Who would’ve thought? This isn’t going to fly with the EU.

Article 5.3 of the Digital Markets Act (DMA): “The gatekeeper shall not prevent business users from offering the same products or services to end users through third-party online intermediation services or through their own direct online sales channel at prices or conditions that are different from those offered through the online intermediation services of the gatekeeper.”

Friendly reminder that you can sideload apps without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account using TrollStore, which utilises core trust bugs to bypass/spoof some app validation keys, on a iPhone XR or newer on iOS 14.0 up to 16.6.1. (ANY version for iPhone X and older)

Install guide: Trollstore

  • @sunbeam60
    225 months ago

    It’s not that simple.

    Blue chat boxes affect everyone. RCS is a stepping stone but my daughter wouldn’t be caught dead with a green chat box. Tell me how that isn’t Apple using their dominance to prevent other players?

    FaceTime (which they PROMISED to open up but never did) affects everyone.

    • Amir
      55 months ago

      The FaceTime software, would have done plentiful towards the industry & others, if it became open sourced.

      But nope, they decided to make it exclusive for only within the Apple product bubble. Now we are supporting with so many video apl software/ tools. It’s just fragmented. It’s okey with competition but this is far too much. Also the quality, safety have lessoned.

      • @BorgDrone
        35 months ago

        But nope, they decided to make it exclusive for only within the Apple product bubble

        No, they didn’t decide to do that at all. Not opening up FaceTime is a direct result of a patent lawsuit by VirnetX

        • Amir
          15 months ago

          Learning new things daily. Appreciate for the link.

    • @BorgDrone
      15 months ago

      Blue chat boxes affect everyone

      How do they affect you if you don’t even have an iPhone? You’ll never see those blue bubbles.

      Besides, the defacto standard for chat apps is WhatsApp, hardly anyone uses iMessage anyway.

      FaceTime (which they PROMISED to open up but never did) affects everyone.

      This was due to a patent lawsuit. Blame VirnetX, not Apple.

      • @sunbeam60
        55 months ago

        If you are in a peer group of teens where 70% have iPhones the lack of decent interoperability with Android affects the 30% that can’t be part of the conversations.

        It is not true that WhatsApp is the defacto standard everywhere. Might be true for you but large pockets where that ain’t true.

        I am blaming VirnetX but we both know it could be solved if Apple wanted to solve it.

    • @focusedkiwibear@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      sounds like your daughter is a typical sheep - perhaps THAT’S the issue you ought to try having an issue with rather than a company doing normal business.

      • @sunbeam60
        35 months ago

        LOL. What a charmer you are.