Really just curious what folks out there deem valuable enough to give money for monthly or annually. As a software engineer I have quite a few that keep me productive and I’ll list a few:

  • ChatGPT
  • Perplexity
  • Obsidian Sync
  • YouTube Premium
  • sunbeam60
    11 months ago
    • ChatGPT
    • Midjourney
    • YouTube Premium (which I get through a mobile phone subscription at a heavy discount)
    • Spotify
    • Channel4 ad-free (UK broadcaster)

    In addition I support a range of software through GitHub and Patreon:

    • PhotoPrism
    • Gluetun
    • Little Navmap
    • wg-easy
    • DuckDNS

    Finally I’ve got paid access to a couple of major and minor media sources:

    • Washington Post
    • Jyllands Posten (largest Danish newspaper)
    • Olfi (specialised Danish defense news, named after a Danish frigate Olfert Fisher)
    • Krigskunst (“The Art of War”, specialised Danish defense podcast)
    • Det Hemmeligste at Det Hemmelige (podcast about spy craft and stay behind movements during the Cold War - just gone behind a pay wall but used to run on a public service channel)