Teachers will be forced to tell parents that their child is questioning their gender even if the young person objects under new guidance for schools in England, the equalities minister has indicated.

    • @Soggy@lemmy.world
      141 year ago

      Parents shouldn’t get absolute dominion over a human being just because. At some point society is also raising and protecting all children.

        • @CmdrShepard
          81 year ago

          Is this a serious reply?

          “Who from society” would be people like the child’s teachers, counselors, friends, relatives, mentors, etc.

          Funny you mention red-herrings and extremes and then go on to talk about how we’ll all be living under a Saudi-like dictatorship if teachers don’t snitch on kids to their parents about something like personal identity.

          • PenguinJuice
            11 year ago

            No. Absolutely fucking not. Full stop. My child, my choices. Period. End of story? Don’t like it? Pound sand.

            • @CmdrShepard
              11 year ago

              No it’s “absolutely fucking not” a serious reply? I suspected as much.

              • PenguinJuice
                1 year ago

                When people have conversations involving making decisions concerning my child on my behalf, the actual reply is much more violent.

                • @CmdrShepard
                  11 year ago

                  Good for you I guess? How many times has that landed you in jail so far?

                  • PenguinJuice
                    11 year ago

                    This only appears to just be ramping up now. I really do think this is not a policy that any political party should be pushing, lest they find themselves the target of like minded people like myself. People wonder why homeschooling is becoming more prevalent. It’s shit like this.

    • @Naia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      101 year ago

      Kids are not property. They are their own people and whether you like it or not they can be gay or trans. You can’t beat them out of being queer.

      If your kid doesn’t feel safe telling you who they are the that’s on you.

        • @DrPop
          41 year ago

          I don’t understand how you have reached this conclusion. As someone who is a member of the trans community none of these decisions you talked about are made lightly. I understand as a parent wanting to know what is going on with your child but the child’s mental state should be priority above anytime else. No one in the trans community wants convince anyone they are trans. That is something they must find on their own.

            • @DrPop
              1 year ago

              I’m sorry, but I gave that video am honest listen and still can’t understand how this relates to what I’m saying. There may be instances of these incidents happening and they should be dealt with on a case by case basis. But this is an overreach of the child’s privacy which is why we’re here. One of the first thing young women victims of sexual assault say is “don’t tell me dad,” for fear of what that would mean for them at home. If a child says they’ve been having feelings that they don’t understand themselves yet and they don’t want to have their parents know, they have a reason. Not every home is safe and something like this will lead to children killing themselves. Not every parent can be trusted to make that decision to do what’s best in these situations, so we must create institutions that can at least recognize when that is necessary for the safety of the child. We are not advocating for parents to not be a part of the discussion. We want the safety of every child to be considered in this decision.

              We have the same goal here of safety for children. Let’s tackle grooming wherever it is, but this won’t make the situation any better for the children who need this safety. This won’t work the way you believe it will, and we have evidence. I have way too much going on in my life at the moment to do a real deep dive to get the information you need. But I’m hopeful we can make this country better for everyone.

                • @DrPop
                  11 year ago

                  That is very valid. And I understand why you’d want to know anytime you can do to help your child. A hardline approach isn’t the way though. Coming out is a very personal experience and as long as your doing your job as a parent they should be willing to do that when they are ready. Another part of being a parent is allowing your child to grow no matter what that means. Instead of a beautiful tree that can provide happiness and joy for themselves and everyone around them as well, they may end up as a sad houseplant in a pot that’s too small. At the end of the day I think we have two different philosophies on life and being parents but we can find something that is more beneficial than harmful, and from a personal place this is going to have terrible consequences.

        • Flying Squid
          21 year ago

          Wait, you think if a student confides in a teacher that they’re trans, the teacher has the power to authorize bottom surgery? What?

    • @x3n0s@lemmy.world
      91 year ago

      By your logic, minors wouldn’t be allowed to confide in anyone they trust unless it’s their parents.

    • @CmdrShepard
      91 year ago

      What does this have to do with “parents making decisions about their children?” What decision are they being deprived of if a teacher doesn’t report everything a child expresses at school to the parent?

      For a parallel, what if the law was instead about race rather than gender? “Teachers must report white children expressing interest in talking to black children”

      You: “Well what’s wrong with that? It’s muh right!”