And if there is a migration tool from onenote to the alternative that would be even better.

  • @DataDreadnought
    31 year ago

    No offense but I’m seriously stumped on what makes OneNote good? I have to use OneNote for work and I shift through the Windows Office LTSC 2021 version of it, the web app on various browsers, and the android app. They all suck, getting the app to force sync takes to many steps and I’m having to do it frequently, the lack of code snippet support, the weird text boxes you drop everywhere if your not clicking inside the box, keyboard shortcuts are very lacking. Am I using it wrong or something? What makes it a good note taking app for you?

    • @constantokra
      11 year ago

      Handwriting. I’ve not found a good linux or Foss alternative that lets you have an organized collection of hand written notes. It’s not necessary for everyone, but it’s rather useful for a lot of people.

    • @NightOwlOP
      11 year ago

      I guess it was because I didn’t use it through the browser or the windows store version. I started using it from office long time ago, and continued using it preferring to get the exe version from

      Never bothered with syncing since I don’t use a windows account.