• @Mango@lemmy.world
      227 months ago

      It doesn’t really seem that way. I only ever hear about how evil Republicans are and how starving and precious the Democrats are. I think you’re all fucking stupid for thinking stances on subjects need to be clumped together in categories. I want universal healthcare, basic income, and the right to carry a gun for the next time police come to wreck my life over a false accusation made by a violent asshole!

      • @zcd@lemmy.ca
        897 months ago

        Do things typically go well for people who use firearms against police? Is this some sort of crazy shit that I’m too Canadian to understand?

      • PugJesus
        7 months ago

        and the right to carry a gun for the next time police come to wreck my life over a false accusation made by a violent asshole!

        “I want the right to execute public officials for doing their lawful jobs (for once) when I am accused of a crime and must go through the processes everyone must in order to ensure some modicum of justice instead of rampant crime or vigilante action”

        Uh, gonna go ahead and say that’s the fucking stupidest thing I’ve heard today.

        • @Mango@lemmy.world
          117 months ago

          I’ve been through the process. They forced a guilty plea out of me by holding me indefinitely. There’s nothing right about any of the times law has come after me. You can dress it up pretty all you like. I shouldn’t have to be helpless when facing unfair treatment and conditions I cannot mentally tolerate.

          • @GunValkyrie@lemmy.world
            577 months ago

            Yeah it’s a shame you didn’t have your gun when you were held by the police indefinitely. Surely, if you had murdered a few cops they would have let you go.

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              57 months ago

              Nah, they’d have killed me and that’s better than being subjected to their jail conditions. If also have killed them and maybe they will be less inclined to push random innocent people so far afterwards. I feel no empathy for them after what they’ve put me through. None.

              • Flying Squid
                57 months ago

                Of course! Because no one is allowed to be a police officers anymore other than the ones already on the job, so if you kill one, their numbers go permanently down! That cop you kill to stop them from pushing random innocent people around will never be replaced by another cop. You would definitely have done something very useful.

              • @AA5B@lemmy.world
                27 months ago

                maybe they will be less inclined to push random innocent people

                So far thinking that guns will solve this problem has ingrained an “us vs them” attitude, led to no-knock raids and militarization of police. How’s that working for you?

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              77 months ago

              That is my intention. If I win by some miracle, that’s ok too. My point isn’t just gun for me though. Gun for everyone!

              • @Coach@lemmy.world
                117 months ago

                Oh your point is well-taken and masterfully demonstrated, my friend. Guns for every unhinged whack-a-doodle among us. Go 'murica!

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              57 months ago

              I’m not gonna give you identifying details random stranger. The story is obviously much longer than that, but I don’t expect anyone to believe me and it’s not worth the effort to type out on my phone at work.

              • @Vespair@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                Well hey man, if your goal was to make a bunch of strangers think that you’re a crazy and probably dangerous jackass, then congrats because you’re fucking nailing it right now.

                If your goal was anything other than that, you should probably either take more consideration about the things you say or at the very least be willing to explain or elaborate on the mad ramblings flowing from your frothing mouth.

                But you do you do, I guess. Just preferably far as fuck away from me.

                edit: minor typo

              • @AA5B@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Even if stipulate to your inference that you were treated wrongly in many ways, attempted murder is not a reasonable response to most of them.

                We’d all be cheering for you to get a huge settlement, for any illegal cop activity to be severely punished (for real), for fame and notoriety over a victory for the little people …. But instead you come across as someone unstable enough that you should not have access to firearms.

      • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
        247 months ago

        The Democrats and the Republicans are both on the side of Capital, the Republicans just want fascism as well. The left is the side that is demonized by the media just as much as the fascists.

        • @Mango@lemmy.world
          67 months ago

          Everyone is demonizing and censoring everyone and playing innocent. Fuck literally everyone who uses labels and uses filters to suppress others. Why can’t we just sit here and argue about the actual subject points individually like decent goddamn human beings?!

          • @grue@lemmy.world
            347 months ago

            Why can’t we just sit here and argue… like decent goddamn human beings?!

            This you?

            I think you’re all fucking stupid

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              67 months ago

              Include the rest of the comment obviously. I’m done replying to someone who’s making a blatant spin.

              • @Donjuanme@lemmy.world
                177 months ago

                It isn’t blatant spin, it’s you got called out for arguing against your own positions. If you are genuine you’d do some introspection.

          • themeatbridge
            307 months ago

            Everyone calling you stupid and telling you to shove your stupidity up your ass is not censorship. You aren’t being suppressed, you are being evaluated, and if that makes you feel like you should shut up, then the free market of ideas is working.

