I’ve seen a few hundred of these emails in the past couple days coming in from multiple different companies.

I’m looking for more info.

at least one said it was zendesk, most did not say any software.

the tickets are being sent with CC addresses that contain large email lists. often others on the CC who don’t know what’s happening will reply “stop emailing me”.

so far I’ve seen this coming in to multiple addresses and none of the sending companies are familiar either.

sounds familiar to anyone? any info on this? it’s there a name i can lookup to find more info? i want to know what services this effects so i can properly protect my stuff and my work stuff.

  • GreyBeard
    26 months ago

    Where seeing it as well. I’m unsure what the scam is. The ticket systems we saw don’t have any obvious connection to our industry. It is a lot of noise, but it wasn’t like a coverup spam, because it hit multiple users in the org at once. Really a strange thing.

    • Knighthawk 0811OP
      26 months ago

      i assume something just got popular with script kiddies, but i want to know what it is and what systems it effects so i can know if I’m protected or not.

      gonna keep looking at least as long as i keep seeing this happening

        • Knighthawk 0811OP
          26 months ago

          not sure if all of them did, but some did for sure. off looking address too

          • GreyBeard
            6 months ago

            Thanks, that helps. I shared this with the mspgeek.org community to see if anyone else is seeing it.