before squirting a semen gun into their vagina. The cows cannot consent to this so the word rape is used. Some people might not consider it rape for whatever reason and yes, the word was probably chosen to be provocative. But that’s the explanation.

    • @protist@mander.xyz
      11 days ago

      Impossible burgers cooked right on the skillet are pretty damn good, imo. And easy. I’m no vegetarian but we keep them in our weeknight rotation.

      Edit: Connect is messing up and I can no longer see some comments below. The study you cite, SMCF, uses the Nova classification system to define ultra-processed foods, meaning that category contains “soft drinks, sweet or savoury packaged snacks, confectionery; packaged breads and buns; reconstituted meat products and pre-prepared frozen or shelf-stable dishes.” This gives you no information on Impossible burgers’ impact on cardiovascular disease, it only gives you a trend among people who eat all of the above. I would suspect the reality is Impossible meat contributes to CVD slightly more than straight-up vegetables and significantly less than red meat.

    • Toes♀
      611 days ago

      Another frustrating thing about alternative meat burgers is they are often still using animal products…

    • @cm0002@lemmy.world
      611 days ago

      Yea, but they also hate the lab grown stuff that’s being worked on which is so close to the real thing without all the killing and cruelty and stuff

      • @iiGxC@slrpnk.net
        511 days ago

        Beyond burgers are literally right there lmao. You don’t need lab grown meat to stop supporting animal abuse, it’s a thinly veiled excuse to avoid having to change and grow as a person

        • @cm0002@lemmy.world
          511 days ago

          2 things, 1) I can’t afford it as a regular item 2) Id say they’re maybe 70% there, there’s still a taste and texture issue. I personally don’t mind it and would happily switch over if it weren’t for #1

          Vegans/Vegetarians will never get the vast majority of people out there to give up meat, best shot is that lab meat if they can get the cost equivalent to real meat.

          • @iiGxC@slrpnk.net
            311 days ago

            Lab grown meat is gonna be even more expensive, and 70% is way more than enough there that it’s no excuse to support animal abuse

            • @cm0002@lemmy.world
              411 days ago

              Lab grown meat is gonna be even more expensive

              Sounds like the perfect thing to advocate that the government subsidizes while the tech matures and comes down in cost on its own.

              70% is way more than enough there that it’s no excuse to support animal abuse

              Like I said, if I could afford it I would have switched already long ago, I personally am fine with the taste and texture. But for many others, that 30% is gonna be a deal breaker.

    • @Clent@lemmy.world
      511 days ago

      Vegans need to downvote anyone that disagrees when them is proof their ideas cannot stand scrutiny. They do not relish in a debate of in any capacity. They don’t even have original ideas, it’s the same couple talking points because it’s ideology base. They call themselves converts but won’t accept it’s a religion.

    • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      311 days ago

      Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

      Yeah! Most of the girls I’ve dated prefer it the other way around