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              37 months ago

              Yeah no, that’s all fine. We’re talking about Nexus mods here though. What they did was censor.

                • @Mango@lemmy.world
                  27 months ago

                  Yeah, and Facebook similarly has the right to their mass influence and control over who sees what around election time. I think they shouldn’t have that right though. Facebook is not a person. Companies aren’t people. Their capacity for doing damage should be open to audit. There’s a reason your food requires a list of ingredients.

              • sousmerde{retardatR}
                7 months ago

                that’s all fine

                It never is, sry for the “reddit” hivemind, corners of the Internet are different as you know, 🤷‍♂️.
                And lemmy.world censored lemmygrad.ml and hexbear and others by defederating with them, as well as enterprises and the government.

                • @Mango@lemmy.world
                  27 months ago

                  Honestly, that’s a complication that needs to be considered and can be used against us if we do the regulating wrong. There’s so many people in here who just have a side and wanna rage against me because I’m not bleating their tune. This isn’t about gayness or gay aversion at all. My problem is that the avenues for free speech may as well be abandoned because nobody goes there and exposure is determined by money. The Internet is the best we have and it’s being used against truth. My bone is to pick with censorship itself and more specifically when it’s done with large audiences.

                • @TheSanSabaSongbird@lemdro.id
                  27 months ago

                  That’s not censorship. Both lemmygrad and hexbear are alive and well and freely available to anyone interested in what they have to say. By your definition I’m “censoring” Fox News by not watching it.

                  • sousmerde{retardatR}
                    07 months ago

                    But it’s also preventing others from lemmy.world to see posts or comments from lemmygrad/hexbear/…(, as well as preventing them to post or comment), they’re not leaving the choice to lemmy.world users(, nor even asking them).

          • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
            167 months ago

            That’s more of a centrist take. It makes perfect sense for trans allies to demonize transphobes, for example. Nobody is advocating against constructive conversation, but sometimes views are genuinely rooted in malice and thus cannot be reasoned with.

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              37 months ago

              Keep your labels to yourself, and no it doesn’t make sense to demonize, ever. Take literally myself for example. I’m into futas and whatnot, but lots of gay dudes genuinely freak me out. It’s not the gayness, but some other creepy shit that comes packaged with it. I was literally stalked in the shower by multiple dudes in the homeless shelter and staff did nothing. I had a dude in jail who convinced the COs to make him my celly because he thought I would hook up with him and when I denied him he became violent about it. This is just the two most strand out examples. Gay dudes actually creep me out. You gonna demonize me for that?

              • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                I’m not sure you want to take a middle ground between being transphobic and being a trans ally, as that’s just transphobia. The transphobes should, in fact, be shunned and demonized for being bigots.

                Homophobia ain’t cool either.

                • @Mango@lemmy.world
                  37 months ago

                  Your problem is that you’re calling it what is not to have an easier time ridiculing and sounding cool. Malice and fear are not the same. Don’t give the malice camp allies from the fearful camp.

                  • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
                    7 months ago

                    Neither malice nor fear are good when directed at minority populations, and pretending one is better than the other when they breed each other is again a meaningless centrist take.

                    I’m flattered that you think I sound cool, though 😎

          • @Donjuanme@lemmy.world
            107 months ago

            But you’re the one who brought in assigned labels to begin with?

            That’s why we can’t “just sit here and argue”, because you’d eventually end up arguing against yourself. Thanks for cutting out the rest of the loop the “but my free speech” people would normally need to be guided through before the conclusion was reached.

          • Flying Squid
            67 months ago

            Weirdly, most people I hear about being “censored” are able to tell everyone in the world how censored they are.

      • mrnotoriousman
        137 months ago

        I want universal healthcare, basic income, and the right to carry a gun for the next time police come to wreck my life over a false accusation made by a violent asshole!

        The only things Republicans care about in this list is guns. Perhaps you can give us some examples of policy proposals the GOP has made in the last few years that don’t involve removing rights from people and consolidate presidential power?

        • @Mango@lemmy.world
          67 months ago

          You’re forgetting the other two inconsolable topics in G.A.G.

          Did you learn nothing in school about the major parties and their stances? I’m not exactly defending our indoctrinating school system here, but my point stands the same. You’re super simplifying literally just for the sake of demonizing your opposition. Either that, or you actually believe the strawman shit.

          Toss the labels. The only people being offered as president choices are both just different flavors of rich who don’t care about you. Let guns abortions and gays rot because they’ll never be solved. Consider right to repair or employee exploitation. Make progress where it’s actually possible!

          • mrnotoriousman
            107 months ago

            I’m simply asking for proposals by the GOP that look to solve issues, not remove rights, or consolidate power. It really shouldn’t be hard if they exist. But then again, we are talking about the same group that put out in 2020 that their party platform was just “Whatever Trump wants.”

            • @Mango@lemmy.world
              37 months ago

              Why engage with the label? You’re only going to come up against tribalism that way. They think Democrats are baby killers trying to take away their means to protect themselves and encourage their kids to do stuff they think is yucky. That’s what the labels are doing for them, so they band with their group and fire shots the other way without thinking just the same. The labels make every attempt at improving life worthless while the rich among us exploit the drama.

              • @TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
                107 months ago

                He’s not talking about the label he’s asking a very good, specific question:

                Name a policy proposal or decision made by the GOP as it stands since 2016 that has been aimed at helping anyone, improving anything, or otherwise taking steps to accomplish anything outside of stonewalling democrats and stripping rights away from conservatives “out groups”, and consolidating power/attacking election rights.

                I will even open this up to include state level legislation.

                Go ahead.

                • @Mango@lemmy.world
                  27 months ago

                  I’m not a Republican, so I don’t really follow what they’re doing. I try to focus specifically on right to repair and media censorship because maintaining a normal life at the same time as keeping up with people who are dedicated to all politics isn’t practical.

                  I’m not defending them. I’m attacking tribalism itself. The labels are meant to overwhelm and make people take sides. I cannot sit here and spend so much time addressing them and that’s a part of my issue with all this.

                • sousmerde{retardatR}
                  7 months ago

                  I suppose that :
                  In their point of view, the economical success is thanks to them.
                  Their conservative take on what they perceive as excessive “progressivism” is saving America from making a mistake.
                  Their opposition to censorship and the right to bear guns.
                  They want to fight crimes, and in their view criminals wouldn’t exist because they would be too afraid of being caught.
                  They believe that taxation is a theft, or at least excessive, and that they’re protecting the u.s.a. from an oppressive government. That without them people would have an easy life so wouldn’t work hard(, true to an extent, poor workers exist though, and childs of wealthy families have more interesting jobs).
                  They love freedom.

                  I.d.k., i don’t know them enough to defend them, including for the (far-)right of my own country, it’s a bit of a shame really, once you disagree with them their speeches aren’t very informative, that’s why i kinda regret not to have them to speak with.

          • PugJesus
            77 months ago

            Let guns abortions and gays rot because they’ll never be solved. Consider right to repair or employee exploitation. Make progress where it’s actually possible!

            Fuck women’s rights and LGBT people, you have a class war to wage, huh?

      • @ogoflowgo@lemmy.world
        37 months ago

        Lol! Sometimes these days I think I’m in, The Truman Show. I mean I have to be, right?.. This can’t be what the culmination of human evolution has created. It’s all too implausible to be true.

    • deweydecibel
      7 months ago

      Even the independent or non-profit media sources that have a lot of credibility and seem generally pretty chill will fall back on this every now and again.

      You see it anytime you hear people talking about division or hyper partisanship “on the rise” in that clinical, abstract way that sounds objective. It’s always in a discussion about the current state of “discourse”, and it’s nearly always remarked on like the story is the spike in “disagreements”, and not about what the disagreements are actually about.This pervasive idea that somehow people being upset about the current state of affairs and the rise of actual fascism is some kind of aberration.

      Like “Gee, people sure are arguing a lot these days. Boy howdy, they’re sure a feisty bunch, aren’t they?” Women literally had their right to an abortion taken away from them, we had armed fascists storming our God damn capital on the word of a President and current candidate, we had thousands die to a preventable illness because of rampant misinformation and right wing individualist propaganda, and still you hear this tone that people being really angry right now is weird.

      Fucking Kurkusagst, a channel I have a lot of respect for, just the other day dropped a video blaming social media on the mounting political and social divisions in our country, and implying all will be well if we just stopped using big media platforms. Social media is definitely part of it, but anyone seriously acting like it’s the primary reason people are fucking pissed right now has to be some well-off straight white man, because the rest of us have some pretty damn good reasons to be pissed. I don’t need Twitter or Reddit or Facebook to make me angry, I just need to be paying the fuck attention.

      It’s insulting to every women, every LGBT person, every non-white person, and every single person struggling to make a living right now to imply “social media is just getting us riled up.”

      • bitwolf
        37 months ago

        Can you share that video/channel? I couldn’t find Kurkusagst in any searches

          • bitwolf
            17 months ago

            Oh I love these videos! I actually was already half through the social media one already and had lost it in my history. Thanks for reconnecting me 🙂